Half an hour later, Shen Shuchen handed a mirror to Yu Weiwei.

Yu Weiwei looked at herself in the mirror and said in disbelief: "really recovered? Can't you see any trace? What is this thing, elder martial brother? "

Shen Shuchen played with the exquisite jade bottle in his hand and said with a smile, "life aura."

"Aura of life?" Yu Weiwei, who repeats the name, looks puzzled.

Just now, after Yu Weiwei and Shen Shuchen discussed the specific plan of killing people with knives, Shen Shuchen took out a bottle of air for Yu Weiwei to suck.

It is more confident to say that after smoking, Yu Weiwei looks as good as before.

Sure enough, it is as good as ever!

"I don't know specifically. It was given to me by a good friend in the circle. It's said that there are more than 20 bottles of this stuff. In terms of its efficacy, it's absolutely worth the price."

Shen explained.

Yu Weiwei suddenly said: "elder martial brother! We must find out who is the owner of the "life aura". This is a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity! "


While Yu Weiwei and Shen Shuchen are discussing the issue of aura, Meng ran, carrying a fruit basket and a box of milk, walks into the Xiufeng mountain sanatorium.

"Well? sniper? the special arms? And the warrior? Is there something wrong with the sanatorium? "

Before entering the sanatorium, Meng Ran has already felt the breath of a warrior, and is keen to find the snipers hidden around.

"Stop! What a man! This is the recuperation center of Jiangbei military region, no admittance to the rest of the people A well-equipped special forces at the door will stop Meng ran.

Meng ran frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "excuse me, Miss Mu Qingya's friend is coming to visit."

Special forces just want to talk, a nurse in the courtyard is a little girl but recognize Meng ran.

"Oh, it's you? Aren't you the miracle doctor who wakes up general mu? "

Three weeks ago, the story of Meng ran rescuing the old general in the sanatorium has been spread all over the whole sanatorium. The little girl has met Meng ran once and has some impression.

"Little doctor, please come in. I'll take you to see the old general."

The little girl is very enthusiastic to meet Meng ran inside. On the way, she asks about the East and the West. She looks like a pair of household registration checks, which makes Meng ran a little speechless.

"Miss nurse, what happened to the sanatorium? How come so many troops have been increased suddenly, and I didn't have to check when I came last time. " Meng ran doubts.

The little nurse girl with Meng ran walking through the sanatorium with Meng ran looked around at her with a pair of bright eyes. Seeing no one eavesdropping, she said quietly:

"a few days ago, a gangster rushed into the sanatorium, not only injured general mu, but also hijacked Miss Mu."


This speech a, Meng ran immediately facial expression a change.

Mu Qingya is not only his Savior in his previous life, but also one of his few friends. Master Mu gives a villa to Meng ran, which can be regarded as some kindness to Meng ran.

They have an accident, Meng ran can not sit back and ignore.

"Oh, keep your voice down!" The little girl was angry.

Meng Ran's face was red, and some apologetic nodding heads were worried. He asked, "how are they?"

The little girl said, "don't worry. Fortunately, an imperial sister in leather arrived in time and saved everyone. However, the old general Mu was seriously injured. He coughed violently every day and occasionally vomited blood. "

"Well, the destination has arrived. The old general has changed his room and lived in it. Little miracle doctor, please go in quickly."

After that, the little nurse took advantage of Meng Ran's inattention, squeezed Meng Ran's white face like lightning, threw a wink at Meng ran and left.

Meng ran couldn't laugh or cry. He was robbed.

After arranging her clothes, Meng ranzheng wants to knock on the door, but a haughty female voice comes from the room.

"Xiaoqingya, it's been so many days, but there's no news about Meng ran. In my opinion, he's probably poisoned by Luo Kun. It's good to be dead. It's better to save our family. "

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