Beside her, a beautiful woman in high-heeled shoes was in charge of her. If song Anqi hadn't come to help her in time, AI Siying would have fallen to the ground.

In the star entertainment gymnasium, there was a rumbling sound, rows of seats collapsed, and the audience fell to the ground like dumplings.

"There's an earthquake!"

I don't know who first yelled, and then the whole stadium screamed. It seems to have caused a riot. Even if there were security to maintain order, the scene was once out of control.

In Xiufeng mountain sanatorium, Ning Feixuan and others are all gathered in the thin monkey's room, staring at the high-level laptop computer of the thin monkey.

"What's the matter? Is it an earthquake? " Gao Junwu asked anxiously.

It was stopped by Ning Feixuan, indicating not to disturb the skinny monkey.

The thin monkey, whose fingers were pounding wildly on the keyboard, had little sweat on his forehead and nose, and his mouth kept saying "hurry up.".

A few seconds later, as the skinny monkey hit the enter button, a map of China appeared in front of everyone.

At the top of the map, you can see all kinds of curves, which are in a mess.

The only thing people can understand is the red color of the whole Jiangzhou!

"What do you mean?" People don't know why.

The skinny monkey's face was extremely grim. He said in an unquestionable voice, "Captain, I can tell you very clearly that the earthquake just happened was not a real" earthquake "

"What earthquake is not earthquake, skinny monkey, what are you talking about?" The muscular man Gao Junwu is full of mist.

Ningfeixuan said coldly: "he means that the earthquake just happened, although it is the same as the earthquake we usually see, but the cause is completely different."

The thin monkey nodded, "modern research generally believes that crustal movement is the main cause of earthquakes, but from the information I just received from the State Seismological Bureau and the analysis of computer data, the cause of the earthquake just now is not crustal movement."

The thin monkey said categorically.

"What is that?" Gao Junwu is more confused.

The lean monkey pointed to the whole Jiangzhou and said firmly: "the answer is in this Jiangzhou city!"

At a time when Ning Feixuan and others were uncertain about the earthquake, Jiangbei, Jiangnan and Zhongzhou provinces The seismological bureaus of all provinces and cities in China are already busy.

The line of the State Administration of seismology has always been busy. Even the senior leaders of various provinces and cities can't get through by themselves.

In the Seismological Bureau of China, the following dialogue is heard:

"what's going on! Where is the source of this earthquake, and the earthquake grade evaluation! Data analysis! Why don't you have any information? "

"The source cannot be detected, the earthquake magnitude is being estimated..."

This earthquake did not just happen in Jiangzhou, but affected the whole country of China!

Just when the whole country was in deep panic, only two minutes later, the second earthquake arrived as scheduled!

But this earthquake, although its power is almost the same as before, can affect the scope, actually swept the entire earth!

On the coast of the ocean, huge waves were set off several feet high, as if the whole ocean were roaring.

However, it is strange that although the people feel the obvious earthquake, the earthquake power seems to be poor. Except for some dilapidated buildings, there is no accident in the conventional buildings.

From the statistical data of various regions, the situation of civilian casualties can be ignored.

The planet, like a shiver.

Such an abnormal earthquake has really upset scientists all over the world.

At the time when the whole earth is in panic, Xiufeng mountain, Jiangzhou City, is located in Qingxiu East villa.

A piece of golden crystal is shining, like a spider's web of cracks, almost full of the whole stone

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