At that time in 2011, the relevant national authorities have gradually realized that it is not advisable to sacrifice the environment for economic benefits.

As a result, capital cities such as Jinghua, which are capital cities, basically adopt the policy of moving out of China.

Basically, most of the industrial areas in the outskirts of Jinghua City are light industries now. Those heavy chemical enterprises with serious pollution have disappeared.

Ningfeixuan four people, hidden in the top of a six storey residential building, overlooking the military jeeps driving into the streets of the industrial zone.

Ning Feixuan looked around, vaguely felt that the surrounding scenery had an indescribable sense of familiarity, and murmured: "this is Hongxin road section? "

Seeing Ning Feixuan stop and look around, Gao Junwu, who is always a quick tempered muscle man, can't help but urge him to say:

"Captain, why are you still in a daze! Go after it

After that, Gao Junwu and Yu Chenglong want to jump down the building and catch up.

It is Ning Feixuan drink at the same time.

"Didn't you find that Liang Jianguo was deliberately cutting corners all the way? There is a direct road from the branch base to Hongxin Road, but he doesn't take the road. Instead, he takes us in a big circle in the streets. It seems that he deliberately delays time and finally enters the Hongxin road. "

Ning Feixuan a pair of sky blue beautiful eyes, slightly squint, as if smelling a conspiracy breath.

Gao Junwu was stunned. He immediately turned his head and looked around. The more he looked, the more surprised he was. Then he slapped his thigh fiercely, swearing:

"I just felt something was wrong when I just followed him! It turns out that this son of a bitch is taking us around on purpose

The muscle man Gao Junwu's lungs are almost angry, and he secretly scolds himself for being stupid. If the captain hadn't reminded him, they were such a large group of people that they could not react to it.

Yu Chenglong's thick eyebrows wrinkled and said in secret, "did he find us?"

This time, not only these two big roughs, even Fang rubing, is also looking at ningfeixuan nervously.

Fang rubing's practice time is still short, and he lacks actual combat experience. In this situation, he can only obey Ning Feixuan's instructions.

Just as the four of ningfeixuan hesitated, brother Jun's cold voice came into their ears through the headset:

"Captain, the jeep stopped on the map!"

Not far behind the four people in ningfeixuan, Junge, sitting in the car, is connected to the "sky eye monitoring system" through a sophisticated laptop, closely monitoring every move of Liang Jianguo's jeep.

At this time, on the map of the sky eye monitoring system, the jeep with the red mark was stalled.

Ning Feixuan looked at each other fiercely, and then quietly comforted themselves:

"I hope I am suspicious. Iron head, Jun elder brother, you pay attention to guard around, once you find anything wrong, report to me immediately! "

"Let's go!"

At the command of Ning Feixuan, Yu Chenglong, Gao Junwu and Fang rubing follow Ning Feixuan's steps, jump down from the top of the building and go after Liang Jianguo's jeep.

In the darkness of the night, the four men were as silent as ghosts.

However, even Ning Feixuan did not notice that they thought they were Mantis catching cicadas. They were already being watched by a yellow finch!

At the top of the building, which is dozens of stories high, there is an old man in Tang Dynasty, leaning on his cane, watching TND's every move.

The old man in Tang costume, with his back bent, looks like he is over the age of the ancients, almost half pedaling into the coffin.

With his hands on his walking stick, he coughed gently. In his muddy old eyes, however, there was a trace of evil spirit in his eyes. He sighed: "cough, cough, it seems that Ning Wenbin asked me to stay here, which is really right. Ning Wenbin, Ning Wenbin, I'm really looking forward to the moment when you and your good niece face each other in war... "


At this time, on the balcony of Ziqiong villa, Meng ran gradually clarified the secret relationship between Lu Shaoqian and his son and Wanjia!

"Can we say that the reason why Wanjia chose to support Lu Hongyuan and become a domestic pharmaceutical giant is to become the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River because they covet the hormone reagents in his hands!"

Meng Ran's pupil shrinks suddenly, blaming himself for his carelessness. Before destroying the Lu family, he should thoroughly investigate the cause and effect of it!

"Yes. Wan Lingtao, the old fox, just took a fancy to the value of hormone reagents. Therefore, he spared no effort to support Lu Hongyuan to become a domestic pharmaceutical giant. In this way, he could avoid the medical testing of relevant departments and carry out his "t virus project" under the eyes of Yanjing central

Yin Ping sat on the rocking chair and said slowly.

"T virus project?" Meng Ran's eyebrows wrinkled and his bad premonition became more and more intense.

Before returning to Beijing, Meng ran secretly sent Ge Xiuyuan, who had died in disguise, to sneak into Jinghua City in advance to seek information.

Because most of the missing people are young people of strong age, Meng ran uses Ge Xiuyuan as bait to catch behind the scenes.However, Ge Xiuyuan has been in Beijing for a few days. Apart from contacting Meng ran in private on the day when he arrived in Beijing, there was no news.

Even more strangely, Meng ran could not feel the trace of his mind left on Ge Xiuyuan!

There is no doubt that GE Xiuyuan may have been in danger.

However, Meng ran doesn't believe that GE Xiuyuan is so easy to get into trouble. Although Ge Xiuyuan's skill is slightly inferior to that of the real peerless man of heaven, it is easy to escape as long as he is not a strong man of tianbang level.

So far, Meng ran can only believe in Ge Xiuyuan's ability. After all, he was born in TND and received the most orthodox elite training.

Just as Yin Ping mentioned the "t virus project," Ning Feixuan had already found Liang Jianguo.

The head of the information section who drove all the way into Hongxin Road Industrial Zone unexpectedly stopped the jeep in front of a pharmaceutical factory.

"Lu's pharmaceutical factory? Isn't this the property of the blocked Lu group? What is he doing here? "

Gao Junwu, who was hiding in the dark, was greatly surprised.

After Lu's group was checked and sealed off, the whole Jiangnan Lu family was scattered, and its industries were basically seized.

Ningfeixuan can even see the seal on the pharmaceutical factory through the infrared night vision telescope.

As the jeep door opened, Liang Jianguo, dressed in a black windbreaker and with a pair of big black sunglasses on his nose bone, got off slowly with a leather briefcase in his right hand.

"Is he going in?"

Fang rubing asked in a low voice, Ning Feixuan three people are shaking their heads, do not know why.


Liang Jianguo stopped and turned in an instant!

"No! Hide

Ning Feixuan drink a, three people immediately hide in the dark.

However, Liang Jianguo burst out laughing and yelled: "drillmaster Yu, don't hide. I know you've followed me all the way. Are Gao Junwu and captain Ning there? "

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