"All move the table quickly, dally, the exam is so negative, you are the worst group of students I have ever taught!"

The big bellied geography teacher scolded.

But as soon as the voice fell, he suddenly found that all the students' movements on their hands stopped, and they all looked at the door of the classroom with incredible faces.

"What are you looking at! Send out papers and take exams

The geography teacher took it for granted that another student was late and said impatiently:

"you don't have to come in, just stand at the door."

As soon as the words were said, the whole class was silent.

And the figure at the door, is still slowly walking in, snow-white leisure shoes on the tile floor, sounded "Bata Bata" footsteps.

The geography teacher didn't expect that the student would dare to ignore his words. He immediately raised his head and cursed:

"I asked you to stand at the door, you are so deaf

However, when he saw the figure in front of him, the potbellied geography teacher was staggering at his feet, and suddenly fell to the ground with his teeth trembling.

He still remembers the terrible scene he made to Dong Zichao a few days ago.

The visitor was wearing a blue and white striped shirt and a pair of light colored jeans. With the spotless casual shoes, the whole person looked very elegant.

In particular, the young man was tall and fair skinned, and even the girls were envious. What's more, his eyebrows were a little green, like a red mole.

At present, the young man's face is calm, every step is light, with a particularly indifferent temperament, it is to attract many girls in the class whispering.

"Wow, is this still Meng ran? How handsome

"Although it's not a top-notch handsome guy, I feel super temperament, OK, just like Like what? "

"Cut, it's called chuoshi Jiazi. He's elegant."

Without paying attention to the students' comments or looking at the geography teacher who fell to the ground, Meng ran just said softly:

"now I have five minutes to go to class, and I am not late."

After a word, Meng ran asked the crowd: "did not Xue come?"

The girl student who committed the flower mania actively replied, "teacher Xue is not feeling well these days. She is resting at home."

Meng ran frowned at the smell of speech. He came back today. He wanted to give the four small lucky pills to the head teacher Xue Ningyu, and let her take them to the four injured students. Xue Ningyu was not there. Meng ran also had some problems for a time.

He has a general relationship with class 5 students, and there is no one to be trusted. If he is handed over to a student casually, Meng Ran is really worried.

Just as Meng ran was thinking, the door of the classroom was pushed open.

I saw a middle-aged woman in a senior lady's suit angrily walked in. When she saw Meng ran, she immediately scolded:

"little bastard, you really dare to come back

After that, Wu Haitao, the director of the school, Guo Shixun, the principal, and several senior officials of the school all rushed in and entered the third and fifth class of senior high school together.

This sudden scene not only scared the geography teacher who fell to the ground, but also the students in class 5.

People look at this angry female shareholder of the school, suddenly wake up, see she must be to punish Meng however!

There are many students who are hostile to Meng ran. They are all Schadenfreude, especially Fang Qing and Dong Zichao.

And the most complex face, I'm afraid, is that big school flower.

"How dare you come to school, eh..." Without a sigh, Jiang Yufei has no hope for Meng ran. She only knows that after today, this man will no longer be able to go to Jianghua private high school.

Although Meng ran did not know the female shareholder, he clearly felt the resentment of this bloated middle-aged woman.

Meng ran didn't even want to pay attention to this boring mole ant.

He still walked toward his seat with his hands in his pocket and his head still turned. His back was facing the big shareholder who was full of hatred. He said casually:

"I want to come as soon as I want, why dare I not?"

The whole class was shocked.

"My God, is Meng ran really going to break the jar? Isn't he afraid of being expelled from school? "

Even Dong Zichao and Fang Qing didn't expect that Meng ran would dare to speak to this major shareholder of the school. As you know, Ms. Zhou holds 30% of the school's shares in her hand. She can even directly remove Guo Shixun as the principal of the school.

"What do you say?" Ms. Zhou looked unbelievable, thinking that she had heard something wrong.

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