Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 397: Not Following The Script

Keelan, Millie, and the rest of the members that were tasked to rescue the Princess, boarded the Battleship of the Earldom of Draycott which was named Starlight.

According to the Captain, the Earl made the decision of making his own Battleship in order to protect his territory from Pirates while looking at a star-studded sky. Because of this, he had given the ship the name Starlight, so that even on the darkest nights, the stars would guide the battleship back home.

Lux, on the other hand, didn't board the battleship. Instead, he rented another ship docked at the Port to act as his own transport during the battle that would be waged on the high seas.

Since Keelan was in charge of the operation, it would limit Lux's own actions when it came to ordering his Undead Army, so he decided to ride a separate ship, which would let them use a pincer attack against their target out in the open sea.

"Captain Spawow, I heard you are one of the most dishonest Dwarfs to have sailed the Seven Seas," Lux said as he shook hands with the Captain of the Ship that he had rented to help him save Princess Anastasia.

"I'm dishonest, and a dishonest Dwarf you can always trust to be dishonest," Jack Spawow replied. "Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly… stupid."

Lux smirked because the more he looked at the Dwarf, the more he liked his personality.

"Unfurl the sails," Jack Spawow commanded. "Raise the anchor, and hoist the Colours!"

(A/N: Bloody Hell, before any of you complain, Colours is intentionally written in this way, Mate.)

The crew of the blackship began to move, as the Black Pearl prepared to sail to pursue the Twilight Ship.

A flag which bore a skull with two swords crossed underneath it was soon flying in the breeze.

"Um, are you sure we are on the right ship?" Cai asked as it looked at the flag. "Isn't this a pirate ship?"

Lux grinned before turning his head to look at the Captain who was standing behind the steering wheel of the ship.

"Captain, Cai said that this is a pirate ship," Lux shouted. "What do you have to say to that?"

The crew, who was busy finishing the preparations for departure, paused for a few seconds before roaring in laughter. The Captain also laughed alongside his crew before looking at Cai who was wondering why everyone around her suddenly started laughing.

"I'll leave the answer to your imagination, My Dear Friend." Jack Spawow winked before steering the ship toward the sea where a new adventure awaited them.


An hour later…

"Eiko, stir it like you mean it, Sweetheart," Jack Spawow said as he looked at the baby Slime who was having fun jumping all over the steering wheel, making it spin.

"Aye!" Eiko replied as she jumped over the steering wheel to make the ship turn Westwards.

The ship was quite a bit faster than Lux expected.

It was like the ship was gliding across the waters as it enjoyed the steering of the baby Slime who was giggling non-stop after she found herself a new "toy" to play with.<novelnext></novelnext>

Behind them, Starlight lagged behind, which made its Captain, and the sailors of the battleship, feel a bit embarrassed—they thought that their ship was the fastest ship within the Kingdom of Gweliven.

Suddenly, a green-haired Dwarf descended from the cabin, which made the pirate–err sailors—draw their swords and point their flintlocks in her direction.

"Calm down everyone. The lass is on our side," Captain Jack Spawow said. "Aren't you, Darling?" eevl*c

"I'm not your darling," Millie replied before walking towards Lux, making the sailors erupt in cheers because their Captain got ignored by the green-haired Dwarf, who was more fiery than some of the women they met at sea.

"How far are they?" Millie asked.

"Not far," Lux answered with a smile. "You can even see them now if you look properly."

The Half-Elf pointed towards the horizon, making Millie squint her eyes. A moment later, she found a small black speck in the distance, which made her heart skip a beat.

Millie clenched her fist in both excitement and anxiety.

She was happy that they were finally closing the gap between them and the kidnappers, but also anxious because she didn't know if she would be able to save the Princess once they started their naval battle.

"Tell Keelan to prepare for battle," Lux stated. "We will be engaging them soon enough."

"What's the plan?" Millie asked, making the Half-Elf smile.

There was another reason why Lux decided to take a separate ship instead of joining the battleship.

"The plan is to defend your ship with all of your might," Lux replied. "Soon, they will be coming after you guys, so you better do your best to hold out until the Princess is rescued."

Millie didn't understand what Lux was hinting at, but she still decided to do what he said.

The green-haired Dwarf left the ship and flew towards Starlight and passed the Captain and Keelan the exact words that Lux had told her.

Cai had once told him that one of the Rankers had a giant bird that they could ride in order to get to the Earldom of Draycott faster.

In truth, the flying mount was the greatest threat in this rescue operation, but Lux had already prepared a plan to counter it.

As long as they were able to bring it down, the Rankers wouldn't have any other choice but to try to capture one of their two ships once Eiko had detonated the Bone Bombs that would sink the ship, making the members of Twilight Rain desperate.

Lux had seen firsthand how the Ranker made his strongest attacks look like child's play. Because of this, he knew that the only way to beat them was by using the element of surprise, allowing him to rescue Princess Anastasia while everyone was fighting over the ownership of the battleship, Starlight.

However, before they could even start their plan, a giant bird appeared over the horizon and flew in their direction.

Soon, giant fireballs descended upon the Black Pearl, which made the Half-Elf curse internally because the members of Twilight Rain weren't following the script that he had elaborately prepared for them.

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