"Did my father find out what I did these days?" Shen Xinghan, walking toward the hall of the Shen family, is in a state of disbelief.

Shen Xinghan doesn't dare to tell the Shen family about Meng Ran's sword seal. Once the Shen family can't solve it, his relationship with Meng ran will be exposed. If Meng ran retaliates for this, Shen Xinghan will die without a burial place.

Unconsciously, Shen Xinghan has come to the front of the Shen family hall.

At this time, there was a roar in the hall:

"the third one died in the hands of that little beast

The words fall, more smell "pa" a sound, unexpectedly is the tea table beside this person was patted into pieces.

For this person's identity, Shen Xinghan has already guessed, the whole Shen family dares to be angry in front of his father, only her second uncle, Shen Ronghang!

"Dad, second uncle."

Shen Xinghan walked into the hall and called respectfully.

At this time, few people were present in the hall of the Shen family except Shen Tiannan, the head of the Shen family, and Shen Ronghang, the second eldest of the Shen family. The reason is that all the senior members of the Shen family were injured by Meng Ran's sword Qi last time, and they are still recuperating.

Shen family is so busy, Shen Tiannan even recalled Shen Ronghang.

Shen Ronghang, dressed in a luxurious silk Tang suit, saw Shen Xinghan come in. His face was slightly less angry, but he said in a cold voice: "what's going on here! An 18-year-old Youth Association is a master of heaven and man? How could that be possible! "

Shen Xinghan lowered his head and said in a sad voice, "second uncle, this is true. Third uncle, he was also poisoned by that villain..."

Shen Xinghan wanted to cry, but the jade face was full of grievances.

Shen Ronghang's face was full of blue veins, and his body was about to gush out. At this time, a big hand pressed on his shoulder.

"Second brother, it is true that I underestimated the cultivation of that young man. I didn't expect that this man was so rampant that he openly challenged my Shen family. But don't worry about the hatred of the third younger brother. I've asked the elder elder to do it. I've sent six transformation masters. Even if this son is the Lord of Luomen, he will surely die! "

Shen Tiannan, the head of the Shen family, looks arrogant and ready to take the opportunity.

"Is the elder out of the mountain? Good, good! With the help of the elder, this little beast will surely die without a place to be buried! " Shen Ronghang gnawed his teeth and said.

Voice just fell, but heard a burst of high-heeled shoes and leather shoes staggered sound.

"Second uncle, who makes you unhappy because you are so open-minded? Do you want to let others die without a burial place?"

A simple and elegant voice came, he saw a pair of beautiful men and women, walked into the Shen family hall.

The man is handsome and unrestrained, but with a kind of noble temperament that people can't help but submit, as if he were born superior. Women elegant as lotus, people can not bear to blaspheme, it can be said that the country.

It was Lu Shaoqian and Shen Xingyun.

Lu Shaoqian and Shen Xingyun are lovers who marry each other. They can be described as childhood sweethearts and beautiful women. However, this news has not been disclosed to the public, and few outsiders know about it.

Before Lu Shaoqian founded the company, Shen Xingyun has been with him to help him with everything. Now that Lu Shaoqian's company has settled down and everything is on the right track, Lu Shaoqian is determined to accompany Shen Xingyun to visit the Shen family.

"Dad, second uncle."

"Shaoqian has met two great uncles." Lu Shaoqian bowed slightly, showing the gentlemanly demeanor of the richest son of Jiangnan.

In principle, Shen Tiannan and Shen Ronghang were very happy to see the two men come back, but at the moment they just nodded and exchanged greetings. After a few words, their faces returned to their apathy again.

When Lu Shaoqian saw this scene, he was a little surprised. The Lu and Shen families were close friends. Shen Tiannan had always placed high hopes on Lu Shaoqian and greatly appreciated him.

Today's attitude was so cold that Lu Shaoqian was somewhat embarrassed.

Shen Xingyun and Lu Shaoqian looked at each other. They could not help asking, "Dad, is something wrong?"

As soon as the voice dropped, there was a loud noise in the Shenjiazhuang garden.

He ran is the elder of Shen family. Shen chuanting is back.

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