The eldest lady of the martial arts family, the Pearl of the second largest family in the south of the Yangtze River, and the talented master of martial arts, at this moment, has completely and completely yielded to Meng Ran's hand.

She didn't want to try it again in her life.

This mysterious and unpredictable power of terror, for Shen Xinghan, too creepy.

In her eyes, Meng ran, who holds this power, is no different from the most terrible devil in the world.

In front of this kind of power, Shen Xinghan can only yield.

At the moment, Meng Ran is still sitting high on the imperial chair and conquering the Shen family lady. There is no half joy on his face, but only a look of indifference.

Shen Xinghan lowered her eyebrows and stood in front of him respectfully, like a puppet.

"Who is Shen Ronghang?"

"He's my second uncle, the second uncle of the Shen family. His accomplishments are not as good as my father, and just like Gu Changfeng, they are all the strongest men who have stepped into the realm of heaven and man. He is in charge of the martial arts of our Shen family. He and his sister are the right and left arm of my father. They are both good at martial arts and good at writing. "

Meng ran nodded.

Although heaven and man are strong, they can't enter Meng Ran's eyes unless they are strong in God's realm.

However, Meng ran doubts that since Shen Ronghang's status is so noble and his cultivation is beyond the earthly world, why does he become the enemy of Shen Yiru's life and death?

Meng ran heard Shen Yiru mention that she is only the collateral blood of the Shen family. Her status in the Shen family can only be regarded as the upper and middle reaches. Compared with Shen Ronghang, it is a difference between the two.

"Do you know why Shen Yiru abandoned her husband and son, and now she has committed herself to marry others?"

When Shen Xinghan heard the speech, her delicate body trembled obviously. Obviously, this problem is the great taboo of Shen family. But now Shen Xinghan's life is already in Meng Ran's hands, and there is no secret.

"This is a disgrace to the Shen family. For more than ten years, the Shen family has been strictly forbidden to discuss it. I just happened to hear the old people mention it."

Shen Xinghan rationalized his thoughts and slowly talked about the causes and consequences of things for Meng ran.

Shen Xinghan said very chaotic, endless, but Meng Ran has already guessed 7788.

The Shen family is a martial arts family. They have always been very fond of the family tradition. Even if it is collateral blood, it is absolutely impossible for them to let them fall in love freely, especially having children before marriage, which is a big taboo of the family.

At that time, Shen Yiru was also regarded as the gorgeous crown in the south of the Yangtze River. Many of the children of the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River all wanted to hold the beauty home. Shen family regards Shen Yiru as a rare canary, waiting for the price to sell. They want to choose a family with the greatest influence and marry with it.

However, Shen Yiru didn't want to be a canary. She fled the Shen family and went to beirao County, Jiangbei province. She fell in love with a small antique shop owner.

Shen Yiru was unmarried and gave birth to Zhang Tao.

When they went to get the certificate hand in hand, they exposed the news of Shen Yiru. The Shen family actually sent dozens of martial arts experts to cross the province and pursue them!

The leader is the second master of the Shen family, Shen Ronghang!

If Shen Yiru didn't force her to die, she would return to the cage bird and obey the family's arrangement. She would never meet Zhang's father and son in this life. Shen Ronghang even wanted to kill Zhang Jia's father and son in order to cover up the Shen family's disgrace.

"By the way, I heard Shen Zhenhua say before that Shen Yiru married a big man in the south of the Yangtze River. Who is it?" Meng ran suddenly asked.

"It's the sixth master who cares for his family. His cultivation has entered the realm of transformation. There are few enemies among martial masters. It is said that he had coveted the beauty of his sister-in-law for a long time, and the proposal to kill Zhang's father and son was what he strongly demanded. " Shen Xinghan dare not deceive, said respectfully.

Meng ran cold smile, this kind of family entanglement he most disgusted.

His parents are like this, but Zhang Tao's parents are too. It is a kind of sadness to be born in such a big family with no human feelings.

However, Meng Ran's palm condenses a blue sword, which is no more than a foot long, crystal clear and cold.

Meng ran handed the sword to Shen Xinghan and said in a soft voice: "this is a meeting gift given to the Shen family by Meng Xianshi in Jiangbei."

Although Shen Xinghan has doubts in his heart, he does not dare to ask more questions, so he takes it respectfully.

After leaving the sword, Meng ran wants to get up and leave.

As soon as he got to the door, Meng ran suddenly stopped and said in a cold voice:

"is Lu Shaoqian a warrior?"

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