Qingcheng Er Nu, looking at the handsome man who stands tall and empty, is already crazy.

I'm afraid only this man in heaven knows Meng Ran's accomplishments best. However, Gu Changfeng's face is full of horror, just like a ghost in the daytime.

"Meng ran! How dare you look down on me! You are obviously not under me. Why don't you fight with me? "

Gu Changfeng was so crazy that he saw Meng ran drive back Jiaolong 300 Zhang with his fist. This unique man of heaven realized that from the beginning to the end, the young man who fought with him had never used all his strength!

The lofty and empty figure with black hair and shawl looks like a God. His eyes fell on the wavy eldest son River and said coldly:

"it's just a man in the world. Do you want me to do it? If the divine realm comes, you can still fight with me. With you, 30 more years of practice

A word of indifference has spread to all the people along the river. No matter who is a city or a martial arts master, no one can say a word.

Gu Changfeng stares at the figure in the void, the knuckles of his left hand make a sound, and his face is red.

At this time, the eldest son on the river, heard the Dragon angry chant.

This giant demon, whose cultivation has reached its peak in the Yuan Dynasty, looks at the tiny human who beat him back three hundred feet with one blow, and his eyes show his hatred.

However, the dragon's mouth was so big that he spit out hundreds of wind blades. These three foot long blades carry the spirit of yin and evil spirit of Jiaolong for thousands of years. Each blade is enough to kill master Wudao in seconds!

A thousand gray wind blades came out at once, and turned into a tornado, carrying the power of destroying the sky and the earth, to the shadow of the dust.

"Is this Magic

Gu Changfeng and the veiled woman almost made a fright at the same time.

Such prestige is no longer the power of the world.

Meng ran looked at the nearby wind blade tornado, shook his head and sighed: "at least it is the descendant of Jiaolong. How can you understand this low-level skill?"

After a word, Meng ran and two crystal like fingers, in the air a little.

Three inch ice edge amazing reappearance!

The world is shining like a flash of desolation, and it's just a breath of emptiness.

"A finger of ice emperor."

In a soft voice, the three inch ice edge shining with bright golden awn and Jingtian tornado slammed into each other.

Click! CLICK!

The wind blade tornado, dozens of feet high, turned into an icicle!

On it is bright blue and dazzling, like a dream!

"It's the magic power of practitioners! He is a real Dharma practitioner The veiled woman screamed, and Shen Yiru beside her was numb.

"You are the weakest among the Jiaolong people I have ever seen."

With a word of shaking his head, Meng ran seems to have turned into a meteor. In people's eyes, Meng Ran's incomparably delicate fist directly smashed into the icicle which was dozens of feet high. This icicle, which was transformed from countless wind blades, was actually smashed by life and turned into ice debris all over the sky.

The dragon, which is over 30 meters in size, has a touch of humanized fear in its blood red pupils. It is a great sense of crisis.

In that dull vision, Meng Ran's fist, like a white marble, directly hit the head of Shuo Da long.

This dragon, the peak of the Ningyuan period, was like a ball, which was smashed by Meng ran!

Meng ran didn't stop, but he urged him to walk with his feet out of thin air. His speed increased ten times, and he chased the dragon flying backward.

Meng Ran has already rushed to the top of the dragon.

Meng ran suddenly raised his feet. The spotless white casual shoes, in the eyes of the public, directly stepped on the dragon's body!

It seems that the behemoth, with a roar of anger, spurts thousands of gray Yin Qi out of his mouth, which turns into arrows and shoots at the figure on his body.

Meng ran, who turned a blind eye to this, said in a loud voice:

"give me the town!"

With the power of his feet, he was so amazing that he saw Meng ran stepping into the river with one foot the Dragon hovering in the air!

The turbulent surface of the changzijiang river burst, and the whole river was immediately divided into two. The sediment at the bottom of the river was clearly visible!

The two sides of the Yangtze River set off a curtain of water as high as 100 Zhang. In the middle of the river, there is a young man standing on a dragon's feet. He looks like a god!

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