In the twinkling of an eye, it is the 16th day of the first month of the Spring Festival, and Yanjing city is full of lanterns and decorations, a scene of jubilation.

It was supposed to be a time for family reunion, but Meng ran sneaked into the capital of Yanjing alone.

"Jinghua central kindergarten? It seems that this is what Zhou Jing mentioned, where Yin's mother was hospitalized. "

Meng ran, who sneaks into Yanjing City, uses a small magic to transform his appearance into a middle-aged uncle with stubble on his face.

According to the address provided by Zhou Jing, Meng ran took it to No. 214, Xichang street, Changchun Road.

According to Zhou Jing, the hospital on Xichang street was demolished shortly after Yin's mother died of illness.

Now the "Jinghua central kindergarten" in front of Meng ran was built on the site of the hospital several years ago.

It's Spring Festival and winter vacation. Kindergarten teachers and managers are at home on holiday.

Meng ran through the mind, but also just find the duty room, there is an old man on duty.

"On the one hand, Ma Su had no plan and little talent; on the other hand, he lost his Street Pavilion due to his discord with him."

In the old radio, the classical lyrics from the famous Peking Opera song "empty city plan" are played.

The old man in the duty room was shaking his head and humming along with him, while he was sipping the liquor in the wine cup with fragrant peanuts.

Meng ran laughs and shakes his head and knocks on the gate of kindergarten.

However, the old man, I do not know because the radio is too loud, or because of drinking slightly drunk, Meng ran knocked several times, did not respond.

It is also because of this reason that Meng ran glanced around intentionally or unintentionally, but unexpectedly found that this kindergarten surveillance camera is a little too much.

According to the law, this kind of place, has installed the surveillance camera, can't be more normal.

The duty room should be installed one after the other.

One is used to monitor those dirty hands and feet on weekdays, the other is to protect the safety of children.

But this is the gate of the kindergarten, installed more than a dozen cameras!

In front of the kindergarten and on both sides of the fence, it can be said that there is no dead angle in front of the kindergarten!

An ordinary private kindergarten is not an aristocratic kindergarten. To do so is a bit of a cover up.

Meng Ran's heart is suspicious, but quietly continue to knock on the door, but the strength of the hand slightly increased, is to manipulate the mind, electricity this slightly drunk old man.


The porter, who was shaking his head and singing a little tune, felt that his neck was electrified by a wire, and his whole body was excited.

The wine on the body, instantly went to 7788, this just heard Meng ran knock on the door.

"Who knocks on the door of the first lunar month?"

The old man put on his cotton coat, pushed open the door of the duty room and came out.

Seeing a middle-aged man with stubble on his face, standing in front of the kindergarten gate, the old man called out with doubt:

"who are you? What do you want to do in kindergarten

The gatekeeper's hometown seems to be from the South with a strong accent.

"Sir, I'm here to find someone." Meng ran made up a reason.

"Looking for someone? This kindergarten has been on holiday for a long time. No one asked you to look for you. " The old man was impatient and waved his hand to Meng ran.

The meaning is more obvious, obviously is not willing to take care of Meng ran, let him quickly from where to go back.

Meng Ran is familiar with the world and knows that this kind of cliche, if you don't give him some benefits, people will certainly ignore you.

I can't help but take out a box of cigarettes from my pocket and try to fill it through the iron railing of the gate.

The old man who had turned around and wanted to go, with his eyes bright, quickly took out the key to open the door and pulled Meng ran into the duty room.

"Uncle, I'm really looking for someone. You can help me, help me." Meng Ran's face is full of courteous expression, but also take the initiative to pass cigarettes to the old man.

The old man picked up his cigarette with a smile. He made a 180 ° change in Meng Ran's attitude and warmly said, "come on, big brother, sit down and warm yourself. You have something to say."

For this kind of means, too ran xianzun is really familiar with the road.

In those years, he secretly met with yaochi, and through this means, he fooled the powerful sacred animals guarding the holy land of yaochi and gave Meng ran and yaochi permission.

On a few cigarettes, Meng ran and the old man are already familiar to each other

"I said, brother Meng, if you want to ask about the past, you are asking the right person! Your brother, I have lived in Yanjing city for decades. I saw the demolition of that hospital with my own eyes. "

Meng Ran's eyes seem to have a flash of light, he was holding a fluke psychology, came to explore the clues of that year, but did not expect to hit and run into, really let him meet the witness of that year's event.

"That old brother, why did he have to demolish the hospital? My uncle used to live in this hospital! Where can I find him nowHave to admire, this too ran fairy to lie, but the face is not red, heart does not jump.

Make up a "resident uncle" casually.

When it comes to the reason for the demolition, after drinking a few cups of wine, the slightly drunk old man suddenly wakes up a lot and says in a mysterious voice:

"brother Meng, I'm not a liar. To tell you the truth, when the hospital was demolished, it was said that it was because of a big man in Yanjing!"

"At that time, all the neighbors in the neighborhood were telling me that this big man had a grudge against the hospital because his wife died in the hospital. I heard that the man who was in charge of treating his wife at that time did not come to a good end. Even the old president of the hospital was dismissed!"

The more the gatekeeper said, the more mysterious he became. What even Xiao San's superior history was pulled out.

It is said that this big man, who has a mistress outside, kills his wife in order to be superior.

At first, Meng ran still heard something serious. The more he heard it, the more he felt that this kind of gossip was like the one made up by those gossipy women.

The gatekeeper was also a chatterbox, pulling Meng Ran East and West for nearly half an hour.

Finally, Meng Ran is really tired of listening, find an excuse to leave quickly.

Although it's Kailiu, Meng ran stealthily sneaks into the kindergarten with the help of reclusive technique and makes a thorough exploration.

But because of the long history, the hospital has long been gone, there is no trace to find.

"Well, maybe we can get some clues from that servant's mouth."

Meng ran was transformed into a young man.

According to the address of Guo Kang, a male servant of Yin's family, she left according to Zhou Jing's mobile phone.

It seems that Guo Kang was dismissed by the Yin family and got a lot of compensation. He bought a one story residential building in a middle-class residential area in Yanjing city.

The security of this middle-grade residential area is strict. Identity registration certificate is required for entering and leaving. Meng Ran's eyebrows wrinkled, so he can only use his reclusive skill again to hide himself in

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