"Mr. Xie, now is the first time that you and I really meet. Do you think Meng should give you a big gift?"

Meng ran, holding the sharp point of the pure Jun sword with two fingers, stares at the sword maniac like a smile.

This heirloom of the Xie family, the son of Tianjiao who is said to be the closest to the ancestor of Xie family in the past 800 years, feels Meng Ran's eyes like a pair of black hole whirlpool.

Even if we just look at him, sword maniac only feels his soul will be attracted in!

"You What is your skill... "

The sword crazy completely reacts, this is too Ran's mental strength is doing trouble!

Tairan's mental power is invading his brain!

To be able to cultivate spiritual power, which represents Meng Ran's cultivation, must step into the realm of God!

But the crux of the problem is that he can break Xie's jianjue so easily, and even subdue Chunjun's sword. What's his real cultivation?

In the face of Meng ran, the sword maniac, who is proud of his talent, feels frustrated for the first time.


Why is his talent of martial arts higher than mine!?

Jealousy, anger, reluctance, resentment All kinds of emotions surged into my heart, which made his face extremely ferocious.

The expression change of sword crazy, Meng ran sees in the eye.

With a flick of his fingers, the pure Jun sword "bang" gave off a pleasant sound. Meng ran sighed at it and flew thousands of meters away, and then he fell into the broken rocks.

Because he was too excited, sword maniac didn't notice that Meng ran broke his bloody sword easily.

But between the two fingers of Meng Ran's subduing Chun Jun sword, there is a faint trace of blood between them

It's as strong as the king's body, or the blade of pure Jun sword broke the invincible body!

In Meng ran quietly erase the blood between his fingers at the same time, Yin Ping, Ning Feixuan and others, are also one after another to flash forward.


Yin Qingxue can't wait to take off her hat and pocket, regardless of the presence of outsiders. She throws herself into Meng Ran's arms.




Immediately, Su Fangfei and TND's super soldiers and others also came forward one after another, concerned about Meng Ran's situation.

"Mom? Cousin Fangfei? Why are you all here... " Looking at the familiar faces, Meng ran can't help but feel a warm current, but also feel big head.

Meng ran doesn't want to involve Fangfei's cousins in this duel.

Although Fangfei's cousin and her mother are now completely monks and barely have the ability to protect themselves, it is still too early to let them participate in the fight between friars.

Just as Meng Ran's face was smiling bitterly, Yin Ping's admonitory voice suddenly sounded in his ear:

"I said, Meng boy, you should stop. If there is a good or bad person in this son's family, those old guys of Xie's family will definitely come to you for trouble! "

Don't wait for Meng ran to open his mouth, suddenly!

Holding the muscle of the three edged army thorn in one hand, Gao Junwu suddenly put the army thorn on the neck of sword maniac!

Even more, he roared with hatred:

"sword crazy! The result of the decisive battle between you and our minister, the people on the scene, all see it! Don't you admit defeat? "

Gao Junwu lost his whole right hand because of the last big explosion on the outskirts of Beijing. At the moment, with only one left arm, he is still holding the three edged army stab.

On the body that dignified iron blooded warrior breath, does not lose in the slightest!

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