Villa basement, dark and cold, two unkempt miserable figure imprisoned among them, invisible.

"Meng ran! I must kill you! It must be! "

Lane growled like a wounded beast, growling wildly.

At the moment, the bloodstain on his golden hair has dried up, but it is covered with dust. Meng ran Sheng cut off his arm and trampled on his half bones. At this moment, he is really miserable.

Since Meng ran was imprisoned in the basement, he has been roaring day and night, and his voice is hoarse.

"Brother Ryan, stop yelling. Boss will send someone to save us."

Compared with Ryan, the fire controller who once traversed Eurasia was much calmer, but when he said this, his eyes were filled with bitterness.

A bite of yellow teeth is the gurgling sound of biting, and the old face is ferocious and terrifying. He would like to bite Meng ran to death.

"At that time, I must burn the little bastard into coke."

Before zamas's voice dropped, he heard the door of the basement creak and was pushed open. What's more, he heard a sarcasm:

"it seems that you don't have this chance."

After that, she saw Meng Ran's five fingers in one hand. Leaning against the wall, zamas was directly absorbed into the palm of his hand by Meng ran.

"Asshole! What do you want to do? You let me go Seeing Meng Ran's cold look, zamas felt cool and struggled with all his strength.

But no matter how he struggled, he could not escape from Meng Ran's white palm.

"Meng ran! I will kill you

The hoarse Ryan, just struggling to get up from the ground, was slapped by Meng ran and hit the wall heavily.


With a heavy bang, the iron gate was closed tightly. Meng ran took zamas and jumped to the roof villa platform.

"What are you going to do to me?"

Zamas was completely flustered, because he felt that Meng ran looked at his eyes, not like looking at a person, more like looking at a treasure!

"If you swallow all your accomplishments, even if I can't break through the boundary of Fen yuan, it's only one step away."

Meng ran, who is sitting on the ground, looks at the trembling zamas with a satisfied smile on his delicate face.

Zamas was stared at by Meng ran, and felt that Meng Ran's smile was even more terrifying than the devil, and even more frightening: "devour my cultivation!? You... "

Don't wait for zamas to finish his words, Meng ran played a blue light, directly frozen zamas, instantly turned into a human shaped ice sculpture, lifelike.

At this time, Meng Ran's magic power at the top of Zhuji was running. Even more, Meng Ran's hair is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, Meng Ran's hair is covered to his shoulders.

Among the thousands of green lights, the young man in white, who is covered with glistening green light, has actually restored his real form, beautiful as a demon!


With a stroke of his sword finger and a drop of blood on his fingertip, Meng ran immediately shot into the jade talisman array refined in advance. The whole beautiful villa in Dongju was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

More see one after another bloody light, as if into a ribbon, suppressed in Meng Ran's body.


When the sword finger points again, the real dragon folding fan will appear at the same time and jump into the air. It is actually three feet above Meng Ran's head, slowly sinking and floating. A piece of golden glow is falling, and a mysterious force is suppressing Meng ran again!

"With these two crackdowns on the physical body, the probability of success should be increased to 30%."

Meng Ran's eyes were awe inspiring. Three snow melting pills were poured directly into his mouth, and then ten fingers opposed each other to produce a complicated and dazzling seal formula.

Ten minutes later, I suddenly heard a dull murmur:

"the secret of Wanhua is now!"

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