As a former Feng Hua Shaodong, Meng ran attended the dinner party several times higher than this one, so she got to know all kinds of people in the upper class.

There are two essential elements in the banquet, one is beauty, the other is beauty.

Some third line young models try their best to get to know those rich people who are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and enjoy the life of a lady, even if it's just a night's stand or being taken care of by others, they are willing.

In his last life, as a young director of a company worth more than one billion yuan, Meng ran met many women of this kind. Although Meng ran was not a gentleman, he still hated this kind of woman.

In addition to attractive women, some rich businessmen and celebrities will also attack the women they like. Few women in the entertainment industry can be spared.

After being quenched by natural beauty, song Anqi's appearance and temperament are all the top in China, and her elegant and refined temperament is most popular with the rich and famous people with some special hobbies.

Meng ran regards song Anqi as her sister and will never allow her to be defiled by these scum.

"It seems to find a chance to frighten those people in the entertainment industry. Angie's simple temperament will definitely suffer great losses after entering the entertainment industry."

With the guardian of the door after the name of song Anqi, there will be welcoming people will Meng ran respectfully welcome in.

For the first two times, Meng ran had dinner in the private room of the villa. However, this jewelry dinner was set up in a spacious hall with extremely luxurious decoration. French crystal chandeliers, English cashmere carpet and famous works of Western European oil painting masters were hung around.

Looking around, the hall is full of bright lights, resplendent, and full of high-class people in luxurious clothes.

The whole hall is filled with extravagance and extravagance.

Men are mostly tuxedo dresses or hand cut suits, while women are all evening dress and long dress cheongsam, which can be said to be the beauty of men's gentlemen and women.

The whole hall, only Meng ran a denim shirt and casual shoes, seems out of place, attracted a lot of pointing.

Meng ran did not care, extremely casual to find a seat to sit down, the banquet is a self-service reception mode.

Meng ran was very happy. He took a plate, including French fish roll, shrimp salad with sour and sweet taste, and Portuguese egg tarts These things that Meng ran loved to eat in his previous life are really unfriendly.

While Meng ran was enjoying the delicious food, there was a complaint nearby:

"well, why didn't Feifei want to come to such a fun party? She has been keeping herself at home all day recently and told me that I must be sick. "

As soon as his voice dropped, the man seemed to discover the new world, pointing to the young man who ate and drank at leisure, he said in surprise:

"look, sister Xiaofu! How can anyone dress up like this in a cocktail party of this level? You're not sneaking in, are you? Come on, let's go and have a look

Words down, two clear high-heeled shoes sound, gradually clear up.

Meng ran, who was chewing on the Italian dry fruit cake, was suddenly patted on the shoulder and heard an old-fashioned female voice scolding:

"Hello, who's your child? How do you get in?"

A slightly arrogant voice sounded: "this friend, this banquet is sponsored by Zhou Daxiang jewelry. If you don't have an invitation, please leave. People who eat and drink for nothing are not welcome here."

The boy who is still dealing with delicious food turns a deaf ear and never looks back.

Seeing that the young girl had the courage to ignore herself, the young girl's teeth itched, and she even yelled out: "I have never seen such a shameless person as you! It's obvious that they've come here, and they dare to eat and drink

The girl's voice was so loud that she immediately attracted a glance. All the upper class people who had been disgusted with this young man with casual clothes said in succession:

"whose child is this? No matter what? You don't have to look at any occasion, but bring people in? "

"A good banquet, how could such a rat dung come out? The security guard, hurry to drive the child away!"

Soon, two security guards came in.

"Please show me your invitation, sir, or we'll drive you out." Security guard is cold face, impolite way.

The two women behind the boy looked like they were watching a good play, as if they were going to eat the boy.

At this time, the young man who enjoyed the perfect food turned slowly to the two girls with a smile:

"you two, I haven't seen you for a long time."

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