Compared with Meng Ran's sneer, the hall is full of exclamations.

"What! Is song angqi a contracted artist of muchao company

"Isn't that to say that she, like Shen Shuchen, will be a star entertainer in Imperial entertainment in the future?"

"There was Shen Shuchen, a popular young student in half of China, and then song Anqi, the hot draft champion. With these two escorts, the imperial entertainment is already comparable to those super entertainment companies in Yanjing."

Hearing the news that song Anqi became an entertainer in the imperial dynasty, all the celebrities on the scene were filled with emotion.

Even more, someone suddenly reacted and said, "wait a minute! Did you hear that Mu Shao just said that he would compensate song Anqi for the 130 million yuan! "

All of them felt that the Royal entertainment was so rich that it was willing to spend 130 million yuan to protect its artists.

However, in the face of the public's emotion, the young Dong of imperial entertainment showed his defiant face and said bravely:

"who said that the Royal entertainment paid for it? This 130 million yuan is my son's own money for angel compensation, angel is my good friend, but also the pursuit of this little object. For her, don't say 130 million. Even if it's 200 million or 300 million, I won't frown! "

As soon as the words fell, the applause around him burst into thunderous applause. All the well-dressed celebrities were full of praise for muyuanhao.

"Mu Shao is really infatuated with throwing thousands of gold for his beloved woman."

"Although Mu Shao was a young director of entertainment in the imperial dynasty, he did not rely on the company's property, but relied on his own financial resources to compensate for song Anqi. Such practice is really straightforward! I wait for admiration

People's emotion and admiration are obviously very useful to the third young master of Mu family.

In addition to the praise of these celebrities, a famous lady showed jealousy on her face and was eager to change song angqi for herself.

At this moment, the most beloved of the Mu family in Jiangbei is like the bright moon held in the center by many stars, and is the worthy focus of this banquet.

Mu Yuanhao, dressed in a brand-name suit, walked slowly to song Anqi in front of him. With a slight bow, he pulled out a luxurious diamond ring with diamonds as big as pigeon eggs.

The young master of the Mu family said to song Anqi affectionately, "angel, don't be afraid. Let me stand in front of you in the future to protect you from the wind and rain."

"Angel, promise me to be my muyuanhao's girlfriend, OK?"

So affectionate confession, instantly attracted the tears of the girls around her, is Fang Qing and Wang Xiaofu are also full of envy, hate to be confessed is their own.

I don't know who first called "promise him", and then the whole hall resounded with these three words, echoing more than once.

Mu Yuanhao, holding a luxurious diamond ring, was extremely satisfied with the scene. All this was the result of his careful design. "Song Anqi, I don't believe it. With these things, I can't move your heart!"

Thinking of enjoying this pure goddess tonight, muyuanhao's heart is hot, and his stomach is full of evil fire.

However, what makes muyuanhao's face change is that, in the face of his deep confession, song Anqi is like a frightened bird and hides behind Meng ran.

Meng ran seemed to have expected this scene for a long time. He looked at the big and small family who seemed to express his feelings with the air.

"Good boy, you dare to challenge me, don't you? I'll have to break your leg later! "

Mu Yuan Hao's hatred for Meng Ran has been unprecedented.

But she came forward with a smile and said affectionately to song Anqi: "angel, don't be afraid. It's only 130 million yuan. I'll pay it back for you."

At this time, a voice of indifference sounded coldly:

"no need."

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