"Why is he here?"

Meng ran looks at Yin Ping intentionally or unintentionally.

Meng ran first entered Yanjing a few years ago. During that time, Yin Ping's whereabouts were uncertain.

When Meng ran was in the TND base in Jiangnan, when she was chatting with Yin Qingxue by SMS, she did not know that this earth immortal strong man had left Yin Qingxue for some time.

At that time, Meng ran was very puzzled.

According to the temperament of Yin Ping in the past, he always put Yin Qingxue's safety in the first place.

But after returning to Yanjing, Yin Ping left without saying goodbye.

Before leaving, she just told Yin Qingxue that she had some things to do and would leave for a few days. She even kept saying in her ears that she should pay attention to safety. This time, she did not mention a word.

How can this make Yin Qingxue and Meng ran not suspicious?

At that time, Meng ran also wanted to go to Yanjing in person to protect Yin Qingxue.

Yanjing city is a mixture of good and bad people. The old Foxes of nine families are covetous.

Let Yin Qingxue a person stay in Yanjing, Meng ran which rest assured under?

Just Meng ran just said his idea, was refused by Yin Qingxue.

Yin Qingxue promised Meng ran that he would not leave villa No.1 for half a step before his return to China. No matter how reckless the people of the nine families were, they would not dare to go wild in the villa of Yin.

Meng ran was not at ease at first, but she couldn't bear Yin Qingxue's hardness, so she had to give up.

"About the death of a Xue's mother, Yin Ping may know something about it. It seems that he is trying to get something out of his mouth."

Meng ran gently hugs Yin Qingxue, thinking silently.

It was just when he was slightly distracted that Yin Ping's figure had disappeared when he looked up again.

About half a minute later, Yin Tianzheng, who worshipped his dead wife, came over.

"If you have anything to say, go back to the villa."

The person in charge of the Yin family did not give Meng ran a chance to speak. After leaving such a sentence, he took Yin Qingxue's hand and took his family to the Rolls Royce luxury car parked by the gate of the cemetery.

In front of Ningxin cemetery, Meng ran watched Yin Tianzheng's family leave.

"Let's go back, uncle?" The beautiful secretary who opened the door of the luxury car for Meng ran asked in a low voice.

Meng Ran's ethereal thoughts were interrupted.

However, there was a silent grave before.

"Ping Lao?"

Seeing Yin Ping go and return, Meng Ran's doubts become deeper.

"Wait for me here first, and I'll be back soon." After leaving this sentence, Meng ran went straight to the depth of the cemetery.


Zhou Jing looked respectfully at Meng Ran's back, but it was full of sarcasm and banter.

It seems that the first person on the list of heaven famous in China is just a chess piece in the palm of her hand

"I know the reason why you took over the post of director of special departments, but I must advise you that if you go to school in Beijing, you will naturally be protected by me. If you don't, you will have to worry about it."

Without waiting for Meng ran to walk in, Yin Ping, who is standing in front of the tombstone with his negative hand, opens his mouth lightly.

Meng ran only felt that Yin Ping was like a different person. The old man who had a funny talk before suddenly turned out to be a thousand miles away.

Although Meng Ran's friendship with him is not deep, it is definitely an old acquaintance.

But Yin Ping's attitude at the moment is extremely indifferent.

"What do you want to say?"

Meng ran frowned at the old man's back, only to feel that his body was full of mysteries.

"Asked Xiuxian, he should not be exposed to the world. You are your banished immortals, they fight for their world, you should not interfere. "

There was no trace of temperature in the old man's tone. It was chilly.

Instead of being angry, Meng ran stepped forward and whispered thoughtfully, "it seems that you have already known about the disappearance of the population in Jinghua City. So you know who the emissary is?"

Meng ran doesn't understand. With Yin Ping's cultivation of jiedan, he has already pushed Huaxia. It seems that the mastermind behind the missing person case is afraid of him.

"Does every family have the power to awe a monk in jiedan state?"

Meng ran thought over and over again.

Suddenly, as if a flash of lightning flashed across his eyes, Meng Ran's mind suddenly jumped out of two words, "nuclear weapons!"

"You know, it's none of your business. No matter how stupid these people are, they will not be so stupid as to provoke you and me. The foreign language school will open tomorrow. Follow me and take you back to Yunshan district. You don't have to pay any attention to the rest! "

Yin Ping suddenly turns his head. There seems to be lightning crackling in his eyes and stares at Meng ran.

Meng ran did not hide or avoid, and he looked at him for more than ten seconds. He nodded in a deep voice and said, "good!"

"But before you leave, you have to answer me a question."Yin Ping glanced at Meng ran coldly, and the coldness in his eyes made Meng ran shudder.

"I know what you want to ask, and I promised never to mention it to anyone. But for the sake of Miss, I can tell you that before she was seven, she always had long hair

After that, Yin Ping's figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

In the whole Ning Xin cemetery, only Meng Ran is left.

The grave is desolate, and the cold wind sobs.

The young man in black in front of the independent tombstone, his sword eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

"Seven years old? Isn't that the year when a Xue's mother died? "


East fengyujingyuan villa No. 1, in the master's study.

Yin Tianzheng, who is sitting in front of his desk, is slowly tasting the coffee just made by the beautiful secretary.

On the desk in front of him, there is a thick book called "does God roll the dice", which is page by page.

This powerful Yin family owner is reading the words in it with great interest.

"Xiaoxue, are they all on the plane?"

Yin Tianzheng asked without raising his head.

The female secretary in a black professional dress said respectfully, "well, I drove all the way to the tarmac to see the plane take off."

Yin Tianzheng nodded slightly, and then continued to read. When the coffee in the cup was cold and Zhou Jing wanted to add coffee, Yin Tianzheng asked slowly:

"Secretary Zhou, do you say God rolls dice


Zhou Jing was stunned. She stopped her movements, and an apologetic smile appeared on her face. "Master, Zhou Jing doesn't understand what you mean."

Yin Tianzheng laughs, but he sees the wall with famous calligraphers and paintings hanging behind him, suddenly facing both sides!

A beautiful woman in cheongsam, walking on high-heeled shoes, curly Nana stepped out.

Behind the wall of this study, there is a secret room!

Zhou Jing, who saw her face clearly, changed her face on the spot and lost her voice: "how could it be you? Chu red sleeve

"Cluck, good sister, according to the generation of our magic sect, you have to call me elder Chu ~"

the cheongsam beauty lady smiles and covers her mouth. She is the general manager of the imperial concubine club, Chu Hongxiu!

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