The three characters contain Meng Ran's supreme power. The middle-aged manager kneeling on the ground only felt the thunder in his ear, and his expression on his face immediately became dull, as if he had become a vegetable. The whole person was frozen in place and could not say a word any more.

Tiangang, a martial arts academy whose heart was about to collapse in fear, hurriedly begged for mercy: "master Meng, my father is not a martial artist. I don't know that you are a master of martial arts. I apologize for him. Please forgive us this time."

In a dazed look, Tiangang, who was arrogant to the point of lawlessness, fell from his wheelchair to the ground with all his strength. He crawled under Meng Ran's feet and repeatedly kowtowed for mercy.

Originally waiting to see Meng ran joke of a few company employees, as well as that Fengsheng vice president, facial expression with eating flies generally uncomfortable.

"Haoyu You Why do you salute him so much? " Wang Zhonghua's voice trembled and stammered.

However, Liu Haoyu, who is desperate to beg for mercy from Meng ran, can't take care of this vice president.

Fengsheng company these people have never seen Meng ran really, naturally will not understand this young man's terror.

However, Liu Haoyu was trampled to pieces by Meng ran in Jianghua private high school. He saw him beat the lecturer of the martial arts academy into a cripple with his own eyes. But these are not the reasons why Liu Haoyu is really afraid of Meng ran.

The reason why he was afraid of Meng ran was that he had heard from the disciples of the martial arts academy that Meng ran stepped down on the middle emperor's martial arts academy.

Even the descendants of Ye Donglin, the great master of the Qing Dynasty, were almost killed by him!

Liu Haoyu's heart is clear, this beautiful and ordinary youth, is really dare to kill in public!

Ignoring the astonishment of all, Meng ran said casually, "Zhao Lan'er."

"Ah?" The little girl in practice responded like a reflex.

"Go to manager Liu's office and help him get his laptop."

Meng ran gently ordered that although he was only 18 years old, he was not angry and self-confident, and his body showed a trace of momentum, which made people unable to surrender.

Zhao Laner even forgot to ask for instructions. All of a sudden, song Shuling, the chairman of the board, went to Liu Qing's office.

"Pretty girl's production process and information are all in this private notebook. I will send someone to deliver your personal belongings in the company in a few days. The salary and the year-end bonus will also be paid to you."

"Well, now you can go away!"

As a result, the whole office hall was silent. Everyone looked at Meng ran like a monster. There were surprise, doubt, disdain, and even a few undiscovered jeering glances. Obviously, they thought that Meng Ran's practice was to give up his own way.

Song Shuling was stunned, as if she had known her son for the first time.

Little beauty Zhao Laner asked cautiously, "Mr. Song, this notebook really needs..."

Meng ran waved his hand and said at will: "give him the line, semi-finished products."

Song Shuling's eyes seemed to flash, and she was about to ask Meng ran, but Meng ran said with a smile:

"Mom, don't worry, with Liu Qing's ability, how can we find a real pretty woman? It's just some of his experimental data, saying that semi-finished products are all praising him."

Song Shuling's breath suddenly became a little bit urgent. She was surprised and said, "Xiaoran, what you said is true? But how do you know that? "

Song Shuling asked, but Meng ran was baffled. Meng ran could not tell her that she had already experienced all this.

Su Fangfei, on one side, saw Meng Ran's silence and said, "general manager song, I also know this matter. I told Xiaoran."

Said that, is toward Meng ran playfully blinked an eye, charming extremely.

When song Shuling heard this, she finally let go of her heart and rebuked Liu Haoyu:

"don't go away!"

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