In the whole 32 giant Petri dishes, there was a green light coming out!

The warehouse of the experimental body, set off the horror of gloomy.

As soon as they opened their eyes, the creatures that had been sleeping in the Petri dish were like starving wolves for a long time, and then they let out wild animal like angry roars.

Then I just heard a "click" sound!

That's the toughened glass of the culture dish, the sound of being broken!

A sarcomatous humanoid creature struggles out of a giant Petri dish.

If you look at it, it has the same limbs as human beings, but what's frightening is that the muscle cells of the whole body are expanding infinitely, just like It's like a patient with skin allergies.

However, in front of this creature, is the whole body up and down all skin, are in allergy!

Bloated muscle, live it into a sarcoma!

As for the face, because of the swelling of the sarcoma, there was only one eye and a mouth overflowing with white mucus, which was disgusting and about to vomit.

It is such a disgusting creature. However, Ning Wenbin looks at it as if he is looking at his beloved pet. He is full of doting and satisfaction.

Ning Wenbin used the tone of abducting a child. He hooked his finger at the monster and said, "come here ~"

the sarcomatous monster with white saliva kept flowing out of the corner of his mouth. He tilted his head, looked at Ning Wenbin curiously with only one eye, and then, like a crawling spider, he bent down and crawled forward on all fours.

"Ning Wenbin..."

Luo Lun, an old professor whose hair was about to lose his hair, saw that this terrible creature really came forward. He couldn't help but step back and touch him on the metal wall. The whole person suddenly fell down and sat in the corner of the wall, shivering.

Although this sarcomatous creature was developed by him.

But this is also the first time professor Laurent saw the experimental body after waking up, and he released the experimental body without any security measures!

Contrary to the old professor's reaction, Ning Wenbin was not afraid at all. Instead, he bent down and gently stroked the head of sarcoma organisms.

For any normal person, let alone touch this sarcoma, even if it is to see it, will feel disgusting and fear, want to run away.

But Ning Wenbin, just like psychopathic, obviously took this sarcoma creature as his pet and stroked it with interest.


At this terrible scene, Professor Laurent's scalp felt numb, and he could not help but take a breath of cold air.

I just feel that Ning Wenbin is not a normal person any more.

As for the sarcoma like creature, at the beginning, he still had some recognition of Ning Wenbin. After Ning Wenbin stroked it gradually, the sarcoma creature actually took Ning Wenbin as the master!


He even stretched out his long tongue towards Ning Wenbin, and the white mucus dripping from it had corroded the metal floor of the secret room into a hole the size of a fist!

More than a dozen seconds later, the hole was still emitting wisps of smoke, emitting a pungent odor that was disgusting to vomit.

Ning Wenbin slowly got up satisfied and said in a commanding tone, "go and call out your companions."

The sarcomatous organism crawled to the middle of the storage room and made a low "hissing" sound similar to the spitting of a poisonous snake, so low that it was almost inaudible.

But the moment it sounds.

The remaining thirty-one giant Petri dishes all broke into pieces.

In the startling eyes of old professor Laurent, there were 31 humanoid sarcoma monsters struggling to climb out of the giant Petri dish.

In front of me, this picture is too frightening. A bloody, sarcomatous, humanoid monster crawls on the ground like a spider.

Gradually, these humanoid monsters, as if they had found their prey, suddenly fixed their dark green eyes on Professor Laurent, who was sitting in the corner of the wall.


These humanoid monsters, a jump more than ten meters! Like a grasshopper, jump forward!

In the dim pupil, the old professor with the remnant of monsters was reflected, and he cried out in despair:

"Oh, my, God!"

then, an inhuman scream rang through the entire * * storage room, and the metal wall was instantly covered with the blood of the old professor.

Ning Wenbin watched the whole process coldly, even picked up a satellite phone on the console.

"Is the helicopter ready?"

On the other side of the satellite phone, a strong and fierce accent came from the voice, which sounded like the personnel of the military headquarters, "report to Mr. Ning, the helicopter is in place! Stand by

"Good. I'll take care of the base and get on board."

When the voice dropped, Ning Wenbin hung up the satellite phone. Instead, he took out a nano U disk and inserted it into the console computer to copy all the test data related to T virus.Data transmission speed is extremely fast, less than two minutes, all data copies completed.

Ning Wenbin pulled out the nano U disk and put it into the password suitcase with the latest T virus reagent.

With a suitcase in his hand, he turned his head slightly and said with a smile to a group of sarcomatous Monsters: "next, it's your slaughtering feast."

Ning Wenbin's voice just dropped, these humanoid sarcoma monsters, as if to hear Ning Wenbin's words, one by one cheered.

They spit mucus at the metal bullet proof door one after another. In this highly corrosive mucus corrosion, even the special metal bullet proof door that can be ignored by armor piercing bullets is almost half corroded in a few seconds!

These crawling sarcomatous monsters, like crabs exposed on the beach at low tide, rush out of the gate one by one!

This scene happened to be found by the patrol guard mercenary team!

"This What kind of monster is this? "

These elite mercenary teams, one by one, hold American submachine guns one by one, and point their guns at these sarcomatous monsters!

"Stop! If you don't stop, I'll shoot! "

All right, we're all in the protective suit. We're all in the team.

However, these sarcomatous monsters, as if they had not heard of it, still crawled forward one by one, and even a few even climbed up the walls and ceiling around them.

Like the rising tide, it approached the mercenary team step by step.


Seeing these ugly monsters, ignoring their own threats directly, the leader of the squadron swore and was about to pull the trigger when he heard a crisp footstep coming from the storehouse.

"Dada Da..."

Ning Wenbin, dressed in a white suit, has sunglasses on his nose, a pair of silk gloves on his hand, and a silver white password suitcase in his left hand.

"Ning Mr. Ning? "

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