A young team leader with a waxy face pressed the iron head with his American submachine gun in his hand, and made a gesture to kill the iron head with one shot.

However, Junge did not worry about the safety of the iron head. He just put his arms around his chest and looked scornful and said coldly:

"young man, you can try. If you kill him and hire your boss, will you also shoot your head?"

A simple sentence, it is a moment to let the proud Mercenary Captain hesitated.

Mr. Ning did not tell himself clearly whether to kill these super soldiers of TND.

Mr. Ning's ruthless means, underground research institute, no one does not know.

It is said that Dr. Laurent's beautiful assistant was killed alive in the laboratory because he saw Mr. Ning's appearance, and even the corpse was thrown to the mutated monsters as rations

At the thought of himself, if Mr. Ning was so angry that he would end up dead, the Mercenary Captain would shudder.

"Well, handcuff them all With a wave of his hand, the captain of the mercenary shrieked.

Then several mercenary killers came forward one after another, took out handcuffs, including Fang rubing, and handcuffed all the iron heads.

"Laozi knows that you are martial arts practitioners. You should cultivate Chinese internal skills. But if you think that you can get rid of the handcuffs with your internal skills, you are very wrong. To tell you the truth, these handcuffs are made of special alloy to deal with you bullshit

Mercenary team leader, unbridled laughing, and then motioned to his men, iron head and others will be escorted into the underground research institute.

During this period, the young team leader kept his eyes on his delicate body wrapped in Fang rubing's fur coat, and looked at him, licking his tongue and salivating all over his face.

"If you take another look, I'll gouge out your dog's eye." Fang such as ice expressionless said, voice cold, so that the small captain can not help but fight a shiver.

However, he said strangely: "little Niang PI, it's wild and hot enough! Laozi, I love to clean up such conceited women as you, ha ha

Fang rubing, who couldn't bear the evil eyes of the mercenary leader, tried to kill the bastard with ice magic for several times, but was stopped by Junge's stern eyes.

Now ningfeixuan is defeated, TND these super soldiers are just a group of remnant soldiers.

Even if Fang rubing can kill the Mercenary Captain at one stroke, he can't escape from the heavy encirclement of hundreds of people.

The most important thing is that once Fang rubing shows his accomplishments, he is afraid that he will be watched by the Lord of Luomen standing in the sky, and the result will be nothing but death.

More in this crisis, Junge is more calm than anyone else. He knows that he can only wait until the first person on the list arrives!

Only that young man is the turning point of everything!

When Fang rubing and others were escorted to Lu's pharmaceutical factory by mercenary killers, their delicate bodies were nailed to ningfeixuan on the roof of the factory building, and the blood was pouring down.

Her lightning power was almost broken, and her silver hair gradually turned wine red.

"Ning family girl, if you want to blame, you should not come here, dare to disturb the T virus plan. You have something to do with him. I can't blame me for killing you! "

The Lord of Luomen, standing in the sky, grinned coldly, grasped his five fingers out of thin air, and a bloody spear made of pure Qi immediately appeared in front of him.

Xuanning's hand is locked in the gate of death!

"Ningjianvwa, let's settle down!"

With the grim smile of the Lord of Luomen, the bloody spear shot straight out!


However, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly stopped, and there was no sound of flesh and blood being penetrated.

The Lord of Luomen's eyes narrowed slightly. What he saw in front of him made his eyebrows jump violently!

I saw the blood gun that should have pierced ningfeixuan's eyebrows, but it was standing in the air!

It's like it's hard to move forward!

"How could that be possible?"

The Lord of Luomen was shocked and lost his voice. He held up the sky and poured his real yuan into the blood gun from afar. He tried to kill Ning Feixuan in one fell swoop.

However, no matter how much real yuan he infused, the bloody gun was always fixed three feet in front of Ning Fei's tube, making it hard to move!


The Lord of Luomen looks like a ghost, but when he reaches his level of skill, he has been sneering at ghosts and gods for a long time.

All of a sudden, a sneer of despising the heaven and earth resounded through the whole sky!

"Want to move her, asked Meng Mou?"

This voice is not a simple voice, which is mixed with a turbulent force of mind like a sea. It is invisible and immaterial, and goes straight to the head of Luomen!

The unprepared master of Luomen even had no time to urge his mental strength to resist, and his eyes were bleeding on the spot!He held his head in his hands and yelled at the sky: "Meng! But

The great voice of the Lord of Luomen rang through the four fields.

Fang rubing and tietou, who were escorted to the gate of Lu's pharmaceutical factory, raised their heads and stared at the Lord of Luomen with unbelievable trembling voice:



Under the attention of the public, I saw a white hand suddenly appeared on the blood gun in front of Ning Feixuan!

The second is the arm, chest, abdomen, neck At the end of the whole body, there was a handsome face as beautiful as God.

A handsome young man holding a blood gun in one hand, with black hair and a shawl, he dances wildly with the wind, and is as rich as jade.

Not Meng ran, who is it!?

"Teacher! It's really you! You're here at last The corners of her eyes were moist.


Even if it is a rough man like iron head, his voice is choking.

As for the hundreds of mercenary killers, they all looked like ghosts on their faces.

One by one, like ducks choked on the neck, could not make a sound.

The Lord of Luomen, who witnessed the appearance of Meng ran, seemed to have seen the biggest enemy in his life. His eyes showed a deep hatred and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "little beast! If it is you


However, Meng ran didn't even look at him. The blood gun in his hand was thrown casually. It was like the spear of fate shot by the ancient god, tearing open the night and breaking the blood of the Lord of Luomen, and went straight through his arm!

In the same way, give back to others!


The speed of the blood gun has exceeded three times the speed of sound! Even the semi God Lord of Luomen is unavoidable. He is shot through his left hand!

As if Hou Yi shot the sun, he smashed down from the sky and night, smashing one factory building after another. Life and death are unknown!

"This shot is the price of your injury to her."

The sound of an ant's crushing death is as calm as a gun.

He turned slightly and came to the embarrassed and seriously injured princess. He apologized in a soft voice:

"sorry, I'm late."

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