In the eyes of the three, Fang Qingchuan, dressed in a stiff suit, stood with four men in black!

"Brother, you How can you stand with them? "

With gold rimmed glasses, the gentle Fang family's third, pointing to Fang Qingchuan, who is not angry and self-confident and has a superior temperament, said in a trembling voice.

The eldest brother of the Fang family glanced at his third younger brother. His eyes were full of pity, just like looking at a poor creature.

Li Mingzhu looked at several people in front of him with a vigilant face, and inadvertently pulled Fang rubing's warm and cool jade hand, and quietly stepped back a few steps.

Without waiting for Fang Qingchuan to speak, the old goat bearded man with two regiments of blood mist all over his body immediately denounced:

"don't be rude! Mr. Fang is now the deputy head of our Taiyi sect. Why don't you kneel down when you see me as the vice head of my Taiyi sect? "

Immediately, the remaining three men in black all said with one voice:

"get down on your knees!"

It's like the pressure of kneeling on the mountain.

"Deputy headmaster?" Fang Qinghai's voice was lost.

"Master Chuan You're in too much collusion! " Li Mingzhu was shocked.

Among the three, only the first beautiful woman in Qingzhou was indifferent, as if she had already expected to see the situation today.

"Uncle, why?"

Fang Qingchuan, who was already in the grip of winning, flicked his finger and deliberately pretended to be puzzled, "what, why?"

Fang Ru said in a cold voice, "why join taiyimen, willing to be their running dog."

"Stinky girl, you want to die!" When Qingchuan is stopped by four men, he is angry.

Fang Qingchuan's aggressive eyes swam on Fang rubing Jiao's body and sighed: "tut Tut, rubing niece, you say you have such a good look. It's good to marry him Lin Feng. It's enviable for everyone to be a rich lady, isn't it?"

Fang rubing said without expression: "what do you want to say?"

Fang Qingchuan suddenly looked up and laughed, laughing very loud, very arrogant, he fiercely bowed his head, his eyes like a sharp knife, straight into Fang rubing's heart.

"You should never, never, never know the master Meng! If there was no him, the second younger brother died smoothly, and the position of master would surely fall on my head! If I take care of the Fang family, the Fang family will certainly grow and grow. Even the Lin family, they will crawl under my feet

Fang Qingchuan, like a wounded beast, roared wildly:

"but you are such a bitch! You provoked that bastard into the Fang family! It's a failure for me! You and that bastard named Meng killed your own father! The hundred year old foundation of our family has been lost to an outsider

"I don't like it! I don't like it! My ability is ten thousand times better than my second brother, but the old fool gave him the position of master of the house before he died! I had a hard time till my second brother died, but I didn't know where a Meng Xianshi came from. What's more, I handed over the century old foundation of our Fang family to you, a girl film! "

At this time, Fang Qinghai, who was kneeling on the ground, said: "so you betrayed the Fang family and took refuge in taiyimen? Leading such a group of demons to the Fang family to slaughter? "

Fang Qingchuan frowned and said in a cold voice, "third brother, I'll give you a chance. As long as you submit to me, I will spare your life. From now on, you will be my right arm, Fang family..."

"Pooh Fang Qinghai spits a mouthful of blood phlegm on Fang Qingchuan's expensive trousers.

"Fang Qingchuan, I'm so blind that I let you be my brother! If you want me to be your right arm, bah! Go and daydream

Looking at the hoarse third brother, Fang Qingchuan sneered: "then you go to die!"

After that, Fang Qingchuan waved his big palm, and a strong black air appeared out of thin air. Fang Qinghai screamed, and his seven orifices bled to death.

Li Mingzhu and Fang rubing, who witnessed the scene of killing their younger brother, felt that the man in front of them was no longer a human being, but a devil.

"Fang Qingchuan! You lunatic! He is your brother Li Mingzhu roared.

However, Fang Qingchuan turned a deaf ear to this, just kept looking at his hands, looking at the strands of black gas, full of obsession.

"This is power, what a wonderful power."

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