In the eyes of the old, even martial arts masters are not as good as these masters. There is no shortcut in the way of martial arts. Such a practice of sparing no effort to fish is actually a taboo of Wudao.

"Master, he not only hurt the people of our martial arts academy, but also forced the martial arts academy to close its doors and reflect on itself. Before he left, he broke the stone tablet left by Ye Donglin." Shen Shuchen bowed his head.

"Can he smash the stone tablet left by Ye Donglin?"

The old man's eyes were cold, and his strong and true spirit was ready to move and gush out.

"Ye Donglin's accomplishments are in the later period of the grand master, and the stone tablet has been specially treated. It contains Ye Donglin's master's strength. Although it has been worn out for a hundred years, it is by no means an ordinary martial arts master can break it."

The old man in white whispered.


Shen Shuchen clearly felt the vibration of the sand on the coast, which was the expression of the fluctuation of the old man's mood, which showed that the old man's true Qi had reached the state of unintentional spontaneity.

"I'm afraid one thought is enough to kill the master of martial arts." Shen Shuchen was shocked.

"No problem."

The old man in white clothes was not moved, but the war spirit in his eyes was more and more intense.

"The so-called master of martial arts means that the martial arts master cultivates his internal power to the point where his true Qi is released. Once completed, he can kill people more than ten Zhang away, which is the watershed of martial arts. After the achievement of the martial arts master, it is the fish leaping over the dragon's gate, which has shocked several provinces. "

"But the most important step for the master is to condense and form Qi! Only a master of martial arts who has been cultivated in the form of condensation and gasification can be called a master of transformation! "

"One's true Qi is as powerful as a sword! The combat power of Huajing master is ten times that of ordinary martial arts master! This son can break the stone tablet left by Ye Donglin, which shows that his cultivation must be a master of Huajing! "

Speaking of this, the momentum of the old man suddenly changed. It seems that the lion wakes up and is full of sharp edges.

"Even if this son becomes a master of Huajing, Gu's killing him is like killing a chicken! I'm in heaven and I can't get out of it. Who can stop me in this world? "

However, the old man pointed to it like a sword. The sword pointed it out and saw countless white silk threads winding around it. These white threads were entangled and entangled with each other. Among the fingers, thousands of silk threads actually condensed a ten Zhang long giant sword on the old man's fingertips!

With the formation of the ten Zhang sword at that moment, the whole beach of Kush was trembling for it. There were huge waves on the sea, and countless fish jumped out of the water as if they were running for their lives.

"I coagulate this huge sword of true Qi with the slender hands of Ye family. As soon as this sword comes out, you say that the young master should be cut, not cut!"

The old man in white clothes smiles bravely. The sword in his hand is made of pure Qi. It carries the power of Wanjun and the sword spirit soars to the sky!

The huge sword was cut across the sky, which seemed to tear up half of the sky.

He saw the whole sea and was cut in two by the old man's sword!

Like a tsunami, the sound of the general burst in the ear, the water splashed all over the sky, he saw that the turbulent sea water was divided into two sides under the power of this sword!

Under this sword, the whole sea has cut a path, and the sediment on the sea bottom can be seen clearly!

After a few seconds, everything was restored to its original appearance, but the figure in white stood proud and invincible!


Shen Shuchen could not restrain his excitement and knelt down immediately.

In his eyes, this amazing sword is no longer like human martial arts. With such a sword, the master will not waste his strength to kill that young man!

The old man, standing with his hands on his back, turned around and blinked hundreds of steps away from the island of heaven.

His voice was even colder:

"Shuchen, come with me to China, for a while, this young master!"

Shen Shuchen raised his head fiercely and could not hide his ecstasy. "Yes

On this day, Gu Changfeng, who had been in Bali for more than ten years, finally left here, the martial arts master, all the way north.

He has only one purpose: to enter China and kill Meng ran!

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