Cihang Jingzhai lived far away in the South China Sea, and was independent from the world. It had long ceased contact with the martial arts and Taoism circles of China.

In today's world of martial arts and Taoism, few people know about Cihang Jingzhai except daoxuan immortal and Yin Ping.

This is why few of the warriors on the top of Wushan recognize the identity of Nanhai God, nun and apprentice.

However, those who can reach the top of Wushan mountain are definitely the first-class warriors in the world. Therefore, the high-level vampires of the Kate family and the famous Kendo masters of Japan and Japan just glanced at the two girls and did not ask anything.

But if they had observed carefully, they would have found that the immortal daoxuan, who was carrying a peach wood sword, had a slight tremor when the light from the corner of his eyes swept to the ugly nun!


Seeing the b-32 Cobra fighter of Yanjing military headquarters, whistling and covetous, his son is still standing aloof by the cliff without saying a word.

The blind sword and the dumb sword are two sword servants. They are eager to make a decision.

However, the response to them is a white sword!

This sword is like an antelope hanging horn. It is cut off in the air, and a deep gap is cut in front of the blind sword and the dumb sword!

On the top of Wushan mountain, snow and mud splashed everywhere, and sword spirit was everywhere!

"Step back."

Sword maniac is still a negative hand static cliff, a huge resounding spiritual force, immediately burst through the minds of all.

Even a number of high-level vampires of Kate family and the two famous Kendo masters in Japan, their faces were not dignified, and they were on guard secretly:

"is the sword spontaneous? This xiejiawa, who is young, has reached such a state. Can he really shoulder Xie Xiaofeng, the sword God 800 years ago? "

Liu shengzongyan and Shangquan Xingang, the two old foxes, looked at each other immediately and were shocked.

The two of them studied Kendo all their lives, half stepping into the coffin. They still did not break through the divine realm, and their Kendo attainments were stagnant.

But now, a young man in his twenties not only achieved martial arts myths and kendo attainments, but also reached the pinnacle. How could this not make them both blush?

"This son is so strong, how should you and I open our mouth and let Xie family hand over the snow?" Liu Shengzong's eyebrows were wrinkled and his heart was burning.

After all, he did not have the courage to take out the sword, so he had to sigh.

"Too much? Why haven't you come yet? "

In a flash, it was already noon.

They arrived early in the morning and waited for a good afternoon, just to see with their own eyes the battle between Tairan and Jianchi.

But up to now, the first person in the sky list still hasn't appeared.

Although these warriors and powers on Wushan don't need much food, they will be impatient if they wait for such a long time.

The voice of "too scared" has already appeared in the crowd on the hillside.

Before the war began, those who had supported Tairan hesitated.

"Captain Ning, Xiaoran, didn't he come to Sichuan Tibet City long ago? Why don't you show up yet? " Song Shuling is also worried.

Ning Feixuan also has some doubts. Before she came to Sichuan Tibet City, she kept in touch with Tang Yong and Zhou Tao, two super soldiers who were in charge of lurking the city.

Even the news that they and Meng ran meet smoothly, Ning Feixuan is also clear.

But the weirdness was yesterday.

Since yesterday, Tang Yong and Zhou Tao lost contact with TND headquarters.

Even if Ning Feixuan used monitoring satellites and sky eye monitoring system to find out the clues of the two people, there was no result.

As for some arrogant, since he arrived in Sichuan Tibet City, the mobile phone has been turned off, did not say a word with Ning Feixuan.

At present, Meng ran didn't appear, and Ning Feixuan couldn't help doubting. Did they really encounter any changes?

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