"Xiaoran!? It must be Xiaoran! Aunt Ling, look, that's Xiaoran! "

The shocking appearance of gray hair figure makes Su Fangfei, who has always been graceful and dignified, scream with excitement.

A pair of enchanting and charming peach blossom eyes, eyes Yingying looking at the foot of the thunder cloud figure, seems to be with a cry cavity.

Meng Ran's departure from Sichuan and Tibet was only a few days, but since the night of January 16 in Beijing City, after the big explosion in the suburbs, Su Fangfei felt that she could not rest assured of her little cousin for a moment.

I wish he could stay by his side all the time.

"Is that man really a teacher? How did you change your appearance? " Fang rubing frowned on her pretty eyebrows and felt the figure above the cloud. She was really familiar.

It is Meng ran.

However, he did not show people the true face of the king, but changed his appearance slightly.

"The child It's OK, it's OK. "

Song Shuling, a powerful woman, patted her chest. A big stone hanging in her heart fell down.

As Meng Ran's biological mother, even if Meng Ran's appearance changed greatly, song Shuling could still conclude that the gray haired figure was her beloved son.

The pretty girl with a hat and a pocket hopped to the cloud, different from Song Shuling and others. Because she had not yet mastered her magic power, she could not see the figure in the cloud and thunder. "Is xiaoranzi here? Where is it? Where is it? Why can't I see it? "

In a hurry, the girl pulled off her hat pocket and looked far away to see her little ran son.

Without the cover of his hat pocket, he showed a pretty face with short hair. It was not Yin Qingxue. Who was it?


The moment the girl took off her hat pocket, a shadow appeared in front of the girl like an immortal shrinking into an inch!

"Ping Lao?"

Yin Qingxue is stunned. She has just recognized the person, but she has been put her hat on her head, covering most of her face again.

"Mr. Yin? Why are you here? " Ning Feixuan and song Shuling are surprised. They are about to salute, but they are stopped by Yin Ping's eyes.

"There are so many people here. You can follow me."

With a wave of Yin Ping's big hand, all the women felt that they were empty at their feet, and then they went straight to the top of Wushan mountain, a big blue stone on the lower side.

"Ping Lao, you How do you know I'm here... " Yin Qingxue's two small white hands were pinched together in a disorderly way and did not dare to look directly into Yin Ping's eyes.

"Don't I see that, old man? That kid wants that idiot of Xie's family to fight life and death. If you can still go to school with ease, that's weird. "

Yin Ping straightened his sleeves and gave his young lady a look.

When her daughter's family's careful thought was exposed, Yin Qingxue couldn't help but blush. She vomited her pink tongue at Yin Ping and snorted with pride and tenderness.

"Wait! Look, is there someone behind the teacher At the moment, Meng's figure on the top of the mountain is so clear that she is about to climb the mountain!

Ning Feixuan was stunned at first, and then his face changed, "that's Liu Sheng is flying snow! "

At this time, Meng ran, in the cloud, shoots out a golden awn from his pupil, and crosses a kilometer altitude. It collides with the sword spirit of sword maniac, causing bursts of energy explosion.

"Sword crazy, you hurt my maid and asked me to fight here. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Meng ran, who was treading on thunder and lightning, opened his mouth slowly and expressionless. This first sentence is a crime!

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