A number of high-level schools are conditioned to pull out the mobile phone, the result is obviously not their own mobile phone rings.

At the moment, Meng ran gently took out the cheap domestic smart phone. In the suspicious eyes of the public, Meng ran took it:

"brother Meng, cast your magic to drive away the clouds and fog. I'm at the foot of Xiufeng mountain."

The caller is wanzhibin, the richest man in Jiangzhou!

Without waiting for Meng ran to speak, Ms. Zhou scolded fiercely:

"good, good! There are school rules that don't allow you to bring your mobile phone. You not only carry your mobile phone privately, but also call in front of the leaders. You little bastard is flouting the school rules! "

As soon as this was said, the class was a little embarrassed. Most of the students took their mobile phones, even the monitor of class three and five in senior high school was no exception.

A sarcastic voice suddenly sounded out of the window:

"aunt Zhou, you can pull it down. Your son still holds the new apple to show off at school all day long!"

"Who! Who is talking Ms. Zhou's face was livid, and she cried angrily.

A group of high-level school rushed to the door, but found no one.

Zhang Wei, who was hiding in his class, laughed and said, "do you want to catch me? How angry you are, aunt Zhou! "

Ms. Zhou didn't expect that someone would tease herself in Jianghua, and her angry eyes were ready to blow fire.

"Meng ran, give me your mobile phone! Call your parents and I'll fire you today Mrs. Zhou roared. Her voice was so loud that she echoed all over the corridor.

"Brother Meng, who is talking? How can I hear this sound a little familiar? Are you not in the villa

Wan Zhibin's confused voice rang out on the phone.

Yesterday, Meng ran told him that he would be able to refine the pills today. Originally, Wan Zhibin wanted to come over in the afternoon, but he could think of the magic of Meng Ran's pills and swallow this pill, so that he would be able to show his bravery in bed.

Wan Zhibin is excited to wake up early in the morning. If it is not for fear that Meng ran doesn't get up, Wan Zhibin even doesn't want to eat breakfast, he will go to Qingxiu Dongju villa.

At the moment, he was sitting in his Maserati, looking at the rolling clouds.

Meng ran also did not expect that Wan Zhibin should have come so early to find himself, some apologetic said: "I am not in the villa, I am now in school."

On hearing this, Wan Zhibin immediately exclaimed: "I said how many girls are shouting. Brother Meng, are you in any trouble?"

Meng ran nodded: "it's a female shareholder of Jianghua private high school. She wants to expel me."

"Female shareholders of Jianghua?"

Wan Zhibin on the other end of the phone felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember.

Ah Jie, the driver of the car, warned: "it was Zhou Mei, your junior high school classmate, who invited you to dinner for a week, and kept pestering you to take a stake in Jianghua. In the end, Wan Ye was really bored, so he sent Ge Hongtao to deal with her. It was said that GE Hongtao invested several hundred million yuan in the name of you."

Wan Zhibin was a little surprised, "is there such a thing? So I am still a shareholder of Jianghua? "

"Yes, Mr. Wan, you forget too much. You don't care about one or two hundred million." Ah Jie said with a smile.

"Grass his mother, this bitch ate leopard gall, dare to expel my brother Meng." Wan Zhibin broke out his rude words immediately.

Wan Zhibin said to Meng ran: "brother Meng, don't worry. I'll deal with this matter. You let Zhou Mei answer the phone. I'll let ah Jie drive to pick you up now."

"Zhou Mei?" Meng ran did not understand.

Wan Zhibin quickly explained: "it's that motherly shareholder who dares to fire my brother Meng. I have to teach this bitch a good lesson!"

How could Wan Zhibin know this female shareholder? Associate with Wan Zhibin, the richest man in Jiangzhou, Meng Ran is relieved.

"You want my cell phone?" Meng Ran's light way to Ms. Zhou.

Zhou Mei's female shareholder immediately scolded: "you go to school with a mobile phone, has violated the school rules, quickly send the mobile phone over!"

Meng ran said with a smile: "yes, but the person in the phone wants you to answer the phone."

Not only is Zhou Mei, Meng ran said this, people are some doubt looking at Meng ran.

"Is this boy looking for a relationship?" Dong Zichao exclaimed.

Thinking of Meng Ran's status as a poor girl, Dong Zichao immediately sneered, "it's strange if this piece of silk can be related!"

Zhou Mei snatched the mobile phone from Meng Ran's hand and held it high. She scolded the crowd coldly:

"no cell phone! No cell phones! These are the three school rules of the school. How many times have they been emphasized? Do you not listen to them? You answer the phone in front of me, right? Let me answer the phone. Pooh! What kind of a thing

In Meng Ran's expressionless eyes, I saw the female shareholder of Jianghua, and fell her mobile phone to the ground.

I just heard a crackle.

Meng Ran's home-made smart phone was torn apart and the battery flew four or five meters away

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