The old man almost used all his strength to call out the name. After a word, the hero of the state of Wei seemed to be a few decades old in an instant, and his pride disappeared.

"Master Meng, I'm sorry. I feel sorry for my great kindness to you."

"Meng ran? The man who hurt Ryan and zamas seems to be calling too ran. There's no connection between them, right? It should not be. There is no such coincidence in the world. "

Although he was surprised, the black robe continued to threaten: "Meng ran, right? Good. Tell me where he is now. I don't have time to waste with you

"He is on the hillside of Xiufeng mountain. There is a villa on the other side of the mountainside. He lives in it."

The old man has already accepted his life. Now, in order to protect his granddaughter, he can only choose to apologize to his Savior.

"Grandfather How can you How can you do this! You will kill him Mu Qingya sobbed.

"Nonsense! Don't think I don't know. There is cold fog on the other side of the mountain. Even if I dare not touch those cold fog, how can people live in it? "

Before the black robed man came, he had already inquired about the situation of Xiufeng mountain, and went to check it out. Even the young master of Luomen never thought that even with his top cultivation of internal skill, he only persisted for a few minutes in the cold fog.

This strange cold fog can freeze people's internal power, which really makes the black robed man startled.

Now I hear that someone lives in the cold fog. I won't believe it if I kill him.

"He does live in it. I didn't lie to you." Because of the loss of blood, the old man is like a candle in the wind, and his life may be extinguished at any time.

"Grandfather Mu Qingya was shocked to see this scene.

"Little girl, if you don't want your grandfather to die, just tell me where Meng Ran is!"

At this time, the corridor sounded dense footsteps, sanatorium security personnel, have arrived.

At the same time, outside the sanatorium, the sound of sirens was heard all the time.

"Listen to the gangsters inside. You've been surrounded. Release Miss Mu Qingya quickly, or the captain will order to shoot!" A middle-aged captain in police uniform called with the help of a loudspeaker.

Although trapped in a tight encirclement, the black robed man was fearless and sneered: "waste is waste, no matter how much it comes, it is waste."

"If you dare to say more nonsense, I will kill her now!"

As soon as the words were said, the outside of the sanatorium was instantly quiet, and the steps of the guards at the door were also sluggish.

"Captain, what to do? Miss Mu is in his hands. From this angle, the sniper can't guarantee to hit the target. " There are police officers worried.

When the middle-aged captain heard the speech, he hesitated and said in a voice of hatred: "be quiet! No one is allowed to shoot without my order

"Cough, cough, cough."

At the same time, Mu an old man is in danger. He coughs a few times and coughs out big mouth of blood.

"Miss mu, how are you? If you don't speak, your favorite grandfather will die The black robed man's sad way.

"You son of a bitch!" Mu Qingya roars.

"Grandfather What am I supposed to do? " The girl with tears on her face and despair in her heart.


The old man coughed up a big mouthful of blood again, and he suddenly passed out!


"You're going to let my grandfather go! I say, I say everything Mu Qingya can't hold on any longer and kneels down on the ground.

"Good." With a smile on his face, the man in black took the initiative to make a way for the medical staff at the door to treat him.

"His name is Meng ran. He is a student of Jianghua private high school. He does live in a villa on the other side of the mountain." Mu Qingya, pale as death, mechanical mouth.

Black robe smell speech eyebrow a frown, unexpectedly is a slap in Mu Qing Ya's face, "this is impossible! No one can live in that cold fog

"If you don't believe it."

The black robe is visible, and his face is a little cloudy. The dark knife is tightly attached to Mu Qingya's neck skin. The white skin of Mu Qingya is once again cut out a blood line, and the blood begins to exude continuously.

"You must have his contact information!"

Mu Qingya's eyes are already dim and dim, and he said: "his mobile phone can't get through. Maybe it's broken."


The black robe got angry and kicked over several guards with one foot, and fell down on the old man mu'an one after another. The old man was already dying. When he was pressed by these guards, the blood gushed from his chest wound.

Mu Qingya saw it and roared like crazy: "don't hurt my grandfather! I said! I said it all! He is a famous housekeeper

Mu Qingya tells housekeeper Feng's mobile phone number and address to the black robed man.

Black robe's face finally showed a conspiracy like smile.

"I told you all about it. You can't let me go soon!"Mu Qingya roared at the man in black.

However, no one would have thought that the black robed man had not planned to let them go from the beginning!

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