Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

541 A Very Disgusting Necromancer [Part 2]

The proud Dragon Born was pulled down from the sky when Orion activated his Taunt Skill.

When Cethus came within the strike range of the Lazarus, Zagan, Asmodeus, and the Skeleton Mages, he found himself being bombarded by spells and other magical attacks that made him curse internally.

As an Initiate, and a member of the Royal Guard, it was only natural for him to have some abilities that would counter such devastating attacks.

Before the spells could even land on Cethus' body, a golden barrier appeared in front of him, blocking the sudden bombardment that came in his direction. However, a few seconds later, several cracks appeared in the barrier, making the Dragon Born's face turn pale from fright.

Suddenly, Cethus heard a humming sound. His enhanced senses allowed him to discover where the sound was coming from, and this discovery made him clench his teeth as he prepared to withstand four rotating silver blades that were flying in his direction.

"Impaler's Wrath!" Revon shouted as he commanded four of the eight blades that hovered behind him to shatter the barrier that was protecting the Dragon Born from their one-sided barrage.

The moment the four blades hit the barrier, the sound of crystal glasses breaking reverberated in the surroundings.

A second later, several magical attacks, and spells, collided with Cethus' body making him shout in pain.

"Damn you!" Cethus roared. He then flew towards the Jade Golem with all of his might with the intention of shattering it to pieces.

The only thing he could do right now was endure Lux's attacks, because there was nothing he could do about it. However, when he saw the Half-Elf open his mouth, the Dragon Born knew that he was about to get f*cked.

"Dragon's Breath!"

Lux unleashed the signature move of the Dragons and the Dragon Borns, making everyone that was watching the battle gasp in shock.

"I-Impossible!" Valerie gasped in shock. "J-Just how?!"

She wasn't the only one who reacted this way. Ali, Ari, the Rankers, the High-Rankers, and even Cethus' grandmother were all shocked by the Half-Elf's powerful attack.

The blazing flames engulfed Cethus, and pushed him away from Orion, whose right hand was now glowing golden.

After being pushed nearly two hundred meters away from the Jade Golem, an explosion happened, which sent the Dragon Born crashing towards the ground.

Everything happened so fast that Cethus couldn't understand what had happened to him just now.

Unfortunately for him, Lux had no intention of giving him a breather. Before he could even land on the ground, Ishtar materialized mid-air and gave the Dragon Born a powerful kick, sending him flying in Lux's direction.

"My turn!" Lazarus blinked in front of Cethus and activated his magic attack at pointâ€"blank-range.

"Cone of Cold!"

The Great Flame Skull sprayed a cone of ice and snow at the pitiful Dragon Born, making the latter's blood turn cold.

The attack had made Cethus' entire body rigid, as he received Lazarus' passive ability, Cold Flames. Any attack that the Great Flame Skull made was imbued by this power, which was similar to Diablo's Ethereal ability.

Lazarus didn't linger long and blinked away because he had already done his part. There were still others who wanted to have their turn, and they were eagerly waiting to have a piece of the arrogant Dragon Born, who looked down on those that belonged to the so-called "Lower Realm".

Before Cethus could even break free from the cold spell that nearly paralyzed him, the Jade Golem appeared in front of him with its arm pulled back and ready to smack him to oblivion.

"Gaia Smash!" Orion shouted as he smashed his fist into Cethus' chest, sending the Dragon Born spiraling to the ground.

A loud booming sound was heard as the Cethus' body collided with the ground, creating a crater that was dozens of meters wide.

"Gwark!" Cethus grunted as blood spilled from the corner of his lips.

If earlier he was just nearly paralyzed, now, he was completely paralyzed.

The Dragon Born couldn't utter a single word, as his teeth started to chatter due to the cold flames that lingered on his body and the injuries he received from the attacks of Lux's subordinates.

Although Cethus couldn't move, he could still use his other senses, mainly his sense of sight and hearing.

Because of this, he heard the sound of rattling bones that were closing in on him, and for some reason, his sixth sense started to scream at him. Cethus knew that something very very veeeeeeeeeery dangerous was approaching him, but there was nothing he could do about it because he was paralyzed.

Half a minute later, the Dragon Born saw several Skeleton Gangbangers look down at him with keen interest.

"S-St-Stoâ€"p," Cethus barely managed to stutter, as he pushed himself to try and voice out his thoughts out loud.

Naturally, the Skeleton Gang Bangers ignored him and proceeded to Gang Bang him!

"Mistress, cover your eyes!" Ali shouted as she hurriedly covered Valerie's eyes with both of her hands.

"You too, Eiko, cover your eyes!" Ari said as she covered the baby slime's eyes, making the latter tilt her head in confusion.

After making sure that Valerie's and Eiko's eyes were covered properly, Ali and Ari shifted their gaze to the Dragon Born, who was being stabbed repeatedly in his backside.

"Oh my, so Big!" Ali commented.

"Wow! Look at them go!" Ari stated.

The two handmaidens continued to mutter and gasp as they watched Cethus, whom they didn't like, get stabbed repeatedly without mercy.

If not for the fact that the Dragon Born had called Valerie an ugly duckling, they might have pitied him, and even asked Lux to stop his minions from torturing the poor soul.

However, since Cethus had committed a capital sin by mocking the Princess of Karshvar Draconis, they deemed that what was happening to the Dragon Born was an appropriate punishment for looking down on their mistress.

High above the skies, the Rankers subconsciously put their hands on their backside, as if they were worried that they would suffer the same fate as Cethus.

One of the High-Rankers lightly coughed as he glanced at the Old Lady, who was looking down on her grandson with a complicated look on her face.

"We will not report Cethus' earlier disrespect to Her Royal Highness," she said. "I think this is enough punishment. Don't you think so, everyone?"

"Agreed," one of the High-Rankers replied.

"My lips are sealed," another High-Ranker commented. "You boys, make sure that whatever you see in Brokeback Mountain, stays in Brokeback Mountain, okay?"

"""Yes, Sir!"""

Truth be told, the Rankers were very tempted to tell their Dragon King of what Cethus had said to their Princess. However, after seeing the horrifying scene on the ground, they thought that the Dragon Born had received the punishment he deserved, so they no longer wanted to find trouble for him.

They only looked at him with pity because they knew that the Dragon Born would never be the same after this duel.


Ten agonizing minutes later...

"Everyone, stop," Lux ordered, and the Skeleton Gang Bangers immediately stopped what they were doing.

The battle-hardened Undeads moved to the side as their Master walked past them.

"Well then, Cethus, do you surrender, or do you want this to continue?" Lux asked. "I'm sure that my Skeletons Gang Bangers will be more than happy to begin Round 2."

"I ... Con... cede," Cethus said through gritted teeth.

Lux nodded to acknowledge the Dragon Born's surrender.

"Now, since you lost, you will stay here in the Guild Headquarters, okay?"

"No... take me with you. Please, take... me with you!"

Cethus tried to prop himself up from the ground, not caring about the injuries he received from Lux's minions.

Since Lux had no intention of killing him, the Skeleton Gang Bangers had held back, and only screwed the Dragon Born a little.

Compared to what they did to Jasper, the Prodigy from the Xynnar War Pact, the Dragon Born got off easy.

"You... want to go with me?" Lux arched an eyebrow as he looked at the Dragon Born who was struggling to stand up, but was unable to do so.

"Yes!" Cethus replied as he clenched his fists. He was now on all fours, facing Lux, and the arrogance he had in the past could no longer be seen in his face.

"Please, take... me... with you!" Cetus pleaded as he raised his head to look straight into Lux's eyes. "I want... to be... strong too."

Lux originally wanted to say no, but after seeing Cethus' determined gaze, it reminded him of the time when he was still weak and powerless.

The time when he could only watch in envy as the young boys and girls of Wildgarde Stronghold went to Elysium in order to explore that mysterious and amazing world, leaving him behind.

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