Meng ran didn't get angry. He could see that song's mother was not a vain person. She just wanted to make herself see the difference between her and song Anqi.

Meng ran moved in his heart and asked, "Auntie song, does angel follow your surname? And who is her father? "

The words did not fall, the beautiful woman's face completely changed, but also a face of vigilance looking at Meng ran, voice with three points of hostility, "what do you ask this to do?"

Meng ran said with a smile, "I'm her brother. I don't want her to be involved in the fight of some so-called powerful families in the future. Do you think so, aunt song?"

The beautiful woman's face was actually exposed a touch of rare panic, strong self disguised way: "you are talking nonsense about what!"

With that, the beautiful woman did not dare to stay with Meng ran for another second and left in a hurry.

Meng ran looked at the plump figure and said to herself, "it seems that Aunt song was also a beautiful woman when she was young."

Smiling and shaking his head, Meng ran went into the room slowly.

"Brother Meng ran, eat the cake, I left you the biggest piece."

Song Anqi, with a birthday cap, brought a big cake. Meng ran was not polite. She took it with a smile and immediately gulped it down. The cream was all over her mouth.

Song Anqi chuckles and obliterates the cream of Meng Ran's mouth. Song's mother and Jiang Yufei see this scene with complicated eyes.

Song angel's family has karaoke K. in the crowd's uproar, she connects the microphone and sings for everyone. Instead of singing her best sentimental love songs, she sings some happy songs.

Drinking red wine, listening to song angqi's sweet song, Meng Ran is also quite comfortable leaning on the sofa.

However, Meng Ran's interruption is not pleasant.

Looking at the cold girl in front of her, Meng ran frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

"You come out with me." Jiang Yufei murmured.

Meng ran originally wanted to refuse. Song Anqi was really good to herself, so Meng ran would treat her like a sister. As for Jiang Yufei, Meng ran didn't want to have any communication with her.

Can think of before because of their own affairs, harm Fang Xiaoyu worried, Meng ran slightly hesitated, still did not refuse.

The night is very beautiful. The sky is full of stars and the moon is bright.

Meng ran stands on the balcony, and Jiang Yufei stands side by side with him.

Jiang Yufei turned her head and looked at Meng Ran's eyes, as if to see through his inner thoughts.

"Meng ran, you don't deserve angel. She is going to enter the entertainment industry. With her current fame, even if she only won the second place in the final, she will be very popular in the future. Her worth is more than 10 million or even more than 100 million yuan, which is a common practice. But you, you're just a cheap bodyguard

Meng ran sword eyebrow a pick, "bodyguard?"

Jiang Yufei sneered: "Meng ran, here we are, you don't have to be afraid to lose face, you don't have to pretend. Is it not because you are willing to be a bodyguard for him that day at school

"I see." Meng ran shook his head and laughed, but he didn't care.

Jiang Yufei stares at Meng ran tightly and does not give in.

"I really appreciate your help that day to save me and Qingqing. I admit you are good at fighting. You are also very good at taking advantage of your own advantages and holding the big tree of Wan Zhibin. You are really not a * * silk. Now most of the students in the school are inferior to you. "

Jiang Yufei said more and more gas, is a pair of hate iron not steel appearance, training way: "but the bodyguard is a bodyguard after all, can't go up the table! I thought you had backbone, but I didn't expect you were just a dog of Wan Zhibin

"That jade pendant is worth 10 million at least. Don't think I don't know. This jade pendant must be from Wan Zhibin! Who do you think Wan Zhibin is? You have received such a great favor from him. What do you take to repay others? "

The world has never given alms for no reason. This truth, Jiang Zhiyuan from childhood education Jiang Yufei.

In Jiang Yufei's opinion, Meng ran received such a great favor from Wan Zhibin. When Wan Zhibin opened his mouth, Meng ran had no reason to refuse.

Facing this righteous and strict Jiang Yufei, Meng ran suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Yufei asked angrily.

In the cold night wind, Wei'an young man stands with his hands on his hands. He overlooks the lights of thousands of families, and all kinds of life are disillusioned in his eyes.

"Jiang Yufei, you are so conceited that you don't know what is standing in front of you. Lonely star river, not to mention ordinary people, is the favored son of heaven, also like Ganges River, countless. There is only one Meng ran in this universe

"For me, the gods and daughters in the universe are all taking whatever they want. But weak water 3000, Meng ran only take a ladle. The earth in my eyes, there is only one person. "

After that, Meng ran walked away, leaving the river alone, leaving Yu Fei Leng in situ.

It took a long time for Jiang Yufei to react.

"The goddess?"

Jiang Fei laughs when she shakes her head."Meng ran, one day, you will pay for your arrogance and ignorance."

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