With the gradual recovery of Zhou Mei, Zhou Mei's face became more and more angry. She pushed aside Wu Haitao, who was in front of her body, and came to Meng ran angrily with her pair of leather shoes.

"Son of a bitch, you say I'll regret it, don't you? Good, good! Call your parents now and ask them to come to school! "

Zhou Mei's greasy face was distorted by anger.

Meng Meng dares to look at the high-level students, even if it is not like a group of students.

A 60 year old woman with glasses came to Meng Ran's side and said with heartache:

"I have taught for more than 30 years, and I have never seen a student like you! Are you supposed to talk to your teacher like this? Have you learned for so many years in vain? That's how your parents taught you? "

Looking at the old teacher's indignation, Meng is smiling.

"It's because there are so many self righteous teachers in China that they teach these self righteous students. From today on, you don't have to teach in Jianghua. You are not qualified to be a teacher. Everyone who is related to you should get out of the education circle. "


The old woman was flushed by Meng Ran's old face and couldn't say a word.

As soon as this statement was made, the whole class five was in an uproar.

Even the high-level of the school is also furious, have scolded Meng ran, do not know the height of heaven and earth.

"Stinky boy, do you dare to give orders as a student? What is it? " A man in a suit and a suit said.

Meng ran nodded, "very good, you can also roll."

"You The man in suit is gurgling with a bite of silver teeth of Meng ran gas. He is going to teach Meng ran a lesson.

At this time, a big drink came from outside the door:

"this is class five of senior high school, right?"

A tall man, dressed in a camouflage vest, entered the door.

Behind him, it is the expressionless Wan Zhibin!

"It's him!"

Fang Qing, Dong Zichao and Jiang Yufei looked at their nightmarish faces, and suddenly they fell on their seats.

The scene of the night of the birthday dinner is vivid.

Fang Qing, in particular, is frightened to jump in Jiang Yufei's arms, even dare not lift his head.

She still can't forget the fear of being stuck in the cake by that bald man, unable to breathe.

Wearing camouflage vest tall man, it is wan Zhibin's bodyguard, ah Jie!

Ajie rudely pushed away those high-level schools that blocked his way.

"Who are you two? This is Jianghua, not a place where you can be wild!" Wu Haitao straightened up and cheered hard.

However, the female shareholder of Jianghua, who had just recovered from God, saw the expressionless Wan Zhibin, and suddenly his face changed greatly, and he slapped Wu Haitao in the face.

"Sister Zhou?"

Wu Haitao covers his face at a loss.

At the moment, the big shareholder of Jianghua, however, came to Wan Zhibin quickly and said with a smile:

"Zhibin, I haven't seen you for a long time. What brings you to Jianghua

Looking at Zhou Mei's cheek full of flattering smiles, everyone was in a daze.

Zhou Mei's temperament can't be more clear. She has a straight face all day and is always bowed in front of her. Who is this middle-aged man? How do you think Zhou Mei is afraid of him?

"Are you wan Zhibin?" The more Guo Shixun looked at this man, the more familiar he was. Finally, he remembered, with an unbelievable face.

"Wan Zhibin? Who is he? Why never heard of it? "

These students are not deeply involved in the world and know little about the mysterious richest man in Jiangzhou.

In the eyes of people's consternation, ah Jie pushed aside the high-level schools in the way, and WAN Zhibin came to Meng Ran's side.

Wan Zhibin immediately put his arms around Meng Ran's shoulder and said warmly:

"brother Meng, you can make me easy to find!"

Ah Jie then hugged Meng ran and saluted respectfully: "ah Jie has met Meng Xianshi!"

After a short period of two words, the whole class three and five in senior high school was dead.

Everyone is unable to believe, looking at that by Wan Zhibin embrace the shoulder of Meng ran.

Song Anqi blinked her bright eyes and looked curious.

Dong Zichao, Fang Qing and Jiang Yufei were petrified on the spot and did not move.

As for the big face of Jianghua, the flattering smile.

At this time, the once lonely young man still had a cool expression on his face, and a light word came slowly:

"I said, you will regret it."

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