"I am immortal! Meng ran, you can't kill me! "

A huge spiritual wave swept through the void, setting off an invisible ripple, and the spiritual sound wave went straight into Meng Ran's mind.

"Being enslaved by Huang Xue, you can still remember Meng's name. It seems that you hate me very much, old man."

Meng ran, with his arms around his chest, was full of sarcasm and looked at the master of Luomen who was reorganized in flesh.

The words "Huang Xue servitude" were like invisible blades, which deeply stimulated the Lord of Luomen. He pressed his hands on his head, as if something was going to rush out of his head.


Meng Ran's eyebrows wrinkled. He always felt that there was something wrong with the master of Luomen after the reorganization of his body.

"Is T virus unstable?"

Meng ran just guessed something, and suddenly heard the Lord of Luomen roaring up to the sky, like crazy.


I can see that his originally emaciated and decayed body is actually with the naked eye visible speed, sloughing off the old skin full of wrinkles!

Hair, teeth are even falling off!

In the blink of an eye, a rotten skin bag degenerated from him.

The changes of the body of the Lord of Luomen are still going on. The old skin and white hair that fell off are soon replaced by new skin and black hair. The whole body is like a young body like a newborn baby!

"Ha ha! renew one's youth! I'm really young again! "

The Lord of Luomen looked at his delicate white arm, revealing his dream like ecstasy.

But he was overjoyed for only two seconds. His brand-new physical body had a strange change again!

First of all, it's like a huge lump of flesh in the leg!

"My leg? This What's going on here? "

It is obvious that the inexplicable change of his own body is difficult for even the Lord of Luomen to understand.

But the sarcomatosis of the leg is just the beginning!

Then, the thigh also began to swell into an irregular sarcoma!

Next is the abdomen, the chest!

From Meng Ran's point of view, the Lord of Luomen, who has just restructured his body, seems to have been forcibly filled in with flesh and blood. Obvious sarcomatosis is taking place everywhere in his body!

But in a few seconds, the sarcomatosis of the body has developed to the face!


The Lord of Luomen screamed in horror. It was obvious that he had never thought of the change of his body.

His face is bulging toward muscles in all directions. A face with distinct facial features is squeezed by muscles in an instant. Only one mouth and one eye are left. The rest of his facial features are squeezed into the bulging muscles.

In front of this scene, if any one sees it, I'm afraid that it will feel frightening and frightening.

Only Meng ran, is still standing quietly in place.

Just wrinkling his eyebrows and watching curiously all the changes that happened to the Lord of Luomen.

"Yin Ping mentioned that T virus can greatly improve cell activity and, to a great extent, enhance human metabolism. Once the critical value is exceeded, the proliferation rate of cells will be unlimited without inhibition

In Meng Ran's deep eyes, there seems to be a glimmer of light flashed, and gradually worked out a certain possibility.

"Can we say that the T virus has not been completely developed yet? They can't completely control the madness of the T virus? "

Meng Ran's sword eyebrow leaped fiercely. Judging from the current situation of the Lord of Luomen, his guess is correct!

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the medical level of Earth Science and technology has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

But in Meng Ran's view, the earth's civilization is only just beginning.

With today's scientific cognition of mankind, it is impossible to develop a real elixir for rebirth.

The existence of T virus, at first only Lu Hongyuan mistakenly developed a cell activation hormone, but it was sniffed out by thousands of families, and thus developed T virus!

That is to say, if the T virus is well controlled, it can achieve organ regeneration; if it is out of control, it will develop into a sarcoma like this!

Meng ran eyes a meal, a short time, has already been the truth of T virus, advantages and disadvantages, carding 7788.

"In other words, if Wan Chengzhi's arm regeneration is really due to the T virus, then the T virus that has not been completely controlled may be out of control in Wan Chengzhi's body at any time! Well, he would like to... "

Meng ran rubbed his chin, full of sarcasm, and looked at the Lord of Luomen, who was not a ghost. He only felt that the gang of people from all over the world made a big joke!


As Meng ran gradually unveils the mystery of T virus, no one has ever realized that the 120 second countdown to the self destruction device set by Ning Wenbin before he left the underground research institute has arrived at the last 30 seconds!29s!



It's less than 30 seconds before death!

"Come on! Now only Meng ran can deal with that monster! Let's go

Buried in the underground research institute tunnel under Lu's pharmaceutical factory, Ning Feixuan and his party are desperately escaping.

Fortunately, I don't know why, that awakened God state monster, did not pursue.

Just at that time in the underground research institute, Shenjing monster killed several sarcomatous monsters in front of Ning Feixuan and others.

Like, as if both sides are not a camp, more like the enemy!

However, not only Ning Feixuan, but also tietou and Junge didn't notice. At that time, the God Kingdom monster looked into their eyes, and there was a trace of confusion

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this time, in the underground research institute, bursts of giant stride loud, resounding.

With each step taken by the supernatural monster, a huge aftershock of Qi force killed several sarcomatous monsters.

Previously, those who were difficult to deal with even Ning Feixuan, the S-level ability, felt intractable sarcoma monster. Compared with it, it was as weak as a mole ant.

The thirty-two sarcomatous monsters regarded as the perfect masterpieces by Ning Wenbin are very few.

As for the monster, he came to another room, the bulletproof metal gate, and was smashed by his slap.

There was nothing else in the chamber of secrets, but a huge axe with dim luster, of unknown material.

On the side of the display is another piece of armor similar to that worn by an ancient general.

Step by step, the supernatural monster stepped forward.


The tunnel connecting the underground research institute, Fang rubing is leading a group of super soldiers to meet Ning Feixuan.

All of a sudden, Fang rubing's ears moved, as if hearing some kind of sound.

"Wait! It's footstep! "

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