Looking at the blue sky in front of them, people could not help rubbing their eyes, as if they could not believe it.

"Just Was it just a dream? I seem to see the whole sky twisted... "

"Yes, yes! It seems that It's like a black hole

Both passers-by or aunt Zhou holding her grandson could not help murmuring to themselves. The scene just happened was so shocking that they could not forget it in any case.

Just as the crowd was about to leave, aunt Zhou was also preparing to carry her grandson home. The suburbs today were so strange that the aunt was afraid.

However, at this time, the original wail of the little guy, the cry was suddenly stopped, eyes filled with tears of the baby, full of curiosity to look at the body in front of the girl with long hair.

The little guy doesn't understand, where does this long haired sister come from? Did it fall from the sky?

Even more can't help but stretch out the young fat small hand, seems to want to grasp the girl's long hair, the Milky voice called: "sister, sister."

As soon as the little guy's voice rang out, aunt Zhou's Shua turned her body, which was about to move her steps. What came into her eyes was a young and calm face.

Although she was only 15 or 16 years old, the girl's cool and indifferent temperament was like the blooming green lotus. She was free from vulgarity and had no defect.

It's hard to imagine how the girl will be so beautiful when she grows up in the future.

In the face of the cold girl who does not eat the fireworks, aunt Zhou even forgot to breathe. The girl in front of her was so shocking.

There was no luxury in her clothes. She was as simple as a little sister next door.

But whether it is her young and beautiful face, or her elegant temperament, all show that this beautiful girl with beautiful hair hanging to her hips is not an ordinary person!

Aunt Zhou has seen many stars on TV, but aunt Zhou can be sure that once the girl grows up, her face will be a thousand times better than them!

On her face, aunt Zhou could not catch any trace of cosmetics.

The girl in front of her was like a green lotus falling on the earth. She could not bear to be profane. In the face of her, aunt Zhou even felt ashamed.

"Little Little girl, please May I help you? "

I don't know whether it is the tension or the inexplicable pressure on the girl that makes the aunt speechless.

The girl's inexplicable appearance made the passers-by who wanted to leave finally found out. In addition to marveling at the girl's extraordinary appearance at a young age, she was also attracted by the girl's long hair, which covered her hips.

For all the hot eyes around her, the girl looked as if she had nothing, but her pink lips were slightly open, and there was an ethereal voice between her lips.

"What year is the present date, please?"

This sudden question obviously made aunt Zhou stunned. However, due to the inexplicable temperament of the girl, after a little hesitation, aunt Zhou stuttered and said:

"yes It's 2010. "

After hearing this answer, the girl's elegant face finally changed. In the eyes of the autumn water, there was a strong light.

There seems to be a red dot in the center of the eyebrow, just like the finishing touch of a dragon, looming!

The girl with long hair suddenly looked up at the sky and said to herself: "2010? Mom met him in the summer vacation before college, that is, the summer of 2011! It's just the late autumn of 2010, that is to say, mom didn't meet that person at all now! "

"It turns out that I can really stop this happening!"

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