Although Gu Changfeng is strong, Meng Ran is not afraid of him.

On the contrary, Meng Ran is looking forward to the decisive battle.

"Since I was born again, I have finally met a decent opponent." Looking at the vast blue lake in front of him, Meng Ran is full of boldness.

In the last life, Meng ran was fighting against thousands of families and competing with Tianjiao. The way of xianzun was to defeat a lot of outstanding people.

In this life, he also longed for it.

The blood of God King's body has not been inspired. The opponent of the earth is too weak to force Meng Ran's bottom card.

This time, the former president of the Imperial military academy completely crushed Meng ran. Meng Ran's long silent fighting instinct finally showed a trace of desire.

"Gu Changfeng, don't let Meng down."

Meng Ran's mouth slightly raised, his eyes seemed to cross the whole Jiangzhou City, straight into the Shenhai, and the immortal martial arts master, far away.

The start time of Jiangbei Wudao Dabi is October 27. There are still a few days left. Meng ran plans to use these days to deal with the matter at hand, and then he can safely rush to Linjiang town to participate in Wudao Dabi.

"Gu Changfeng is really a good schemer. He deliberately made a war with me in Linjiang town. It seems that he wants to achieve his invincible reputation in front of the whole Jiangbei warrior. Do you really think Gu Changfeng will win me over?"

Meng ran sneered.

"Fortunately, the final time of the draft competition is November 4, which is not in conflict with the time of Wudao competition. Before leaving, I'd better send the jade talisman to my mother."

The address of the finals of this draft competition is selected in the star entertainment stadium in Jiangzhou City, which can accommodate 50000 spectators. Moreover, the starting time of the final is also determined. It will officially start at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, November 4.

Naturally, Meng ran doesn't need to rehearse with song Anqi about the piano and Flute Ensemble. Moreover, Meng ran also has a plan for the stage layout. She doesn't need the program team to prepare anything. Everything should be simple.

Only clothing, Meng Ran has requirements.

Meng ran dials song Anqi's phone, and song Anqi's voice of concern comes from the end of the phone.

"Brother Meng ran, headmaster Guo, what can I do for you? Is there any trouble? "

"Don't worry. It's OK. I can have any trouble." Meng ran Rou said.

"Well, you troublemaker, I've heard from Feifei that you're in trouble at school. Come on, is there someone in the school who's embarrassed you again? I'll help you clean them up. "

Song Anqi on the other end of the phone waved her delicate little fist and said in a puff of anger that she was extremely cute.

Meng ran supported his forehead with his hands and said helplessly, "don't worry, I'm really OK. I'm calling to ask you about these days. "

On hearing this, song Anqi immediately said with joy:

"brother Meng ran, thank you very much. Your pills are really amazing. I feel that I have become beautiful a lot. Most of the negative comments on the Internet for me have disappeared, and my Weibo fans have risen a lot. Yesterday afternoon, the program group came to me to do an exclusive interview, and they kept on asking for your information. "

Meng ran was startled. He didn't want to be a famous person. He didn't want to be known by his mother. He asked nervously, "didn't you leak my news?"

Song angqi said with a smile: "of course not, but you specially told me, how can I leak your information. Whatever they ask, I say it's confidential. "

Meng ran laughed.

"By the way, I am calling you this time. I have something to tell you. On the 27th, I have something to do and I will leave Jiangzhou for a few days. But you can rest assured that I will be back before the final. And I'd like you to order two suits for the final

"Oh, what clothes?" Song Anqi is curious.

Tell song Anqi the dress request, Meng ran then hang up the phone.

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