More than ten minutes later, under the full rescue of the lean monkey and the doctors in the sanatorium, Mr. mu'an finally slowly came to himself.

"You are Are you xiaofeixuan? " The old general looked at the gentle figure on the edge of the bed, and some of them couldn't believe it.

Ning Feixuan abdominal wound has been bandaged up, the body is wearing a long windbreaker, valiant.

Seeing that the old man was well, Ning Feixuan's cold face also showed a faint smile and said respectfully:

"Hello, general mu. Fei Xuan was entrusted by my father to visit you. I didn't expect to encounter this accident. It was Fei Xuan's dereliction of duty. He came a step late, which surprised the old general. "

As soon as Ning Feixuan said this, Mu Qingya was also a bit curious and secretly aimed at the cold and gorgeous beauty, especially when he saw a high-rise part. He even subconsciously looked down at his chest and was suddenly dejected.

This scene did not escape Ning Feixuan's beautiful eyes. Ning Feixuan gave Mu Qingya a funny look, then rubbed Mu Qingya's head and said angrily, "don't you remember your sister?"

Mu Qingya looks at Ning Feixuan with doubts, then opens her eyes and says with disbelief:

"are you sister Ning? Aren't you in Yanjing? And I remember when you were a kid, weren't you flat chested? Why now... "

Words just export, Mu Qingya will realize where is wrong, quickly cover the mouth, pretty face slightly red.

Ning Feixuan was full of black lines, especially when she caught a glimpse of her two subordinates, who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to smile. She was so hard-working that she wanted to clean up the little girl.

Mu Qingya obviously remembers what happened when she was a child. She is more and more kind to Ning Feixuan. "Sister Ning, today is really thank you. If it wasn't for you, my grandfather and I would like to..."

Mu Qingya said more sad, tears have already turned in the orbit.

Mu old man is also repeatedly thank you, but also with Ning Feixuan talk about Ning family old man.

It turns out that before mu'an retired from the army, he was a colleague and even a close friend of the Ning family. After seeing Chen Ziyang away with Gao Junwu and skinny monkey, Ning Feixuan came to Jiangzhou to visit mu'an old man. Unexpectedly, Luo Kun assassinated him.

"Sister Ning, you are the mysterious female captain of the special department of China! I didn't recognize you when I saw the picture. I'm a big fan of you

Mu Qingya shakes Ning Feixuan's arm, a face worship way.

Ning Feixuan smile, about to speak, but suddenly feel dizzy.

"Captain! Sister Ning

In the crowd's exclamation, Ning Feixuan actually fainted.

Half an hour later, Ning Feixuan slowly woke up, but felt a burst of numbness in his abdomen. When he looked up, he saw twelve gold needles sealed in his abdomen.

Ning Feixuan frowned and said, "jinzhendu point? What's going on? "

People see Ning Feixuan wake up, quickly surrounded up.

However, the skinny monkey showed a smile that was even worse than crying, and said in a sad voice: "Captain, if I am not mistaken, the poison on the spears of the three armed forces should be the unique" Western European Mandala "of the Kate family

"Mandala?" People have never heard of the name, they are all confused.

However, the thin monkey sighed: "do you remember how many senior members of the nine families who died of poison a few years ago?"

As soon as he said this, Gao Junwu's face suddenly changed.

He even pulled the collar of the skinny monkey, staring at the monkey's eyes, and roared, "you mean this poison is the poisonous Mandala that will surely die within three days!"

In the eyes of people's panic, the thin monkey nodded helplessly.

"Asshole!" Gao Junwu pushed the skinny monkey to the ground and smashed it madly in the room.

"Little high!" Ning Feixuan's eyes are flat, still that pair of cold expression.

Gao Junwu, who was about to throw his chair down heavily, suddenly collapsed on the ground after hearing Ning Feixuan's unquestionable tone. The man, who was nearly two meters tall, burst into tears.

"Sister Ning, it's not true, it's not true!"

Mu Qingya didn't expect that things would get to this point. She thought that her sister Ning was poisoned in order to save herself. Her eyes were red and swollen.

"Don't be so pessimistic. The medical skill of the lean monkey is comparable to that of the domestic master doctor. He will have a way." Ning Feixuan light way, it is not to see that is a woman with three days of life.

As soon as this statement was made, all people's eyes fell on the skinny monkey.

The thin monkey said with a bitter smile: "Captain, don't praise me, I will be a golden needle crossing point, this golden needle crossing point as long as it can help you suppress the spread of the poison gas, it can prolong your life for 10 days at most."

Ning Feixuan smell speech is also Dai Mei a Cu, thin monkey's medical skills, she is the most clear, enough to compare with the domestic master.

At a time when everyone was at a loss, Gao Junwu beat his thigh fiercely.

"No! I'm poisoned too. Why am I ok? "

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