"Will Shenghui Hotel hold a masquerade party the night after tomorrow? I remember Qingya once invited me. Is this invitation sent by Qingya? But why didn't she just call me and send it to school to make a fuss? "

Rubbing the big words on the invitation card, Meng Ran's face showed doubts.

After returning to Qingxiu Dongju villa, Meng ran remembered that song Anqi had given him an invitation last night.

"Li zekun and his son are seriously injured. According to the law, they should still be recuperating in the hospital. Who is in charge of Shenghui hotel now?"

Meng ran vaguely felt that the matter was not simple, because the invitation card by name and surname invited him to go there. His tone was very sincere and urgent, as if he was inviting a big man.

Meng ran remembers that Mu Qingya seemed to have said that this masquerade ball invited handsome men and beautiful women from Jiangzhou circle. How could he specially invite such a bumpkin?

"Is there someone else who wants to plan Meng?"

Meng ran mouth slightly up, delicate face suddenly emerged a sneer.

Last night, Meng ran noticed that someone was watching her on the way home. Although the man disappeared in a flash, she was still recognized by Meng ran. She was a master level vampire!

I think it's Kate's revenge.

But since it's revenge, with the strength and details of this Western European overlord, we can send experts to come directly to our door. There is no need to make such a masquerade dance.

Moreover, the masquerade ball has invited so many young people from the upper circles of Jiangzhou. If the Kate family makes a move in this public, once innocent people are injured, the senior leaders of China will never sit idly by.

In this way, is it not fun to find yourself?

The most important point, if Meng ran remembers correctly, Mu Qingya invited herself to the masquerade ball, which should be before he and Ryan fight!

In any case, the conspirators behind the masquerade ball can't be the Kate family!

"Am I really worried?"

While Meng ran was talking to himself, Fang rubing came back with a rich fruit basket.

Meng ran asked with a black face: "don't tell me that you went around all afternoon and bought such a pile of fruits."

Fang rubing had heard Meng ran say that she would attend an elder's birthday dinner in the evening. She volunteered to prepare a birthday present for her teacher.

Meng ran originally wanted to see if his mother gave his card living expenses, but he found that his card was more than 1.5 million.

Meng ran this just remembers, this money is mu Qingya to turn over.

At Jiang Yufei's birthday dinner, Liu Zijie took his new BMW and changed his life. Later, he was sold by Mu Qingya.

This money simply solved Meng Ran's urgent need.

Fang rubing laughs playfully and takes out an exquisite ebony square box from his bag. With the wooden box opened, a pair of green bracelets come into view.

With Meng Ran's eyes, it is natural to see that the jade bracelet is not top grade.

There are many scattered impurities in the jade bracelet. Although it is difficult to see, it is absolutely impossible to escape the eyes of the pedestrians.

Meng ran looked satisfied and nodded: "not more than ten thousand?"

Fang rubing her mouth said, "only 4000 yuan Teacher, it's too shabby to send such rags to others in your capacity. I'm ashamed of you. "

Meng ran just smile, did not explain what.

Meng ran now does not want to let Fang Xiaoyu and other elders know their identity, otherwise endless trouble.

If the gift is too expensive, it will certainly arouse Fang Xiaoyu's suspicion.

So Meng Ran is now an ordinary student's identity, send a gift of several thousand yuan, no more appropriate.

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