A light and floating "see him not happy", as if contains invisible power, echoed in this classroom for a long time.

Looking at Meng Ran's indifferent back, Mr. Cheng, who has a big stomach, is angry and resentful, which can only be translated into "send Dong Zichao to the clinic".

All the students were afraid, even afraid to breathe. After today, they knew that they could not offend Meng ran in any case. Dong Zichao is a vivid example.

Jiang Yufei stares at this scene, and seems to understand why Meng Ran's expression is always so indifferent. Jiang Yufei murmurs: "it turns out that he has never been afraid of..."

This class was very depressing. No one was willing to stand up and answer the teacher's question. Ironically, Meng ran finally took the initiative to answer this question.

With the bell ringing, the terrifying course was finally over. Almost without staying for a moment, Mr. Cheng ran away from the classroom.


The students are finally relaxed.

Meng ran idle boring, picked up his 1000 yuan of domestic smart phone, brush up the news. But I saw a piece of news in Jiangzhou daily, which was the demolition of beirao county two days ago.

With thousands of words, this article introduces how master Liu acted bravely in a just cause and knocked down Da Biao and other forced demolition elements. With the photos, there are pictures of Master Liu and photos of the scene. Meng Ran is relieved to see that he has not been taken.

He didn't want to be on TV. If his mother knew that she was fighting with these people, song Shuling would have to worry to death.

At this time, a girl's words suddenly rang out: "Hello, look at this micro blog, which was sent by a classmate from beirao county. He said that he was on the scene at that time. What's more, it was not master Liu who knocked down Dabiao, but someone else!"

"Where, where? Let me see! "

"Wow, it's not PS, is it? How does this man look at his back at the age of seventeen or eighteen? "

"Wait, do you have a familiar feeling when you look at his side face and his clothes?"

Meng ran suddenly felt big head, at that time he noticed someone stealing. He took pictures of him. Meng ran tried to dodge when he started. Unexpectedly, he was photographed with a side face.

Originally, Fang Qing, who had been stunned by Meng ran, heard that the discussion was so fierce that he immediately became interested, "get out of the way! Let me see! "

"White casual wear? How can there be a dress style with Meng ran? " Fang Qing muttered.

However, this unintentional words, but the eyes of the whole class are attracted to Meng ran, people will be Meng ran with the picture of the people, found or really like!

Obviously, Jiang Yufei also brushes this micro blog and looks at Meng ran secretly from time to time. However, she has seen Meng ran knock down those little gangsters in the hotel with her own eyes. To say that it is Meng ran who knocked down these people in beirao County, she still thinks it is really possible.

However, it is impossible to make a mistake to think that Jiangzhou Daily has shown that master Liu has eliminated the harm for the people, and the public is in a lack of interest. They can only regard this as nonsense.


At this time, a burst of high-heeled shoes sound clear ring.

Wearing a cream Chiffon one-piece skirt, into the fifth class of senior high school.

"I wipe, but it's Wang Xiaofu, vice president of the student union! She is a busy person. How can she come to our class when she is free? "

"How do I think Wang Xiaofu looks more and more beautiful? It's just like Guan Yutong has."

People looked at the amazing beauty who stepped on high-heeled shoes and immediately talked about it.

Wang Xiaofu enjoyed the feeling of the attention of all the people. Her white chin rose high and said coldly and haughtily, "who is Meng ran?"

"My God, is beauty Wang coming to find Meng ran? How could that be possible? "

Just finish this sentence, the boy thought of Meng ran just terror, immediately tightly covered his mouth, more carefully looked back at Meng ran, found that Meng ran did not look at him, hanging a heart this just put down.

Jiang Yufei and Fang Qing also look at Wang Xiaofu curiously. Wang Xiaofu and Wang Xiaofu are very familiar with each other. They seem to be the pursuers of Liu Zijie. She takes care of all the affairs of the student union. Liu Zijie, the president, has always been a shopkeeper.

Meng ran nodded: "I am."

Wang Xiaofu glanced at Meng ran with beautiful eyes. She saw that Meng ran was wearing clothes from the rotten street. She also saw Meng Ran's face, which she could not recognize in the crowd. She looked down on her face and said in a cold voice: "on the weekend afternoon, the students of Zhonghuang martial arts school will come to our school to exchange performances. They need volunteers to help carry drinks and distribute towels, We have to be there by one o'clock on the weekend. "

Hearing the speech, Meng ran frowned and asked, "shouldn't volunteers sign up voluntarily? I didn't sign up. "

At this time, Wang Xiaofu has already turned to leave, simply disdain to see Meng ran again, while walking said: "your class sports committee member for your name, Sunday afternoon do not be late, otherwise record demerit punishment."Having said that, regardless of Meng Ran's agreement or not, he left the classroom directly.

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