This night is destined to be the most unforgettable night in Jiangzhou.

The whole city of Jiangzhou was shocked. A gangster injured people in Shenghui hotel. Liu Zijie, the son of the fourth richest man in Jiangzhou, was killed in the back yard of the hotel with his eyes closed.

Several unidentified bodies were found at the scene, and eight as50 sniper rifles were found.

According to experts, this kind of sniper rifle originated in Western Europe and is a special weapon of the world-famous Snow Wolf Commando. High firing rate and high lethality are the biggest characteristics of this sniper rifle.

As for why it appeared in Shenghui Hotel, relevant experts said they were investigating.

Half an hour later, Jiangzhou police issued a wanted order for an 18-year-old boy named Li zekun.

It is said that he was a student in Jianghua private high school and suspected to have participated in the murder. At present, the police have closely monitored his parents, hoping that the general public can provide relevant clues about Li zekun. If the information is true, the police will provide a bonus of 500000 yuan.

The police's release of Li zekun's photo is a reminder to the general public that he is carrying a murder weapon. When people see that he is not in direct conflict with him, they must inform the police as soon as possible.

With the release of this news by Jiangzhou TV station, the whole Jiangzhou has been in a state of explosion, especially in Jianghua private high school. The students who play well with Li zekun on weekdays are even more self defeating. They are afraid that Li zekun will find himself.

Even a lot of the rich second generation, who were originally close to Li zekun, even exposed Li zekun's previous evil deeds in the chat group of his classmates, which was quite mean that he was killed in the well.

But one night, Li zekun has become a street mouse.

In addition to all kinds of media writing all night long, releasing one after another "exclusive news" about the Shenghui hotel incident, the Internet is also full of controversy.

For example, "Jiangzhou anecdotes bar" has a top post with a reading volume of more than 100000 + and the title is extremely attractive. It is astonishing that "Shenghui Hotel event is revealed - vampires are around us!"

The post details the messy scene in the backyard of Shenghui hotel. It is accompanied by several high-definition photos, which are full of blood and corpses, shocking.

The most striking thing is that one of the photos is a side photo of a young man. The young man in the photo has two sharp fangs and his fingernails are more than ten centimeters long, which is obviously not a normal human being.

According to the post, this person is likely to be a vampire in the movie, and it is speculated that his real identity is Li zekun!

But some people under the post questioned that if it was true, the TV station had already said that, after all, such a monster, if it rushed into the crowd, who could resist it?

The person who posted the post quickly replied: These are the big people who deliberately blocked the news for fear of causing panic.

However, no more than half a minute after the reply, the sender was permanently banned and the post was directly deleted.

Until a senior account with an ID of "cat lady Princess" came forward to explain that the picture was only PS, in order to gain more hits, and even more explained that there was no vampire in Jiangzhou.

It is also a warning to the public that it is forbidden to talk about it later. Once found out, it will not only seal the account forever, but also be invited to drink tea by the relevant departments.

Until this time, the boiling public opinion on the network can stop.

At the moment, ningfeixuan, sitting in front of the skinny monkey's advanced notebook in xiufengshan sanatorium in Jiangzhou City, withdraws from his senior account.

Gnashing teeth in a low voice scolded: "damn Meng ran! It will cause me trouble

Gao Junwu and the skinny monkey standing on the side respectfully, when they heard this, they all showed their strange faces. They were just about to ask, but Ning Feixuan gave a murderous stare, and immediately they were silent.

At a time when people in Jiangzhou are in danger, the person who started the matter is sitting on the sofa in the villa and enjoying the tea leisurely. It's very comfortable

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