Linjiang Town, located in the southeast of Jiangbei Province, is the intersection of Jiangbei and Jiangnan provinces.

Ah Jie and other motorcade take the highway, the speed is extremely fast.

Along the way, Wan Zhibin also told Meng ran a lot of anecdotes about Linjiang town.

It is said that Linjiang town was an important martial arts town in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There were many martial arts schools in Linjiang town. At that time, everyone practiced martial arts. Even the old, the weak, the women and the children could do one and a half moves, which was a good talk in the martial arts circle.

However, since the late Qing Dynasty, foreign guns and firearms were in vogue, and the martial arts road gradually declined. Linjiang town was also an exception. Now, half of the martial arts schools in the town can not be seen.

"Since the contest of martial arts and Taoism is conducted in the form of arena competition, isn't it that as long as you defeat the strongest person in the arena at the end, you can win the championship?" Meng ran asked.

"It's true. This contest lasted for three days. In previous years, those experts who are expected to win the championship were the last day to shoot. Because the earlier you shoot, the more challenges you have to accept. In essence, this kind of arena competition is no different from a wheel fight. No one wants to be consumed too much internal power, so those experts will wait patiently until the last day. "

Ah Jie once participated in the martial arts competition, but he has some experience.

Meng ran, did not frown two days ago

Ah Jie explained with a smile: "of course not, because the organizers have a bonus, winning a game at least has thousands of yuan to take, the more the number of field defense, the more bonus will be, more even more than a dozen times."

Meng ran nodded.

Wan Zhibin, on one side, added: "and every time Wudao big match, it will attract a large number of tourists to come here," greatly boosting the local economic development. Of course, the most important thing is the game between the big men of Jiangbei States, and the ranking of Wudao Dabi is an important basis for dividing their territory interests. "

Speaking of this, Wan Zhibin said indignantly: "if it hadn't been for those bastards in Jiangbei who took advantage of the martial arts and Taoism duels to take advantage of Laozi, Laozi would have brought ah Jie to participate in the Wudao Dabie, where would he have won the third consecutive champion of the Lin family in Qingzhou."

Ah Jie smell speech, also some shame, at that time Wan Zhibin almost had an accident, he this bodyguard can not blame.

"Well, Jiangzhou is a small place after all. Even the whole Jiangbei is not big enough. I heard from my friends in the circle that international boxing competitions are occasionally held on Hong Kong Island, and the organizers will charter a whole luxury cruise ship all the way to the high seas. "

"Well, I've heard from friends in martial arts circles that those who take part in boxing competitions at that level are all top fighters in the world, especially those trained by super forces. They are really invincible. I heard that the prize money is often hundreds of millions, and it's still US dollars."

Ah Jie's words are not surprising.

"Oh? Is that not to say that it is possible for all martial arts masters in the world to participate? " Meng Ran's eyes were full of light, and his eyes seemed to have a burst of war.

Ah Jie shook his head and said with a wry smile, "master Meng Xian, how does the martial master exist? I'm afraid even our whole country of China can't surpass the number of two palms. It's hard for people of their level to get money and power into their eyes. If there is a master of martial arts, it will be enough to stir up the whole world of martial arts. "

Meng ran nodded, slightly disappointed in his eyes.

The three of them chatted about all kinds of anecdotes along the way. Ah Jie took the opportunity to ask Meng ran about martial arts. Although Meng ran made a few remarks, ah Jie only felt that Mao Zedong suddenly opened up, and Meng Ran's words broke his confusion for more than ten years.

Ah Jie even felt that Meng Ran's understanding of martial arts was much better than that of some experts in martial arts.

Around four o'clock in the afternoon, a group of more than ten people finally arrived at their destination, Linjiang town.

Because Linjiang town is adjacent to the south of the Yangtze River, the architectural style of Linjiang town is no doubt similar to that of Jiangnan Water Town.

Green bricks and gray tiles, bungalows and two story buildings crisscross into fun, row after row.

In the center of the town, there is a clear stream passing through. The sound of the water is pleasant. It seems that it is far away from the noise of the city and comes to the real Jiangnan Water Town.

"The scenery here is really excellent. No wonder we saw a lot of tourists along the way." Meng ran said to himself.

The car drove all the way into a luxurious three story building in the center of the town. In front of the building, there were several men in Zhongshan suits waiting for him.

"Mr. Wan, you are here at last." The leader, with gold rimmed glasses, is middle-aged, and his black hair is already mixed with a little bit of gray.

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