Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 293: Pride Of Solaris Part 3

293 Pride Of Solaris [Part 3]

Upon hearing their leader's scream of pain, all of the Death Tyrants tried to rush to its aid.

However, the armies of the two kingdoms had no plans to allow them to do as they pleased, pushing them back to allow the Solaians to continue their onslaught against their enemy's leader.

Cai, whose tusks were still embedded in the Death Tyrant's eye, immediately found itself surrounded by the glowing red-eyes that originally hovered around the other party's main body.

But instead of feeling afraid, the boar ignored them and simply smashed the main body of the Monstrous Terror Death Tyrant into the ground, as it continued its charge, using the monster's body to sweep the ground.

A Death Tyrant's eye had the ability to prevent any kind of regeneration magic from working on the battlefield. However, before it became a Death Tyrant, it was once a Beholder.

Instead of preventing others from regenerating and regaining their health, the main eye of a Beholder could create an anti-magic field with the range of a small cone that was 150 feet in length.

When Cai used its Third Form, its tusks radiated the same kind of anti-magic cone around it, preventing magical damage from working against it.

In short, the Boar's third form was an anti-magic form, allowing it to be resistant to anyone that specialized with magical attacks, which was complementary to Hildivisni, who was capable of enduring high amounts of physical damage.

The reason why Cai didn't use its Third Gear right away was due to the fact that it could only maintain this form for ten minutes. Once the ten minutes was up, the boar would enter a weakened state, similar to creatures that had lost the effect of their Berserk Skill.

The different colored-rays that rained on its body disappeared without a trace as soon as they collided with its skin that was as white as snow.

After seeing this sudden turn of events, the remaining teenagers felt revitalized. They joined Cai in dealing damage to the helpless Death Tyrant, who was being dragged around by Cai, who had taken its third form.

"Hold him steady for us, Cai!" Lux ordered, while he was atop Vall, who was lunging towards the Death Tyrant's giant body with the intention to deliver a powerful bite.

The Spider firmly embedded its mandibles on the Death Tyrant's skull, while Lux, and Einar, dished out their Dragon Claws and Primal Slashes non-stop.

Diablo, Orion, Ishtar, Asmodeus, as well as the other teenagers didn't miss this opportunity either, pummeling the Boss Monster with everything they had.

Five minutes later, Cai smashed the Death Tyrant against the ground again, and used its hooves to repeatedly smash the giant eye at the center of its body.

Although the Death Tyrant's eye had been completely destroyed by Cai's attacks, that didn't stop it from attacking Cai out of vengeance. Two minutes later, Cai stomped its right hoof on the ground and delivered another strong attack because it felt that its transformation was about to be undone.

"Giga Crush!"

Ramming the giant skull with its tusk, Cai sent it rolling several meters across the ground, allowing the other teenagers to attack it in its crippled state.

"Handle the rest!" Cai shouted as it charged towards the outskirts of the battlefield. "I'm outta here!"

All the zombies that blocked its way were torn to bits by its powerful charge and its deadly tusks which were at least three-meters long.

Lux almost fell off Vall's back after seeing the shameless boar escape just because its transformation was about to run out of juice. However, since Cai had already done a wonderful job, he decided to turn a blind eye to its retreat, and simply used everything he had to deal as much damage as it could to the Boss Monster, whose health had decreased by more than half.

"Stay strong!" Einar roared. "It's almost dead!"

After encouraging everyone to hang on for as long as they could, the Barbarian threw his War Axe at the heavily battered Death Tyrant, whose ferocity had significantly died down after getting its central eye destroyed.

Losing their main target, the floating eyes once again targeted the teenagers and attacked as if they were in a berserked state. The Monstrous Terror Death Tyrant also became more active in biting everyone that came within its range.

There were even times when it would teleport and bite one of the teenagers, who would instantly turn into particles of light after having their bodies cut in half by the Death Tyrant's monstrous jaws.

A few minutes later, only Lux, Einar, Vall, Xander, Lux's Named Creatures, and Skeleton Subordinates remained on the battlefield.

They were the last ones standing, since the rest had been eliminated by the Death Tyrant's rampage.

"Evade!" Lux shouted as four of the ten eyes that circled around the Death Tyrant fired colorful rays at Vall at point blank range.

Just as Vall was about to evade, its body stiffened, allowing the colorful rays to hit its body directly. Fortunately, the rays that hit him were the Petrification Ray, Slow Ray, and Fear Ray.

Vall's resistance against these things were high, and he was also wearing a special artifact that made him immune to petrification. Even so, those rays were like the last nail in the coffin, causing him to revert from his spider form.

The three of them crashed to the ground and rolled for several meters before coming to a complete stop.

Seeing that a perfect opportunity had presented itself in front of it, nine of the eyes of the Death Tyrants locked onto their position. Lux immediately used the power of wind to evade the attack by flying sideways across the ground.

Einar's body was hit by two rays, while the third was blocked by his War Axe.

The War Axe in the teenager's hand instantly turned into stone, while his leg and arm were hit by paralyzing rays, preventing him from moving.

Vall, who didn't have any more strength left, had escaped this predicament because Diablo rushed towards his direction and picked him up from the ground, evading the rays that were fired in his direction.

Finding that its prey had escaped, all nine eyes decided to focus on the fleeing Skeleton Rider, but this plan was immediately canceled due to the powerful taunt skill, Duel [EX], that forced it to move towards the newly summoned Rock Golem, whose stats had once again risen due to its Avenger Ability.

"""Dragon's Breath!"""

Lux and his clones didn't miss this opportunity, and the fiery blaze hit the back of the Death Tyrant's head, pushing it across the battlefield with a vengeance.

"Quick!" Einar shouted. "It only has a fifth of its life remaining!"

Lux's attack, which was imbued by the Touch of the Abyss, had dealt true damage to the Boss Monster, chipping off a huge chunk of its Health with one attack.

Diablo, who was still carrying Vall, decided to toss the teenager towards Pazuzu, before rushing towards the Death Tyrant, attempting to deal a powerful blow that would further decrease its remaining Health Points.

But before the Skeleton Rider could approach his target, the ground under his Nighmare's feet trembled, and a five-meter tall black turtle appeared on the battlefield. Lux cursed out loud due to the unexpected appearance of another strong monster, which was also a Pseudo-Deimos Ranked World Boss.

Einar and Vall, who saw the new opponent before them, immediately grimaced because they were on their last legs. Even Lux, who believed that they were only a blow away from winning, felt as if an impenetrable wall had suddenly appeared before them.


< Dark Spite Snapping Turtle >

– Snapping Turtle Golem

– Pseudo-Deimos Ranked World Boss

Health: 7,500,000 / 7,500,000

Mana: 50,000 / 50,000

Strength: 4,000

Intelligence: 100

Vitality: 5,000

Agility: 200

Dexterity: 200


The Spite Snapping Turtle was completely black, save for a flower on the top of its head, which was not more than a foot-tall that fluttered in the breeze.

"Sacred White Lotus!" Xander gasped in shock. "That's the thing that we need!"

With a mighty roar, the Turtle, who was similar to the Adamantite Golem that they met on the way to the Sacred Dungeon, glared at Lux and the others.

"You've… got to be… kidding me," Lux said while panting for breath. "Can't you give us a break?"

The Monstrous Death Tyrant was on its death throes, and only a few more blows from Diablo and Orion would finally finish it off.

However, the Black Snapping Turtle stood in front of them, preventing anyone from landing the finishing blow.

Before Einar, Vall, and Xander could despair at the unfair turn of events that just happened in front of them, several flying spears descended upon the black turtle's head, which just bounced off from its body.

Shifting its gaze towards the newcomers, Lux, and the others feel that a lump had appeared in their throats, making it hard for them to breathe.

No one would fault them from reacting that way because what they saw made them feel that they were having trouble breathing.



Tens of thousands…

Hundreds of Thousands…

The skeletons that had lain dormant in the center of the Valley of Death, had left their resting place and traveled towards its outskirts.

Just as Lux was thinking that they had miserably failed their mission, the Rank 4 Skeletons, who were from the forefront of the formation, threw their spears towards the Dark Spite Snapping Turtle.

In the beginning, the teenagers' thought that the Skeletons were just missing their targets, which were supposed to be them.

However, after a minute had passed, they had realized that the Undead Legion weren't targeting them, but the Giant Black Turtle that was keeping the Death Tyrant safe.

The ground trembled as countless Undeads marched towards the Turtle with their eyes burning blighty within their hollow eye sockets.

"I, Farandir, the first King of the Kingdom of Gedge, have come to settle old scores!" a Death Knight wearing a golden crown on its head, stepped forward in the Undead formation holding a golden sword in its hand.

"I, Laurence, the King of the Kingdom of Lockridge, thank you, for freeing us from the Death Tyrant's control," another Death Knight, who was also wearing a crown raised its black halberd towards the sky.

Both of the Death Knight's voices were hoarse, but they contained a determination that couldn't be ignored.

"Warriors of the Middle Kingdoms who have fallen in battle, now is the time to redeem ourselves!" Farandir roared as he raised his tattered flag high up in the air. "For Hearth and Home!"

Laurence also raised the banner that contained the Insignia of the Royal Family high up in the air.

"For Honor and Country!" Laurence declared. "To all of us, who were buried within the sands of time, raise your weapons once more!"

All the Rank 4 Skeletons that had given Lux and his companions a lot of trouble in the past few days, all raised their weapons towards the sky, as if to salute their kings, while waiting for their orders.

Farandir and Lawrence pointed their banners at the Giant Black Turtle at the same time.

"Send this foul beast to the afterlife!" Farandir ordered.

"Show it the wrath of the Middle Kingdom!" Laurence stepped forward before running towards the Giant Black Turtle, while holding the banner of his kingdom.

"For the Alliance!"

""For the Alliance!""



In an unexpected turn of events, countless high-ranked Undead, led by two Death Knights wearing their crowns, led the charge to deal with the Black Turtle, who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

This gave Lux, and the rest an opportunity to slip past the Black Turtle's defenses, running towards the Death Tyrant, which was currently hovering at the brink of death.

"Everyone, this is the final push!" Lux shouted. "Charge!"

Einar and Vall, dragged their aching bodies as they ran towards the Death Tyrant, who was now left unprotected by the Giant Black Turtle.

This was the moment of truth and, although they felt as if they would collapse at any point in time, they persevered as they closed the distance between them and the Boss Monster to deliver the final blows that would end the chaotic battle once and for all.

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