The fire and the ice shine each other, interweaving a magic color.

The burst of gunfire rang through for more than ten seconds. Soon, the super soldiers with only 50 rounds of spare ammunition, and the jade bullets in the magazine were exhausted in an instant!

"Captain! I'm out of bullets! "

"I've run out of mine, too!"

Gao Junwu fired the last flame bullet in the new pistol, and the pistol magazine was also empty.

"Damn it! Fifty bullets are still too few! "

Gao Junwu bit his teeth and scolded. He would like to move the weapons depot of the headquarters base, and invite the Lord of Luomen to have a good drink of his mother.

"How are you, captain? Can you hurt that son of a bitch? "

Gao Junwu, who is out of bullets, follows Jackie Chan and comes to Ning Feixuan one after another. Jiao Sheng asks.

"I don't know. The Lord of Luomen ranks second in the heaven list, and he is already the top strong one in the half step divine realm. This level of martial arts, far beyond our understanding. None of us has ever dealt with him except Meng ran. "

"It is almost impossible to kill the famous Lord of Luomen with these dozens of pistols alone. So far, we can only hope that the new pistol developed by Meng Ran is very powerful and can make him suffer from injury. "

Ningfeixuan has long wine red hair, fluttering in the wind, and her beautiful blue eyes keep a close eye on the center of the fire cloud, with a melancholy voice on her face.

"Damn it! If there are 200 bullets, I don't believe that you can't shoot this son of a bitch! "

Gao Junwu clenched his fists, and the green veins on his arm swelled up. His face was full of angry growls.

Ning Feixuan sighed slightly, did not explain what.

Each super soldier who participated in the operation had a maximum requirement of 50 rounds of jade bullets, which was agreed by Ning Feixuan and Meng ran after careful discussion.

This operation is not only aimed at the behind the scenes gangsters in Beijing, but also plays a role of "military training".

If iron heads and others rely too much on new pistols, then the series of special training they received in TND headquarters base during this period of time will be meaningless.

Therefore, Ning Feixuan and Meng ran intentionally limit the amount of spare ammunition carried by super soldiers.

However, even Meng ran could not have expected such a great change in the battle plan tonight.

The Lord of Luomen, the second highest ranking in tianbang, should have come to Beijing in person!

With the intervention of this semi God level strong man, a series of battle plans previously formulated by Ning Feixuan became empty talk.

In the face of this level of martial arts, in addition to absolute strength, everything is in vain!

"Captain Ning, do you want me to inform the teacher to come?" Fang rubing asked with a worried color.

"Meng ran must have noticed the fierce fighting here. And even if you tell him now, I'm afraid it's too late. "

Ning Feixuan sighed a low sigh, and then her expression was firmer in an instant. She gave an order to all the soldiers:

"listen to the order, give up the operation tonight, and withdraw immediately! Repeat, retreat at once

Gao Junwu and Yu Chenglong look at each other in a daze.

In this situation, it is clear that they have the upper hand!

Fifty bullets for one person, and six hundred bullets for twelve of them!

Can't six hundred bullets of this kind hurt the old man?

Gao Junwu and Jackie Chan are not satisfied with the retreat order of Ning Feixuan.

And once we retreat now, what will Liang Jianguo, the traitor, do? What about those behind the scenes in Beijing?

It's only one step away from catching these bastards. My captain, now he's going to retreat?

But even if these two people how to disobey, TND iron fight discipline, is not for fun.

In the battlefield, as acting Minister Ning Feixuan, has absolute command!

Gao Junwu and Jackie Chan understand that this is definitely not the time to be impulsive. If his captain wants to retreat, he must have his own consideration.

A group of super soldiers, one after another, put away their guns and quickly boarded the military jeep.

The super soldier driving the jeep started the jeep and prepared to evacuate from the gate of Lu's pharmaceutical factory.

But at this time, like a cold laughter from the mouth of hell Death, a faint ring:

"so you want to go

Mixed with the sound wave attack of S-level mental power into the brain, a group of super soldiers, just feel headache and want to crack, one after another in the jeep holding their heads and wailing.

Red blood from their eyes, eardrums and other places, source outflow.


The four ningfeixuan people, who were in charge of the post-mortem, also gushed out a big mouthful of blood.

They are still unable to cultivate spiritual power, and they do not have the mental power ability. They have little resistance to this level of mental attack.

"Damn it! Can't that hurt him? "Ning Feixuan shell teeth bite the world of mortals, beautiful to pick out the slightest flaw on the jade face, full of resentment.

If Meng Zhang doesn't come here, he won't be here! Damn it The captain of the imperial sister was so angry that she puffed up her chest and shivered, setting off the snow-white waves.

However, no matter how angry she was, Ning Feixuan would not be overwhelmed by anger at the moment. She still gave a decisive order to retreat:

"retreat! All of you must withdraw immediately

Jade hand mercilessly wipe off the bloodstain on the corner of the mouth, Ning Feixuan four people, one after another to escape.

The military cross-country jeeps carrying ten top soldiers have also been launched. With the driver stepping on the gas pedal, the speed of the jeep increases sharply.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a group of super soldiers have already fled Lu's pharmaceutical factory, hundreds of meters away.

But with the help of jeep mirrors, these super soldiers saw a chilling scene:

but in front of Lu's pharmaceutical factory surrounded by fire and frost, an old figure with a walking stick walked out of the fire cloud step by step!

Dressed in Tang costume, he was surrounded by a strange blood awn. He was the same as Shen lingcang, the blood demon seen by Ning Feixuan that day!

"This is What a bloody smell! What kind of evil skill has this demon cultivated? "

In the industrial area with many factory buildings, ningfeixuan, walking in the sky, can clearly see the master of Luomen's monstrous red blood eyes!

Ning Feixuan looks back, her eyes and the eyes of the Lord of Luomen, Ning Feixuan heart is not from a fierce jump.

Immediately stopped on the roof of the factory building, roared at the infinite walkie talkie: "be careful!"

Ning Feixuan voice just fell, and she is nearly 200 meters away from the Lord of Luomen, monster blood pupil, fierce burst out a bloody God awn!

It's like a sharp blade. It's like a magic weapon. It's a hundred meters away!


In ningfeixuan's heart rending scream, the blood god mang "bang" a huge sound, will drive a fast cross-country jeep, on the spot shot through!

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