With a heavy bang on the door, a young man in a black suit and white lining slammed the door out.

Young people are strong, tall and powerful, wearing this office uniform, it is very spiritual.

It's just a pity that such a handsome and tall young man is disabled in both legs and can only walk in a wheelchair.

"What are you looking at! Looking for a fight, right? "

Wheelchair youth hot temper, see office hall white-collar people are looking at themselves, immediately angry.

A group of small white-collar workers were so staring at by the youth, all of them were silent, and quickly bowed their heads to get busy. It's strange to say that there are more than 20 people in the office hall, and even a few strong men who are big and tough. How can they be so afraid of this disabled young man?

If you don't dare to look at the front desk, you will be afraid that the two beauties will be found.

Zhang Tao, a bookworm, asked, "Why are you so afraid of him?"

Seeing Zhang Tao's honest appearance, the long legged front desk beauty whispered: "his father is the technical manager of the company, and he has a high position in the company. Besides, you don't think he is disabled, but he has great strength. I heard that he practiced martial arts in the Imperial military academy."

Another little girl at the front desk couldn't help interrupting: "yes, I saw him stabbing Uncle Wang with one finger that day. You don't know, Uncle Wang is a sports master, full of muscles."

Two little girls, your words and my words seem to take Meng ran as the air.

Meng Ran's face showed helplessness, was about to speak, followed by the youth from the office out of a particularly dignified middle-aged man.

"Haoyu, the company has been squeezed by the Jiang family recently, and there is no customer resource. Now the company's cash flow is tight. There is no spare money to buy you a new office. You should make do with it first. After this period of time, Dad went to see Mr. Song himself and asked for a new office for you. "

The dignified middle-aged man with a tie came up and patted his son on the shoulder, comforting him.

The young man got his father's promise, and his anger was slightly suppressed. He was still discontented and said, "Song Shuling, this son, is really dying. He dares to fight against the powerful Yanjing family. I think Fengsheng company will be destroyed by song Shuling, a good son."

As soon as this speech came out, the dignified man's face suddenly changed and rebuked: "be quiet! The company is here! "

The young man walked around in a wheelchair, and said with disdain: "what are you afraid of? Anyway, people in the company know it. Dad, if Fengsheng goes out of business, we'll have to ask song Shuling to pay us millions. "

The young man looked so careless that he took the office hall as the back garden of his home. Many white-collar workers seemed to have seen this scene for a long time, and no one dared to stand up and reprimand him.

"Liu Haoyu!" A young girl who has just come to practice for half a month, finally can't look down and starts to beat the table.

The long legged beauties at the front desk were shocked: "what is Xiaozhao doing! No more? How can she contradict Liu Haoyu? "

Zhao Lanyu's eyes were full of anger at her? Why don't you go to dinner with Ben

"You dream!" The little girl spat with disgust.

A lot of white-collar workers were shocked to see this scene, and quickly advised:

"Xiaozhao, please apologize to brother Haoyu

"Yes, yes! If you want to stay in Fengsheng, please apologize to him

"Bah! I don't want to stay in the same company with such scum! " The little girl is extremely proud. She has no fear in the face of public dissuasion and Liu Haoyu's threat.

"Bitch, you've got a face, don't you?"

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