"Hello, hello. Look, minister, he is so close to captain Ning. Can they have that kind of relationship?"

Meng ran and Ning Feixuan front foot just left, the base conference room, then sounded a burst of gossip.

On the other side, Meng ran with Ning Feixuan, all the way into the minister's office, is to lock the door.

For a time, so big minister's office, only Meng ran and Ning Feixuan this man and a woman.

On this night, the lonely man and the widowed girl live together in the same room. Even the iceberg elder sister, who has always been cold as ice, can't help but stare at Meng ran nervously and say with self calmness:

"you Why do you close the door... "

Meng ran was stunned at first. This was the first time that he met the captain of the imperial sister since he knew Ning Feixuan. He showed this kind of girlish coyness and raised a smile at the corners of his mouth.

"It turns out that you are a shy iceberg."

The girl's careful thought is punctured, Ning Feixuan is very angry and pinches an electric arc to someone.

"What are you looking for me for! Come on! They are still waiting for me to have a meeting. "

Meng ran bent his finger and defused Ning Feixuan's thunder and lightning ability. He also set up a magic array to isolate the sound. Then he looked at Ning Feixuan seriously and said, "Liu Shengzhen is really dead?"

Referring to this, Ning Feixuan's shyness was swept away. She nodded solemnly. She took out the smart phone in her pocket and connected the data in the mobile phone to the laptop on the desk.

With the video player open, soon, a video surveillance screen, presented in front of Meng ran.

"This is the last video of Liu Shengzhen's life a week ago. You can watch it yourself."

In the video, Liu Shengzhen, who was lying quietly in a hospital bed and was unconscious, suddenly twitched his limbs, and then the whole person seemed to be pinched by someone and stayed in the air.

With his hands and feet waving at random, leaving only a sentence of Japanese, the whole person was turned into a flame and burned to ashes!

Meng ran, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, could not help but shrink his pupils Fire attribute mana

Ning Feixuan Dai eyebrow micro Cu, puzzled look to Meng ran, "what fire attribute mana?"

The video is very short, so far it is completely over, and then the TND soldiers who found the clue rushed in with guns.

There's no clue how to find the killer.

Meng ran shook his head slightly, "nothing. By the way, do you understand Liu Shengzhen's last Japanese sentence?"

Ning Feixuan said in a deep voice: "Baqi snake, we must kill Baqi snake. Liu shengzhenyi's words should be addressed to us. "

"Can you see how the murderer did it? Although the defense of the branch base is not as strict as that of the headquarters, it is absolutely impossible for the martial arts myth to come in and kill people without knowing it! "

Ning Feixuan a face hate to say.

At the beginning, Meng ran gave Liu shengzhenyi, who was unconscious, to her care. Ning Feixuan believed that with the strict defense of the branch base, it would be no problem.

Now, how can Liu Xuanning not be killed?

"It's hard to say. But I think that this person's skill should be of the same level as the old one. Ordinary people in the divine realm are afraid that they don't have this ability yet. "

Meng ran said thoughtfully.

Ning Feixuan was struck by lightning, and his high-heeled leather boots almost stepped on the ground, "what do you say? Beyond the realm of God? That is Dixian! "

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