"Man king? God? This name has never appeared in the universe. Who is he? Do I know him? "

Hearing himself calling out these two strange names, Meng ran doubts deeper.

Meng Ran's memory, should never appear this name just right, but why the previous life of their own can recognize this person?

With the white clothes too ran approaching, the supreme existence on the red gold chariot actually rose slowly to reveal the true face!

The head was wearing a gold and jade crown and an ancient emperor's holy clothes. On the holy clothes, there seemed to be dragon flying and Phoenix dancing, and the momentum was magnificent.

This ancient emperor's holy dress is actually refined from the immortal yuan God of the real dragon and Phoenix!

And at least it's a super creature who has survived the triple curse!

"It was Dragon horse! " In addition to the real dragon and Phoenix, Meng ran saw the last living creature on this ancient emperor's holy clothes.

It is a foot in the flame, red as fire, like a God in general arrogant creatures!

The head has two horns, jaw health dragon whiskers, the majestic body looks like a dragon body general shock hard to say! Looking away, we can see that pangran's body is full of bright red gold dragon scales, which are in harmony with the frost white horse hair.

this is still a monster, this is clearly the essence of heaven and earth from the birth of the fairy beast!

This ancient auspicious beast, which was refined into the holy clothes of the ancient emperor, is the final form of the dragon and horse family after the nine transformations. It is the ancestor of the dragon and horse who has survived the six immortal robberies!

"You killed the dragon horse clan." White clothes too ran slightly nod head, calm mouth.

"This evil animal would rather destroy the family than submit to me. In this case, the emperor tempered the ancestor of the dragon and horse into my holy clothes, and I wanted his God to be enslaved by me for generations to come."

From the red gold chariot slowly out of the supreme existence, indifferent to speak. It seems to be the ruler of the universe. In a plain word, this ancient auspicious beast has been regarded as a mole ant.

However, with the presence of this deity, Meng ran finally saw through his true face!

"How could it be him?"

Meng ran was struck by lightning, and the whole person was in the void, motionless.

In front of his eyes, the man was surrounded by 108 divine rings, just like the Immortal King who came into the world. His divine posture and holy bone made the stars pale!

Since the moment of his appearance, the celestial realm of the northern underworld has dropped the stars and bathed the whole person in the divine light and holy light. It is extremely holy!

This is a sign that the road resonates!

The man in front of him is almost integrated with the rules of heaven, just like the incarnation of the way of heaven in the universe!

If hidden, a wisp of Taoist power diffused out, suppressing the roaring and roaring ancestor of the dragon and horse on the ancient emperor's holy clothes in an instant!

Even the ancestor of dragon and horse has no resistance to the existence of 108 gods around him!

Huge body almost kneel down, unbearable!

But no matter how invincible the man in front of him, in Meng Ran's eyes, he and an old friend's figure on the earth have completely overlapped together!

"How bold! Don't kneel down when you see the Lord! " After the Emperor Huang crawls under the feet of the invincible man, she looks like a servant and scolds her.

White clothes too ran swept this once Tianfeng ancestor one eye, just shook his head, nothing said.

This is to attract the Lord Huang to drink "wantonly! Too ran, pay for my huang'er! "

However, hearing the wind roaring in the sky, the ancestor of Tianfeng was angry, and the sky on the northern celestial sphere would be collapsed. One by one, the power of laws collapsed all over the body of Tai ran in white clothes, as if to annihilate Tairan.

The ancestor of Tianfeng wanted to avenge his daughter!

As for the Emperor Huang's destruction, the white dress is still a fairy robe flying in the air, turning a deaf ear to it.

But see a divine light from the invincible man, unexpectedly is the power of the Lord Huang, instantly erase!

"Step back! It's not your turn to speak

"Yes Huang Zhu's face was livid, but he had no choice but to bow down and retreat.

At this time, white clothes too ran and invincible man, are quietly looking at each other, as old friends meet.

However, when he heard that the white clothes were too ran, he calmly opened his mouth: "since you are the co Lord of the nine immortal families and the king of the stars, you must give some explanation to Meng."

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