Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 462: I Don’t Know The Meaning Of Fear!

The representatives of each Faction, who were watching the battle unfold from the entrance of the Domain of the Fallen, all had solemn expressions on their faces.

When the Ammarian Army had overrun the Yelan Camp a few days ago, all of them cheered because their teenagers were part of the successful raid that transpired.

They didn't care about Lux back then because he had been sent to the Central Plains, and it was quite a distance away from where their young members were fighting.

However, after days of traveling, the Half-Elf finally arrived at the Eastern Front and immediately showed them what he was capable of.

And what they saw… was something they didn't want to see.

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared at the entrance of the Gate of the Fallen, which caused some of the representatives to sigh.

Gerald also felt very bitter inside because, among the fifteen people that belonged to their subsidiary guild, Storm Dragons, six had already died in the battle, leaving only nine behind.

As the Commander of Wildgarde Stronghold, he knew that what Lux was doing was the right thing to do.

Even he would do the same, so although his heart was weeping, he accepted the fact that the Storm Dragons Guild and the factions of the Skystead Alliance, the Xynnar War Pact, and the Six Kingdoms were currently the Half-Elf's enemies.

"If only Nero had decided to join Lux, this outcome might have been avoided." Natasha sighed.

"I think this is better," Rainer commented. "Since we don't know which side will win in the end, having eggs in different baskets balances things out."

Gerald and Natasha could only nod at Rainer's words. No matter what they said right now, it would not change anything.

The six members of the Storm Dragons Guild stood by their side and looked at the battle that was happening through the eyes of those that were still alive within the Sacred Dungeon.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they were starting to regret that they didn't choose to follow Lux when the latter decided to switch sides to the Yelan Army.


A member of the Skystead Alliance panted for breath as he ran away with all of his might.

There were cuts that were still dripping blood on his face, shoulders, and legs, due to the bone shrapnel that flew towards him when all of the Soldiers near him exploded right in front of his eyes.

Because of the chaos that was happening around them, he and his team members had been separated from each other.

He didn't even know if they were still alive because bodies were exploding all over the place, and nowhere was safe.

It was at that moment when he heard a faint clicking sound behind him.

The next moment, he found himself falling face first on the ground, which surprised him.

His vision spun until it came to a complete stop, making him look at his own body, which no longer had a head.

The moment he realized what happened, was also when the light faded from his eyes.

His body, which was standing just half a minute ago, fell to the ground and disappeared into particles of light.

More clinking sounds were heard in the darkness, as more heads rolled across the Woodland floor.

This continued for a time before the sound stopped completely.

"It's quite unfortunate, but this is life," Keane said softly as he walked away, melding with the darkness. "Next time, make the right choice when choosing a side."

On another part of the battlefield, something similar was happening as soldiers found themselves being cut apart by nearly invisible threads that were as sharp as a sword blade.

Val stood on top of a tree branch and spun silky spider threads in his surroundings, creating a lethal trap for the Soldiers who had lost their sense of direction.

A man who was running at full speed was sliced in half upon unknowingly meeting the deathtrap that was created by one of the most narcissistic young men from the Six Kingdoms.

If not for the fact that he could transform into an abominable Spider Monster, girls would definitely flock to him due to how handsome he was.

Unfortunately, upon seeing his true form at the Tournament, all of them realized that Val might eat them for lunch if they annoyed him by accident.

The sound of trees falling to the ground spread in the surroundings as two war axes mowed down the soldiers that were running away.<novelnext></novelnext>

These war axes were like boomerangs that returned to the hands of the Barbarian Prince, who had a fearless smile on his face.

"It's been a while since I felt this way," Einar grinned. "I knew that joining Lux was a good idea."

Currently, the Barbarian was riding on top of a Saber Tooth Tiger, which was one of the four mounts he could summon.

"Let's go, we need to get more merit points in order to get better rewards," Einar urged his mount to pursue the fleeting Soldiers who had lost their chain of command.

Not far from him, panicked screams were heard as Soldiers from the Ammarian Army tried to zigzag through the trees in order to slow down the four-meter-tall Boar that was chasing after them without mercy.

"Stop! We're on the same side!" a teenage girl whose robes were stained with blood shouted as she tried to reason with the Boar who was charging straight at her. "I am one of Malcolm's Team members! Did you forget me?"

"No. I didn't forget you!" Cai shouted as it increased its speed. "It's because I know you that I'm taking you down first!"

"W-Why won't you understand our reason?! My superiors are watching you right now. Don't you fear their retribution?"

"I don't know the meaning of fear!" Cai shouted as it impaled the young lady's body with its tusk. "All I know is that all of you stand in my way, so Die!"

The young lady from the Skystead Alliance didn't die right away and suffered a very painful death as Cai continued its relentless charge, impaling the fleeing Soldiers who had lost their will to fight.

"I'm Charging!" Cai roared as it continued to pick off the stragglers who had been left behind by their comrades.


From above the sky of the Woodlands…

"Boom Boom Boom!"

"Boom Boom!"

Eiko and Fei Fei were throwing Blast Bombs from the sky. They weren't aiming at anything in particular but simply throwing Blast Bombs everywhere because Lux had ordered them to do so.

The Half-Elf, on the other hand, was also using his skill, Corpse Explosion, and detonating the corpses that Sid, and his Undead Minions had buried earlier.

Although General Phobus, and Second, had their share of Lux's destructive ability, they were wearing protective artifacts that mitigated the damage they received, so they only suffered very minor injuries.

Although Lux was a bit disappointed about this outcome, he also understood that he had already done his best.

'I'll just delay their retreat so that General Fahad can catch up to them,' Lux thought. 'They're also almost out of the woodlands. That is where the real battle will start.'

Bedivere navigated his mount to soar higher in the sky as they prepared to intercept General Phobus and Second the moment they left the woodlands.

Although their opponents were Rankers, they couldn't do anything to them if they were outside their strike range.

Lux, Bedivere, Eiko, and Fei Fei, on the other hand, had skills that could harass them from the sky.

He had ordered his team to not fight against General Phobus and Second because the Vice-General could easily kill them without giving them a chance to fight back.

Because of this, the others just focused on the Ammarian Soldiers, as well as the members of the different Factions that had initially entered the Sacred Dungeon with them.

Lux had assigned Sid to look after Henrietta and assigned Ishtar to look after Cai.

He was worried that the two would get carried away, despite the fact that their Ranks had degraded back to Grade A Apostle, just to make sure that the two would not accidentally die, he ordered his two subordinates to keep track of their actions.

The Great Flame Skull, Lazarus, also had a role and that was to support Keane, Einar, and Val, if they needed it.

But for the most part, he kept himself well hidden, as he blinked from tree to tree, waiting for the right time to strike to lend them his assistance.

Lux had prepared other Trump Cards beforehand, and he was only waiting for the right opportunity to use them.

He believed that if he allowed General Phobus and Second to escape tonight, the opportunity to kill the two of them would slip away from his hands for good.

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