He didn't like it.

He was really unwilling to do anything for his dead comrades, so he went on to see them.

What kind of face does he have?

"The most fundamental thing about people's life, death, misfortune and fortune lies in their own incompetence and cowardice. If you have the power to save them, if you have the power to find out the real murderer, Ge Xiuyuan, tell me, do you still hate special departments? "

Meng Ran's sentence after sentence, as if drumbeat, beating Ge Xiuyuan that silent heart.


He has practiced hard for so many years, but in the end, he can't even take his three fists to suppress his power.

An unprecedented idea of becoming stronger grew wildly in Ge Xiuyuan's heart.

"I can't die! I can't die yet! I haven't avenged them yet! I haven't seen Hao Chen get married yet. I can't die! "

However, things are always changeable.

It was in Ge Xiuyuan that the ruthless devil came to him.

Ge Xiuyuan's pupil gradually reflected a big white hand.

The big hand, however, was like a natural moat, lying across his head.

As long as the master of the big hand urges a little skill, he can easily take his life!

"No! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! "

Strong survival * *, so that the blood in his blood vessels, gushing more powerful.

"It seems that you can't hold on to the third punch. Ge Xiuyuan, remember to hate me. "

With the light words falling down, Meng ran broke open the sealed Qi mansion at one fell swoop. The vast magic power broke out in this ten foot square school field!

Boom! Boom!

Jingtian thorough explosion sounds, Ning Feixuan and others, only feel the whole school ground, all tremble for a moment!

At the same time, underground base!

The technicians who are busy in the monitoring room feel that the water cup is shaking out a circle of ripples!

"Zi La"!

The monitoring screen around the school yard seems to be interfered by the signal, and all the pictures are cut off!

"What's the matter! Is it an earthquake? Repair the monitoring signal

A technical manager, sweating.

Not only that, because of Meng Ran's unbridled hand, even many TND soldiers who were resting were awakened in succession.

One by one out of the base, to the school field.

And what they saw was that they were stunned.

In the middle of the school yard, a huge mushroom cloud filled the air.

With the bright blue light, powerful and incomparable power, so that the four fields submit to it!

"Out of What's the matter? "

The scene was so shocking that it was as destructive as the atomic bomb explosion.

"Meng ran! You!? Are you crazy? "

Ning Feixuan rushed up like crazy, with the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, originally only a Zhang square of the pit, the extent of damage is enough to expand ten times!

In the big pit, the vigorous wind diffuses and the bright blood stains are all over the ground.

Gao Junwu and others, who are chasing after each other, jump down and move away pieces of gravel crazily, trying to find out the remains of Ge Xiuyuan.

However, they know better than anyone that in front of Meng Ran's just breaking out force, even if it is the incomparable heaven and man, it is absolutely dead!

"You You are in great trouble

Qi crisp chest disorderly shudder peerless elder sister, green onion white jade slender finger, unceasingly trembling, under the anxious attack heart, one head faints.

Meng ran took hold of Ning Feixuan's slender waist and gave her to Gao Junwu.

"Take her to the lounge and have a good rest."

Then he turned to Jackie Chan and said, "arrange for people to take pictures of the scene, keep them as evidence, and then order people to repair the school site."

After leaving these two words calmly, Meng ran turned into a divine rainbow and disappeared in the sky.

No one noticed that Meng Ran's left hand was always open, like holding a person.

However, his hands are clearly empty.


Two days later.

Special department underground base, headquarters conference room.

A dignified middle-aged man in blue and white military uniform with epaulets on his shoulder issued Yanjing central command to Meng ran seriously:

"Meng ran, the new minister of the special department, unfortunately died due to improper exchanges with soldiers. Central decision, give Meng ran record major demerit punishment

"At the same time, the post of Minister Meng ran will be removed for one month and left to be observed. If the self-examination is good within one month, the post of minister will be restored."

"During Meng Ran's suspension, all affairs of the special department are handled by Ning Feixuan, the captain of the special department. Meng Ran is not allowed to interfere in any affairs."

After conveying the instructions of Yanjing center in one breath, the dignified middle-aged man no longer has a serious look on his face. Instead, he stretches out his palm to Meng ran with a smile"Minister Meng, would you please hand over the minister's medal for the time being?"

Gao Junwu and other people were shocked, "minister!"

Meng ran glanced at them coldly, and all of them calmed down, but they were still looking at Meng ran.

In particular, Gao Yanan, the combat staff officer, is really reluctant to give up this young and promising handsome minister.

Meng ran handed Jin cancan's Medal of minister, and Wen Sheng said, "please Nie brother."

"Brother Meng, you are welcome. Why do you and I need to thank each other? I, an outsider, will keep the medal for you for a month. After a month, they will be returned in good condition. Brothers Meng can rest assured. "

Put the minister's medal into the kraft paper bag, after sealing, Nie Yiming quietly winked at Meng ran.

"You go out first. I have a few words to talk to Nethersole."

Seeing Meng Ran's opening, the person in charge of each department can't say anything more and can only leave the meeting room one after another.

Soon, only Meng ran and Nie Yiming, the special envoy of Yanjing, were left in the conference room.

Without the rest of the crowd, the middle-aged general, who looked dignified on the surface, gave Meng ran a thumbs up and laughed: "I said, brother Meng, your apprentice made a big fuss about song Zhengde's 80th birthday. I heard that, brother."

Meng ran laughs and shakes his head, "the younger generation is just mischievous, not worth mentioning."

"Come on! Of course, it's worth mentioning! Brother, you don't know. Now Yanjing circle has been spread crazy. He is used to bullying and blessing in his daily life, and people in all major families have long been disgusted by the old man. "

"Your apprentice gave him a bell at his birthday party last time. It was a perfect move!"

Nie Yiming is a senior member of the Nie family.

Two days ago, Meng ran accidentally killed Ge Xiuyuan. According to Meng Ran's intention, Ning Feixuan truthfully reported it to Yanjing center.

Although this incident, compared with Meng Ran's previous catastrophe, is only a drop in the bucket.

But Yanjing side, after all, still do a look, give those soldiers an account is not?

Nie Yiming is the special envoy sent by Yanjing to deal with Meng Ran's manslaughter.

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