"No, it's Bingfan. I almost forgot them."

On the roof of the factory building, Meng ran, who is concentrating on healing Ning Feixuan, has a bad voice in the dark.

He had noticed Gao Junwu and others for a long time, but because of the spiritual awakening of Ningfei xuanlei, he had to stand by coldly.

Half a minute later, Ning Feixuan was pierced by the blood spear wound, blood can be regarded as temporarily stopped.

Ningfeixuan's exquisite jade face, which is perfect enough to pick out no flaws, can be regarded as a slight restoration of ordinary people's blood color.

But she is powerless to Meng ran whispered: "don't worry about me To save Jackie Chan... "

Meng ran, with one mind and two uses, uses the ice attribute mana to activate the healing secret. While healing the wounded body for ningfeixuan, he also releases his mind without fear and observes the situation of Fang rubing who is escaping.

"With the exception of Yu Jackie, the others are OK."

Meng ran, a thoughtful man, said in a soft voice:

"Bingfan should be able to hold on for a while longer. Don't worry, concentrate on healing."

Iron head that several super soldiers, in Huahai City TND general base, have received the medicine bath quenching body, the flesh strength has greatly increased.

Although the U.S. assault gun has an astonishing lethality, which is enough to threaten their lives, Meng ran believes that these super soldiers have experienced many battles. At present, this situation is not the most tragic. With the ability of these super soldiers, they can cope with it.

What's more, it's the best time to temper Fang rubing at this critical moment of life and death?

After all, the young birds will come out of the protection of the male's wings and soar in the sky.

She Fang rubing, as a disciple of Tai ran Xian Zun, would not be disgraced if she could not cope with the storm?

Under this dual consideration, Meng ran chose to stand by with a cold eye and did not rush to start.

But when Meng ran was concentrating on healing Ning Feixuan's wounds, he suddenly heard a ferocious and angry drink, which rose from the broken factory building!

"Meng ran! You've been deceiving too much! "

Meng Ran's sword eyebrow picks, suddenly feels the square circle ten li, all the heaven and earth vitality, all for it fury!

Looking up, I saw a huge blood, like a heavy cloud of lead, blocking out the sky and the sun!

"Well? This is The power of Yuxue! "

Meng Ran's indifferent expression suddenly became dignified.

Since his rebirth, he has seen four drops of immortal Phoenix blood.

Shen Tiantao, Shen Tiantao, Chen Xianzu.

In addition to the drop of Chen Ziyang, the two drops of Huang blood of Shen lingcang and Hua Jingtao were absorbed and refined by Meng ran.

As for the fourth drop of immortal Huang blood that Meng ran saw, it was on that day that he forcibly plundered the fake Lord of Luomen after he successfully stepped into Fenyuan territory in Beijing.

The fourth drop of immortal Phoenix blood is still sealed in the eternal acceptance ring by Meng ran.

But at present, Meng ran seriously injured by him, actually once again has the power of immortal Phoenix blood, and even the strength is soaring for it!

The rolling blood clouds, like the eye of a storm, are all converging in the same direction, like a whirlpool of air, to swallow up all life.

"Meng ran!"

With the earth shaking anger roar, a dazzling blood light, soared to the sky!

The Lord of Luomen, whose whole body was constantly bleeding, was pierced in his chest by the blood gas gun just now, leaving a blood hole the size of a bowl!

The broken bones and flesh were mixed together, and they were miserable and terrible.

Standing in the air, surrounded by blood clouds, he kept gushing blood from his chest, splashing in the air.

Faintly can see that old heart, is beating slowly.

At this point.

Meng Ran is also observing the change of the Lord of Luomen.

Even though it was hundreds of meters away and the night was dark, Meng ran still saw at a glance that there was a drop of golden blood the size of a soybean on the heart of the Lord of Luomen, like a maggot of tarsal bone, adhering to it!

"Golden blood? Is this the fifth drop of immortality? Where on earth did he get it? "

Meng Ran's sword eyebrows wrinkled deeply, and his thinking was not clear.

In the previous World War I, Meng ran clearly took the drop of immortal Phoenix blood in the main body of Luomen and gave it to Shengsheng and took it away.

This blink of an eye in a short period of more than a month, this old guy, even regained a drop of immortal Phoenix blood?

"Damn it! Is that ancient Phoenix still alive? "

Meng ran scolded in a low voice. He felt a kind of inexplicable disgust with Gu Huang's pulse. It was as if both sides had already had a grudge

"Meng ran! I'm going to kill you! I will kill you

The Lord of Luomen, who has been repeatedly humiliated by Meng ran, has expanded his hatred for Meng ran.

At this moment, he seems to have forgotten his master's command, "this son is of great use to me. I can only capture him alive, not kill him." It is actually to Meng ran to kill heart!"I'll kill you!"

Accompanied by the earth shaking roar, but see the Lord of Luomen, the face is crazy, actually took out a crystal clear sapphire bottle.

The Lord of Luomen stares at Meng ran, his eyes are full of resentment, and he smiles: "Meng ran, this is what you forced me to do!"

The word falls, the Lord of Luomen will open the bottle stopper, the blood on the finger, then drip into the bottle!

The moment the blood drips into the bottle, I only hear a roaring dragon chant, resounding through the whole Beijing city!

This moment, as if the entire city of Jinghua, are shaking for it!

"The best chalcedony? Is it... "

Meng Ran's pupil shrinks suddenly. He recognizes that the material of the jade bottle is the best chalcedony. He guesses some possibility!

At the same time, Yin Ping, who is still at Ziqiong villa, is reclining in his rocking chair. His eyelids are half narrowed, and Shua opens at once!

"This is Dragon chant Yin Ping seemed to see something that shouldn't have happened. His face was full of shock

Ning Feixuan, who has just recovered a little blood color on her beautiful jade face, seems to have noticed the situation of the Lord of Luomen. She does not open her lips lightly, and she is full of worries: "Meng ran, is that?"

"It's OK. It's just a clown who lives on a drop of waste blood. I let him escape last time. Today I'll see how he can escape!"

Meng ran raised his head and laughed. He was still interested in healing Ning Feixuan's wound. He sneered at the Lord of Luomen: "old man, you can't kill Meng by this thing alone."

Luo Men's opinion of this juncture, Meng ran still so reckless, can not help but be more furious, "Meng ran child! Take care of me! I want you to go to hell today

Voice down, but see the Lord of Luomen, five fingers force, one hand crushed jade bottle!

In the twinkling of an eye, a dragon roared and startled the sky!

Even those mercenaries who are shooting after Fang rubing and others are all broken by the eardrum of the sound of dragon singing, and their blood is flowing, rolling on the ground one by one and Howling more than once.

Looking up, a huge dragon, blocking the sky and the sun, was born!

It's just a dead thing. There's no flesh on its whole body, but it's all made up of white bones.

"This is Bone dragon

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