Meng ran, who infuses her own Qi and blood into Fang rubing's body, is indifferent again.

"It's the martial arts master's vigorous Qi! He is a master of martial arts

The four elders spoke in a deep voice, and their faces were hard to see.

"Keep casting! Even if he is a master of martial arts, the spirit of protecting body and vigorous Qi can't stop us from joining hands! "

The disciples of Taiyi school, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. Their eyes were red. They were crazy to activate the Fu Zhuan technique, and the hundred methods came again!

The palm of Ning Feixuan is already full of sweat. She knows that Meng Ran's cultivation is amazing. However, it is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists. What's more, Meng Ran is fighting with one hundred at the moment!

Let a hundred people attack together!


In the mask of light, another word of indifference came out. There was no temperature in the words, but it looked as if there was nothing in the sky sweeping technique!

Boom! Boom!

One after another, the skills bombard Meng Ran's blue light mask, just like rain hitting banana. The blue light mask only stirs up ripples, which is still unbreakable!

"No way! This body protecting vigorous Qi must be broken! It must be! "

The four elders in black are crazy, and their Taoist and Taoist terrorist techniques have been blasted out one after another.

Blink of an eye, ten interest time only two interest!


The familiar voice rings again, but at the moment, Meng Ran's blue light shield has already been violently shaking and on the verge of breaking.

"Hold on Ning Feixuan clenched her fist, and her eyes were full of worry.

Immediately, the terrible technique bombards again, but hears "click".

Body shield, broken!

"Meng ran!"

Ning Feixuan's delicate body trembled, and her nails had already penetrated into the flesh and blood of her palm, but she didn't know that her eyes of sky blue eyes had always been gathered on the white clothes and never left.

At the moment, Meng Ran's face was already pale because of the loss of blood.

However, the corner of his mouth was filled with a smile, because Fang rubing finally slowly woke up!

"It's OK." With a soft voice, Meng ran helped Fang rubing to get up slowly.

Now, ten rest Kung Fu, only one breath left!

A group of Taiyi disciples saw that Meng ran had completely lost the vigorous Qi of protecting body and killed them. They did not want to kill them. The magic power of Taoism was amazing, and they suddenly killed them!


Fang rubing, who just woke up, did not understand what was going on. He saw such a terrible scene and immediately sent out a scream.

Meng ran took Fang rubing into his arms with one hand, and his indifference sounded again.


"Meng gave you a chance. Unfortunately, you disappoint me."

After a word, the young man in white and his fingers rose together, and the three inch ice edge appeared!

At this moment, all the skills in the void were frozen by the amazing power of "the finger of ice emperor".

Ning Feixuan and Fang rubing are both staring at the ice crystal, which is nearly ten Zhang above her head, as if to see a miracle.

As Meng Ran's finger rings, the ice crystal explodes, and all kinds of skills disappear.

"Take care of her."

Meng ran takes back the mana that trapped Ning Feixuan, and gives Fang rubing to her. Then she turns around gently and faces hundreds of people.

"I said that if you can hurt me by half an inch within ten breath, Meng will break his arms. Unfortunately, you can't. Then, Meng will fulfill his promise. "

The four elders in black have not yet stepped out of the power of Meng Ran's horrible ice emperor, but they see a seven foot sword in the hands of a young man in white.

Meng ran holds a long sword, just like the God of war.

"Meng Mou today, blood washes Tai Yi!"

After a word, Meng Ran has already turned into a shadow, and the knife in his hand is cut out horizontally. The three most front disciples of Taiyi sect, who have not even had time to scream, have been cut into two pieces by Meng ran and killed on the spot!

Blue Sword awn, just like magic soldiers!

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