Su Da beauty's heart was already dead when she heard the sad news of Meng Ran's fall. If Long Ma did not arrive in time, Su Fangfei even decided to go to huangquan with Meng ran.

For her, losing her own Xiaoran is like losing the whole world. She really doesn't know what to do.

Without Meng ran, she would die!

If you can, Su Fangfei would rather die for Meng ran. She just wants her Xiaoran to live in this world safely.

Su Fangfei has never thought of her Xiaoran as the best in the world. What she wants is that Meng ran can live a peaceful and happy life, and then she will be satisfied.

But now, feeling the meaning of Long Ma, Su Fangfei can hardly believe her ears.

Her Xiaoran didn't die!

Caught in ecstasy, Su Fangfei even ignored the presence of song Shuling, a powerful woman.

The female director, who had a blank face, reacted in an instant and grasped Su Fangfei's bright wrist. She looked very serious and said, "Fangfei! What do you mean by "Xiao Ran is not dead"? Is something wrong with Xiaoran? "

Song Shuling, who was deeply in love with her son, turned her tears in her eyes. Seeing Su Fangfei's embarrassed look on her face, she yelled out in a loud voice:

"say it! What happened to Xiaoran? What are you hiding from me

Song Shuling has long been aware that Aizi and Su Fangfei have something to hide from themselves, but they have not been forced to ask, but now when it comes to Aizi's safety, song Shuling can no longer calm down.

"Aunt Ling, Xiaoran Don't worry about him

The beauty of Su Da bravely comforted.

She was brought up by song Shuling. Over the years, she has never seen such a powerful woman who is not inferior to men. She is so panicked.

This makes Su Fangfei feel more and more guilty. She really wants to tell Meng Ran's real identity and doesn't want to hide it any more.

Meng fangran told her that she was in a dilemma before she left.

Longma, who has great eyesight, flies to song Shuling's shoulder and rubs her affectionately.

Song Shuling is also a soft hearted, is trying to comfort Su Fangfei a few words, fainted on the sofa kimono girl, but she spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Scarlet blood stained the wooden floor of the office, which was mixed with many visceral fragments, looked shocking.

"Can you hold on? Where is Xiaoran now

Remembering that long Ma once pointed out that this kimono girl knew Meng Ran's whereabouts, Su Fangfei rushed forward to inquire regardless of everything.

However, Liu Sheng, who has just returned to light, is now in a state of complete coma, and it is impossible to wake up.

The power of the hand of the man with the ice sculpture mask is too terrifying. In addition, Liu Sheng was willing to be seriously injured by Meng ran for the purpose of acting. Now his five internal organs are cracked and he is dying.

"Aunt Ling, her injuries are too serious. Let's take her to the hospital first."

After obtaining the consent of song Shuling, Su Fangfei immediately dialled the 120 emergency call. Ten minutes later, several medical staff in white coats walked into Fengsheng company with stretchers.


Around 11:00 a.m., in the president's office of the first people's Hospital of Beijing.

On the condition that no one was eavesdropping, President Nie dialed the police call of Jiangnan Military Region:

"Hello, is this Jiangnan military region? I'm Nie Qianli, President of the first people's Hospital of Beijing

"At 10:30 this morning, our hospital received a woman patient who was seriously injured. The girl in her early twenties is similar to the Japanese woman you are looking for in terms of appearance, temperament and dress up."

"I suspect she is Liu Sheng piaoyue you are looking for!"

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