Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 200: I Will Make You A Slayer Candidate

Chapter 200 I Will Make You A Slayer Candidate

Somewhere in the Kingdom of Gweliven…

"Have Sid and Scarlet arrived in Whitebridge City?" one of the Elders of Twilight Rain asked his subordinate.

"Yes, Sir," the subordinate replied. "According to our collaborator, Sid and Scarlet entered the city a few days ago. I'm sure that they are now laying the groundwork for their assasination attempt."

The Elder nodded his head in understanding. He knew that assassinating people wasn't an easy task, but he had high hopes that his granddaughter would be the one to kill the Half-Elf and gain the Slayer Candidate title.

"Who would have thought that our branch would be uprooted in Whitebridge City just because a stupid whore got caught in Oakwood Town?" The Elder shook his head with a sigh. "Years of hard work went down the drain in just a couple of days. Even so, that slimy eel and his cronie are safe and sound in the city, and are still able to give us reports. They sure are capable."

The Elder's subordinate nodded his head in agreement. "The Head of the Merchant Guild in Whitebridge City is indeed capable, My Lord. However, one mistake and his business empire will come crashing down."

"Unfortunately, we still need him to keep his business running," the Elder replied. "His supply routes, in addition to his caravans, are the perfect camouflage for our logistic team. Working with him will continue to benefit our guild in the long run. Now, tell me, is there any other news about what is happening in the Kingdom at the moment?"

"Aside from the upcoming Guild Wars, there is nothing else at the moment, My Lord."

"Ah… I almost forgot about this event."

The Elder looked outside of his window and sneered.

Every two years, the different cities in the Kingdom would jointly arrange this event in which various guilds would compete with one another for the title of "Protector".

The Protector Guild would then become the city's defenders, alongside the city guards that were stationed in the city. They would gain access to the most promising commercial areas in the city, including a few stores within the city center.

This would allow the guild to gain massive profits for the duration of their term. Because of this, each guild could only hold the position for two years, and they would not be allowed to participate in the next Guild War.

The King had decreed this to be so, so that other guilds would get the opportunity to show their mettle, and prevent others from monopolizing the Protector Title.

After all, with such power, it would be impossible to not be blinded by greed. The two-year-term was to prevent the Protector Guild from doing anything shady in the long run.

"Our allies will also participate in the Guild Wars. If I'm not mistaken, we have two collaborator guilds inside Whitebridge City, right?" the Elder asked. "What were their names again?"

"Twisted Destiny and Arcadian Lords," the subordinate replied. "They are among the top Five Guilds in Whitebridge City."

"What are the names of the other three guilds?"

"Crescent Vanguard, Thunder Oath, and Eternal."

The Elder pondered for a bit before glancing back at his subordinate.

"Tell our collaborators to look for an opportunity to sabotage, or prevent those three guilds from joining the competition," the Elder ordered. "Also, send someone to contact their Guild Masters. If we can negotiate and bring them into our fold the better."

The subordinate bowed to acknowledge his Master's order. "Yes, My Lord."


"Yes, My Lord," Scarlet replied while kneeling like a knight. "I will not disappoint you."

Lux nodded his head with a smile.

After Sid and Scarlet had been revived by his Mythical Ranked Artifact, Blackfire, both had returned to life as creatures with the ability to evolve.

Sid had become a Dhampir, while Scarlet had unexpectedly turned into a Cambion.

According to the Elysium Compendium, Cambions were born from an Incubus or Succubus who had mated with a mortal man and woman with the intention of conceiving a child.

At times, Cambions are described as the offspring of a union between Humans and Fairies. In the past, demonic creatures were often called Fae, so the distinctions between the two—when it came to Cambions—were divided.

Scarlet retained her original features, just with the addition of two small horns that protruded out of her head. These horns could easily be hidden if she covered the top of her head with a hat, or any other headgear, to prevent others from finding out her identity.

Lux knew that Twilight Rain would not stop until he was dead. If they learned that the assassins they had sent had failed their missions and died, there was a possibility that the next person that would come to try and kill him would be a Slayer.

Right now, Lux didn't want to deal with a Ranker. Even if he had Keoza to repel them, he could only be summoned two more times. The Half-Elf didn't want to constantly be plagued by assassins, so he decided to hatch a plan that would benefit him in the long run.

"Be honest, how do you feel about me?" Lux asked.

"I hate you," Scarlet replied.

"As expected, you hate me."


Lux chuckled after seeing Scarlet's reaction, but he was fine with that. As a creature under his command, Scarlet could never betray him because she would die even before that happened.

The red-haired Dwarf girl knew this as well, so she decided to just become Lux's useful pawn, while advancing her own goals on the side.

Also, even though she didn't want to admit it, she preferred her current form better than her previous self.

As a Dwarf, she was able to do many things only because she was a talented individual and had been raised with a silver spoon. Meaning, she could take any resources she needed in order to increase her strength, unlike Sid who had gained his strength through hard work.

But as a Cambion, she was stronger than even adult Dwarves, and she had even gained powerful abilities like enhanced strength, enhanced senses, energy absorption, flight, and demonic transformation.

Under her demonic transformation, her strength drastically increased to be like Apex Predators that had entered a berserk state. Although this transformation could only last for an hour, it was still a Trump Card that could be used during critical situations.

Both Sid and Scarlet had only been at the initial stages of the Initiate Rank, but after being revived with the power of Deimos Beast Cores, their rank had been upgraded to the middle stages of the Initiate Rank.

Right now, Lux and Scarlet were in a forest that could be found between Oaktown and Whitebridge City.

Lux didn't want to let anyone see him at this point in time because it would only create unnecessary trouble, so he decided to lie low.

Emma, who was serving portions of stew in wooden bowls, glanced at Lux and Scarlet with a smirk.

"Dinner is ready," Emma said as she handed the wooden bowl in her hand to Eiko, who had been looking at the cooking pot for quite some time now. "Eat slowly, Eiko. It's still hot"

"Un!" Eiko replied as she lightly blew on the wooden bowl in order to cool it down.

Lux sat beside the baby slime and used a wooden spoon to feed her. Eiko happily ate because, for her, any food that was fed to her by her Papa or Mama became more delicious.

Scarlet, on the other hand, sat on the log opposite her master and accepted the wooden bowl that Emma handed to her. However, she didn't eat right away. She stared at the Half-Elf who had now become her Master with a complicated look on her face.

"I will make you a Slayer Candidate."

That was what Lux had promised her after she was revived. In return, she would serve him faithfully and never ever betray him. Lux's plan was for Scarlet to become his mole inside Twilight Rain.

Sid could also take this role, but he decided that it would be better if the lady assassin were to become the Slayer Candidate since one of the Elders of the Dark Guild was her grandfather.

This gave her more leeway when snooping around their organization to retrieve information that would be beneficial for her new Master.

Sid, on the other hand, would stay with Lux and become one of his bodyguards.

Lux believed that even if Scarlet had the backing of Twilight Rain, and would be given ample resources by the Dark Guild to boost her to become a Ranker, she would still be unable to leave Sid in the dust when it came to raising their ranks.

In truth, Lux was curious to see which of his two new servants would become a Ranker first. Anyway, no matter who was first, it would still be a win for him.

After all, he didn't have enough resources to raise two Initiates. Because of this, he was more than happy to leech off of Twilight Rain and make them shower his undercover spies with all the resources and information at their disposal.

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