The roar of the propeller became more and more harsh.

Whether it's a group of state and city bigwigs along the river, mysterious black robed people on the challenge arena, or Ning Feixuan and others, they are all looking at the luxury plane with shock.

The skinny monkey swallowed his saliva, staring at the huge thing without blinking his eyes, and said with envy: "Captain, the owner of this helicopter seems to have a big head."

Without waiting for two people to ask questions, the thin monkey actively explained: "this helicopter should be the latest product s-81a of Sike company of the United States. Every part of the fuselage, even the paint, is the top configuration in the world, and it is the favorite model of those big families in Yanjing."

The thin monkey rubbed his hands and said expectantly, "Captain, if our department doesn't deserve a fight with such good equipment, isn't it sorry that we are super soldiers?"

Gao Junwu one face vigilant way: "the thing that you like is not cheap goods."

The thin monkey repeatedly waved his hand and said seriously: "it's not expensive. It's only 30 million."

Gao Junwu was just about to say that this time was really not expensive, but he heard that the skinny monkey suddenly said:

"US dollars."

Gao Junwu was suddenly covered with black lines.

Ning Feixuan turns a deaf ear to this, that pair of sky blue beautiful eyes is tightly staring at the white hair figure on the plane.

"How do I feel like I've seen him somewhere?"

Also staring at the figure is Meng ran, who is just about to make a move. He sneers: "Gu Changfeng, you are finally here."

Standing beside Meng ran, Wan Zhibin clearly heard the three words. He was like a big enemy in an instant, and said in an unbelievable way: "Gu Changfeng!? Brother, you mean the man on the helicopter is Gu Changfeng, the former president of the Imperial military academy! "

Wan Zhibin's voice was so loud that almost all the warriors and the big men on the riverside heard the legendary name.

"Gu Changfeng? Is it really president Gu? "

"For what is president Gu really? Is it difficult to participate in this martial arts competition? "

"No way! How can the immortal like President Gu look up to this little martial arts contest? "

It has to be said that Gu Changfeng's three words really weigh more than ten thousand Jun for the whole Jiangbei, which instantly ignites the curiosity of people.

Su Fangfei looks at Meng Ran's indifferent face, and has some worries in her heart. The woman's intuition tells her that this luxury private helicopter is likely to come for Meng ran!

But this idea is so ridiculous that Su Fangfei can't accept it.

His small Ran is just a student, can't communicate with these vicious people.

Even so, Su Fangfei took Meng Ran's hand.

A light call: "small ran."

Meng Ran is silent, but the palm slightly forced, tightly holding Su Fangfei that warm and cool soft Yi jade hand.

Just when Su Fangfei was full of doubts and wanted to ask, she jumped out of the helicopter with a straight figure. Wearing a rare Italian suit, she not only has a pair of long legs, but also has a handsome face like South Korea's Europa.

"You are Shen Shuchen! "

Wan Zhibin was the first to recognize the visitor.

As soon as the star, who has been popular for half of China, appeared, he immediately attracted a burst of shrieks from the people around the river. If it had not been for the fear of those ferocious bodyguards, those fanatical girls would have rushed to their idols.

However, the figure most concerned about by the city leaders and martial artists did not come down. What's more, the helicopter started to fly directly to the towering arena in the middle of the river!

Shen Shuchen's feet have just stepped on the ground. No matter the city leaders or the internal skill experts, they all flock to the ground and speak in succession. They can't wait to know whether the martial arts Lingyun hero is sitting on the plane.

Shen Shuchen straightened the folds of his clothes, then showed his trademark gentle smile and said in a low voice:

"ladies and gentlemen, today's master is going to fight a decisive battle here. I hope you can give him a thin face, and don't disturb the master's battle."

This speech can be said to be full of surprise.

Although people are not sure whether the master in Shen Shuchen's mouth is Gu Changfeng or not, the word "master's battle" is like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

Master Wu Dao is already invincible to Jiangbei warriors. As for the master of Wu Road, people feel like legends, superior and simultaneous interpreting.

At the moment, how can this big star not be shocked when he says that someone is going to fight against the great master here?

What's more, Shen Shuchen suddenly raised his head, and a strong and imperious force suddenly appeared on his body, which forced all the people around him to retreat several feet in an instant!

The next second, Shen Shuchen had formed a vacuum in front of him.

However, Shen Shuchen clasped his hands and seemed to be facing the crowd with a loud voice:

"the time for the decisive battle has come. Shen Shuchen respectfully invites master Meng to show up for the battle!"

Suddenly a word, like rolling thunder, sound shock the whole river bank!"Master Meng?"

Wan Zhibin and Su Fangfei almost at the same time put their eyes on Meng Ran's body, full of incredible.

Meng ran smiles slightly, which seems to be infinitely gentle:

"cousin Fangfei, I said, I want you to be the queen of the world. Today, I will give you this river north! "

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