"Turn your textbook to page 85. Today we will review..." Xue Ningyu, a head teacher in a black dress, was lecturing on the platform, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in, please."

The door of the classroom is pushed open gently, it is Meng ran with a schoolbag on his back.

"Sorry, Mr. Xue. I overslept."

All people's eyes fall on the boy who is still wearing white casual clothes. After a short silence, there is a burst of laughter in the classroom.

No more! I'm so happy that I sleep until two o'clock, ha ha... "

"Damn it, Meng Da talent is Meng Da talent. The reason for skipping class is so fresh and refined. I'm convinced!"

"Meng ran, didn't you help grandma cross the road today?"

Listening to people's ridicule, Xue Ningyu and Meng ran are all covered with black lines. Mr. Xue originally wanted to reprimand Meng ran, but unexpectedly found that Meng ran actually endorsed his bag today. Before, Meng ran didn't bring anything to school

Can't his mother call him to educate him, he knows to study hard? Thinking of this, Xue teacher decided not to punish Meng ran any more, and said with a straight face: "go back to your seat for class."

Meng ran nodded and walked toward his seat, but his mind kept turning over the past memories. However, he could not find that he had used "helping granny cross the road" as a reason for being late

A class passed smoothly. During this period, Xue Ningyu asked Meng ran to answer questions. Xue taught history. He only asked Meng ran a simple question about the age. Meng ran not only answered the question accurately, but also extended the question to the end of the class

Finally, Xue Ningyu holds the textbook and runs out with shame, because Meng ran talks a lot and she doesn't even know her teacher

"Hello, please keep playing that video. I haven't finished listening to it."

Xue Ningyu left with his front foot, and the crowd gathered around. It seemed that the man in the center was playing a video on his smartphone.

Jianghua school rules forbid students to carry mobile phones, but because most of the students here have money and power in their homes, mobile phones are too popular nowadays, so the school has turned a blind eye to students carrying mobile phones.

"Feifei, it's so nice to hear. It's much better than Zhou's new sentimental love song!" Fang Qing, holding her latest smartphone, sobbed.

"Xiao Sheng?" Meng ran heart suddenly had a bad idea, secretly to the side of Fang Qing rely on.

"That's good! But how can I look a little familiar with this girl? " Jiang Yufei doubts.

Meng ran looks at the mobile phone screen.

On the screen, a girl wearing a white T-shirt with a band aid on her face, and a teenager in white casual clothes, playing the piano and flute, the tune is sad and tearful. It's just that the camera is shaking. Looking at this angle, it looks like stealing. Shooting!

Meng Ran's instant reaction came over. He was in a good mood last night and tried to play with song Anqi's Qin and Xiao. He was photographed by the shopkeeper and posted to the Internet!

Fortunately, the light is a little dim, the mobile phone pixel is not high, some of the photos are fuzzy, Meng Ran is a side face, should not be recognized by them.

Meng ran just comforted himself, but Fang Qing exclaimed again: "Feifei, don't you think this store is familiar? How can I look more and more like that musical instrument shop on West Street! What's more, how do I feel familiar with this man? "

Meng ran instantly nervous, he does not want to be what celebrity now.

At this time, I don't know who suddenly came to a sentence, "this dress looks like Meng ran!"

This sentence stabbed the hornet's nest in an instant, and all people's eyes cast their eyes on Meng ran again, and found that it was really similar to that in the video.

Fang Qing, who was wiping tears on one side, said angrily: "Wang Dong, you are not allowed to insult my idol! If Meng ran can play the piano, I'll jump down from upstairs! "

People think about it, but also a burst of sigh, how can Meng ran be such a music master? After the noise, people no longer pay attention to Meng ran and watch the video again.

After a while, the whole classroom was crying

Jiang Yufei frowned and her eyes fell on Meng ran from time to time. She did know that Meng ran could play the piano, but the music Meng ran played at that time was very ordinary. Compared with this, it was simply different.

The more Jiang Yufei looks at Meng ran, the more she feels like the man in the video. But she remembers that Meng ran ignored herself on the phone yesterday. Jiang Yufei is in a bad mood. She turns her head back and wipes her tears while watching the video.

At this time, Meng ran also took out her mobile phone. Originally, Meng ran was still struggling with how to search the video online. However, who knew that when she just opened the website, the first hot search was "band aid girls teach blowing. Xiao"

Meng ran ordered in, which found that the boss is passed on Youku online, the number of hits is more than a million, there are many stars forward comments.

Even Penguin music is willing to buy out the copyright of this song at a high price, hoping that the author can contact after seeing it.

Meng ran looked at the comments below, but he couldn't laugh or cry.Among them, one of the most popular reviews was Hu Ge, a famous ancient costume student. Hu Ge wrote: I look forward to cooperating with this author. If the new drama can take this tune as an episode, it will be a dream of martial arts.

The following comments:

buy, buy! You have to buy the copyright of this song!

Sobbing That's very nice. I'll listen and cry again.

The author must have experienced it in person to create such a moving melody, praise!

Meng ran brush comments with relish, but his mind is the picture of the matchless beauty, which is the fairy of yaochi.

"Yaochi, you have gone through so many difficulties with me in the last life. I will never let you down in this life! If yaochi holy land does not agree that you and I are together, then I will fight until they agree! "

Ring bell

Meng Ran's mobile phone rings suddenly. It's Zhang Tao, a close friend of Meng Ran's last life!

"Hello? Xiao ran, is it convenient for you now? I have something urgent to ask you. "

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