
In the face of Meng Ran's return to nature, Shen lingcang no longer hesitates for a moment, and Shen family's unique skills are immediately displayed!

As one of Shen lingcang's unique skills, Badao can be described as a unique martial art. Even in China today, there are still rumors about it.

Even on the desk of ningfeixuan, a special department, there is a detailed record of Badao.

Badao: Shen lingcang, the first swordsman of the Qing Dynasty, created his own Sabre technique to control Qi in the sword. With his own genuine Qi, he cut out the incomparable Dao Gang! The highest level can condense the nine Dao Gang, and the nine Dao Qi can cut the myth!

The Shen family brothers only coagulate seven Dao Gang, and then they can enter the huaxiabiao, which is very famous in the south of the Yangtze River.

Shen chuanting, the great elder of Shen family, gave up Shou yuan in the first world war with Meng ran. He combined human and Dao to control Dao gang with his body. Although he could not hurt Meng ran, the power of this move was enough to hit the top three in the heaven list!

It's really amazing how to use the sword.

However, at this moment, Shen lingcang's whole body is full of blood and Qi, and the Dao Dao Dao's blood color and Qi strength is actually condensed into Qi Chi Dao Gang!


This ancestor of the Shen family actually surpassed the limit of "Badao" and condensed into eleven Dao gang!

At this moment, the sky of Shenjiazhuang garden is filled with the spirit of the supreme Dao. It can be said that the heaven and the earth are all swords!


Shen lingcang, surrounded by 11 bloody swords, roars ferociously. In the shocked eyes of Shen Xinghan and others, the blood demon wields his big palm, and the eleven Red God rainbow seem to control the sky. One after another, he cuts the sky and the ground in general and cuts on the blue fist strength!

"Eleven Dao Gang! Our ancestors have gone beyond the limit of Badao Shen Xinghan, who was severely damaged by Shen lingcang's knife, is full of shock.

At his side, Shen Yiru, who was also injured, was forced to bear the pain of tearing his body and quickly lifted Zhang Tao up. "Tao'er, how are you? Don't frighten your mother. "

Zhang Tao is not like Shen Yiru and Shen Xinghan. He is a real mortal. His body is too fragile to resist the powerful man's great intention of sword.

Zhang Tao, who is constantly bleeding from the corners of his mouth, is awakened by Shen Yiru. However, he feels that his muscles and muscles are chopped by Shen lingcang's knife intention. He even wants to lift his fingers.

"Mom Xiaoran he He's in danger. Help him Save him. "

Even when his life was in danger, this nerd always had his good brother in his eyes. Shen Yiru finally understood why Meng Xianshi, the top one in heaven, cared so much about her silly son.

At this moment, the canary, who had abandoned her husband and son, did not know whether to cry or to laugh.

"Tao'er, if we can survive this time, you can take him as elder brother, but I don't know if we can have this blessing..."

When Shen Yiru murmurs to himself, Shen lingcang's Badao Dagang has already exploded with Meng Ran's Mingjin fist!

At that time, the whole heaven and earth trembled, and the sky seemed to tear apart!

"Mole ant, no one in this world can block my sword! No one! "

Demonized Shen lingcang roared, for his own knife, has the confidence to win.

However, the result of Badao and mingjinquan is that the myth of the time is stunned!

However, before Meng Ran's fist strength, the bloody Dao gang was like paper paste. The whole eleven Dao gang were suddenly destroyed!


Shen lingcang didn't even have time to escape. The power of Mingjin fist was like a shell, and it was shot to death!


Like thunder in summer night, Shen lingcang, who was attacked by blue fist, retreated ten miles. Meng ran was born in the sky of Shenjiazhuang garden and broke into Taihu Lake, smashing hundreds of meters of waves!

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