Excited, Fang Qing quickly pulled out the new smart phone and took photos.

But because the night is too dark, the photo is just a fuzzy figure, almost nothing can be seen clearly.

Fang Qing, who is full of anxieties, unties the complete belt and wants to get off the bus. She is stopped by Jiang Yufei.

"Sunny, what are you doing! It's on the road. It's too dangerous

Fang Qing, who was anxious and sweating, pointed to the front and said, "what are you afraid of? They all got off the bus! This is big news. Don't you want to see the gods in the sky with your own eyes

"Feifei, take out your mobile phone and take photos. Take two more pictures for me. I'll show off my friends later."

In spite of Jiang Yufei's obstruction, Fang Qing gets off the bus directly.

Because of her concern for Fang Qing's safety, Jiang Yufei also untied her seat belt and got off in a hurry.

However, when they got off the bus, they found that all the drivers had already got off the blocked road.

People are pointing at the figure walking in the sky in the night sky, a mobile phone, digital camera, keep shooting.

"My God, our country of China is also out of Superman, this is flying in the sky!" There were young students shouting excitedly.

"Can it be the legendary sword fairy? You see, he is carrying a cloth bag behind him. Maybe there is a sword in it There are two patients in depth, a face firm said.

"Today's young people, listening to the wind is rain, they don't use their brains at all." Education workers in suits and leathers hate iron but not steel.

"The 21st century is a century of science. How can anyone be so superstitious! This is clearly a movie, he must be hanging a wire rope

As soon as he said this, everyone suddenly realized that they were all dejected. They thought they had seen the gods just now, but they didn't expect that they were filmmakers.

Even Fang Qing was lack of interest. She was too lazy to take photos and got on the bus directly.

Only Jiang Yufei looks suspicious, and always feels that something is wrong.

"By the way, Feifei, Xiao Kun left the hospital and said he wanted to get back together with me. Originally, I didn't want to pay attention to him, but guess what?"

Fang Qing said with flying eyebrows.

"So soon? I remember that Xiao Kun and his son were seriously injured? " Jiang Yufei was slightly surprised.

Fang Qing waved her hand and said excitedly, "this is not the point! The point is that Xiao Kun sent me a picture and I'll show it to you. "

Fang Qing turns out the photo from the chat record and hands her mobile phone to Jiang Yufei.

"Well? This is Xiao Kun!? How did he suddenly become so strong? Are you catching up with those trainers? "

Looking at the figure in the photo, Jiang Yufei said in surprise.

The man in the photo is more than half a head higher than the original Li zekun. His white body has eight abdominal muscles, and the bulging muscles contain explosive power.

This has a fatal attraction for girls like Fang Qing.

"Who knows, Feifei, do you want me to get back with him? Maybe he's there... " Fang Qing licked her beautiful red lips, and her eyes were full of sultry.

"Wait! Qingqing, do you think the image of the body next to it doesn't look like Liu Zijie Jiang Yufei exclaimed.

"Ah? Liu Shao? Where? Let me see. "

Fang Qing took the mobile phone, looked at it twice, shook his head and said, "it's not him, Feifei. You can't miss you so much? Liu Shao did not come to school for a long time. I don't know where to go. The rich second generation born with the golden key will have a good life. "

Jiang Yufei stares at the photo as if to see through the mobile phone.

The photo is taken in a private room with crystal chandeliers and cashmere carpets. The decoration is extremely luxurious, which is in line with Liu Zijie's status as the son of a rich man.

However, the room light slightly dim, Jiang Yufei always feel the back of the corner of the photo, to his inexplicable sense of familiarity.

So is the figure in the picture Liu Zijie?

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