The brothers and sisters of the Hua family, who fled in a hurry with Mu Qingya, just escaped from the lake, and then they noticed the gradually clear sound of breaking the air behind them.

"Damn it! These bastards didn't intend to let us go in the first place! "

Hua Mingfeng gritted his teeth and scolded. Because of his anger, he was involved in the chest wound, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the wound. Hua * * Shen, who had lost too much blood, was as white as rice paper and dying.


Hua xuan'er, who was in a coma, caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eye. He immediately stopped to check the injury for Hua Mingfeng.


At this time, a strong figure fell from the sky, just like a natural moat, standing in front of them.

"If you give up your resistance and get caught, I may make you suffer less." Hua Jingtao, who stopped them from going, said without expression.

These three people are just ants in his eyes, so they can't mention the Luomen giant's interest.

Let's not say that Hua * * Shen, who is seriously injured in his body, is absolutely unable to bear a move even though he is in the peak state.

However, what made Hua Mingfeng unexpectedly was that she, a troublemaker, dared to point at the nose tip of the Luomen giant

"Old rascal..."

Hua xuan'er's voice didn't fall off, and her face was cold. With a grip of five fingers, Hua xuan'er was immediately absorbed into the palm of her hand by invisible Qi force!


Hua Mingfeng is ready to crack.

"Old rascal! You damn old rascal, let me go Hua xuan'er's struggling way with open teeth and claws.

As she struggled too hard, a half moon shaped jade pendant immediately fell off from Hua xuan'er's chest.

Hua Jingtao holds the jade pendant conditionally, but when he sees the shape of the jade pendant, he can't move his eyes any more.

"This half jade pendant is..."

Hua Jingtao rubbed the jade pendant with trembling palms. He couldn't believe it.

"Give it back to me! This is mine When the jade pendant was seized, Hua xuan'er, the little witch, was like a tiger, and she immediately became angry.

"Xuan'er, don't irritate him Hua Mingfeng rushed forward and said anxiously.

The Chinese God can't understand how terrible the Luomen giant's cultivation is. But Liu Sheng's knife in Wuyin mountain villa is no longer a human martial art in the eyes of Hua Mingfeng.

And the power of this Luomen giant is only on it!

However, what the brothers and sisters did not expect was that Hua Jingtao just rubbed the pendant, as if he had met an old friend, and murmured to himself.

"What's wrong with him, brother?"

Hua xuan'er is full of fog, and Hua Mingfeng is also stunned. He really can't understand what is going on in this scene.

Hua xuan'er even pinched her waist and threatened: "old rascal! I tell you, I am the eldest lady of Yanjing Hua family! He's my brother and the future master of the Hua family. If you dare to move us, I'll make sure you can't bear it! "

Hua Jingtao looked up at the two brothers and sisters with different looks. He choked and muttered to himself, "Yanjing Huajia..."

"Something's wrong! Does he know the family? Why does he look like this? " Hua Mingfeng seems to have thought of something. There seems to be a flash in his eyes.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to inquire, he heard a startling explosion coming from the Bank of Taihu Lake!

"What's going on?"

Just fell into the memory of Luomen giant, immediately wake up, jump into the air.

All eyes were wide open.

All of a sudden, the six clouds soared into the sky, and the towering river of blood stretched out, shining on the peerless people, dressed in gold scales and armor, bathed in the golden glow, accompanied by the roaring dragon, and stepped out with pride!

Evil spirits dance in disorder, and evil spirits bring disaster to the world.

On this day, Meng Ran's dragon soul battle armor came out again and swore to destroy the blood demon!

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